Excess food is addicting ...
(too old to reply)
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-10 10:37:35 UTC
Morning exercise has a very good short term effect for me.
Your T2DM must be severe.
Were you a cigarette smoker?
My problem is, I believe, that I had diabetes for a long time - well
I had my first bg test and was diagnosed.
I took a puff of a cigarette when I was 7. That's also when I "gave it
Me too Henry,
I smoked my first cigarette when I was 17, a little later than you. I
got sick. I did not try that again. Later in the US Navy I was forced to
smoke a cigarette because I was the only one not smoking.
I had the impression that you were a Canadian.
They thought I was trying to be better than they were. I got sick again.
So, two cigarettes in my life. Vomiting was not worth being "cool".
Glad to see it is no longer cool.
I attempted tobacco cigarettes. Never had much appeal.
Those whom I've known who lived through WWII as young adults were just
the opposite. They appeared to thrive on cigarettes without filters.
I think I had diabetes a few years before I first tested myself. My wife
had a meter and I decided to test myself. I decided the meter was
broken. I spent about 10 days in denial. Went and got an oral glucose
test and flunked. Been on a low carb diet ever since.
Good for you!
Carbs must be addictive.
Carbs are indeed addictive.
Excess food is addictive.

And folks who remain http://bit.ly/TerriblyHungry will remain addicted
to excess food.
What gives me a kick... a thrill... every time I log on to ASD is >>>>>>
Being greeted by the venerable doctor Chung

It's simply http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, who may possibly become
America's first http://bit.ly/WonderfullyHungryPresident
I have both - Diabetes and depression. The depression has been increasing
over the years, and gets to be quite intense.
It is acknowledged that diabetes and depression often go together, but this
is where the comparison gets blurry. I read constant references about not
being able to manage your diabetes as being a "cause" for depression.
In my case, I manage my diabetes very well - low carb, lots of exercise, low
HbA1c - the lot. I seem to be doing the right things. Yet I have that Black
Dog hanging over me.
The key to driving away "that Black Dog" is to lose the
**inflammatory** depression-causing http://HeartMDPhD.com/VAT


I am wonderfully hungry ( http://bit.ly/Philippians4_12 ) and hope
you, Henry, despite "that Black Dog" also have a healthy appetite too.

So how are you ?

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-11 07:33:54 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-12 07:40:29 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-13 07:39:01 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-14 08:12:34 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-15 20:12:24 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-16 08:03:47 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-17 06:13:55 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-18 06:23:03 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-19 10:28:56 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-20 06:37:48 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-21 08:59:06 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the absolutely only **healthy** cure for type-2 diabetes
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-22 21:30:00 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-23 06:50:25 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-24 10:04:17 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-25 08:47:35 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-26 11:10:26 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-27 06:19:38 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-28 12:21:59 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-29 22:25:35 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-30 06:17:16 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-07-31 11:12:36 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-01 08:48:46 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-02 10:01:15 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-03 06:15:06 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Jimmy Alpha GeD
2017-08-03 12:29:14 UTC
On 8/3/2017 2:15 AM, sightwalker with a phd said:

sightwalker, you gush error, and perhaps that is why you have so few
followers? You failed as a teacher because you don't know your Bible,
and as a doctor because you are seen as a know it all in your errors?

What is found here
is everything people need to know about the man who walks by sight, and
follows his feeling over what is in the Bible.
Jimmy Alpha GeD
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-04 11:30:00 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Jimmy Alpha GeD
2017-08-04 11:08:19 UTC
On 8/4/2017 7:30 AM, sightwalker with a phd said:

sightwalker, you gush error, and perhaps that is why you have so few
followers? You failed as a teacher because you don't know your Bible,
and as a doctor because you are seen as a know it all in your errors?

What is found here
is everything people need to know about the man who walks by sight, and
follows his feeling over what is in the Bible.
Jimmy Alpha GeD
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-05 19:44:14 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Jimmy Alpha GeD
2017-08-05 22:09:16 UTC
On 8/5/2017 3:44 PM, sightwalker with a phd said:

sightwalker, you gush error, and perhaps that is why you have so few
followers? You failed as a teacher because you don't know your Bible,
and as a doctor because you are seen as a know it all in your errors?

What is found here
is everything people need to know about the man who walks by sight, and
follows his feeling over what is in the Bible.
Jimmy Alpha GeD
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-06 10:49:00 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-07 09:07:16 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-08 10:45:49 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-09 11:18:26 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-10 06:34:13 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-11 09:05:37 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-12 17:31:23 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-13 11:18:47 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-14 08:52:36 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-15 09:56:54 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-16 10:42:51 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-17 06:36:50 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-18 10:16:27 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-19 19:54:58 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-20 06:04:50 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-21 11:19:46 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-22 07:55:23 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-23 10:43:52 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-24 09:56:39 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-25 11:05:26 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-26 18:54:34 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-27 07:01:48 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-28 11:28:37 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-29 06:05:28 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-30 08:19:49 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-31 11:20:10 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-01 08:27:27 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-02 19:09:22 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-03 07:13:28 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-04 10:35:18 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-05 08:22:38 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-06 10:53:24 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-07 06:17:23 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-08 08:07:14 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-09 20:34:44 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-10 10:53:35 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-11 09:45:26 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-12 08:57:10 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-13 06:56:56 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-14 11:23:25 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-15 10:22:11 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-16 22:49:14 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-17 07:31:37 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-18 09:11:37 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-19 09:42:06 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-20 10:53:37 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-21 13:44:43 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-22 10:55:33 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-24 03:00:59 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-24 06:05:15 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-25 10:36:36 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-26 08:08:39 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-27 10:07:40 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-28 08:56:36 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-09-29 09:50:49 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset and is causing you to be poorly
controlled even with super-concentrated insulin in extremely high


Thus, all reading this should be ever more convinced that only the
truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a
http://bit.ly/TerriblyStupid (Mark 9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Jimmy Alpha GeD
2017-08-02 23:29:38 UTC
On 8/1/2017 4:48 AM, sightwalker with a phd said:

sightwalker, you gush error, and perhaps that is why you have so few
followers? You failed as a teacher because you don't know your Bible,
and as a doctor because you are seen as a know it all in your errors?

What is found here
is everything people need to know about the man who walks by sight, and
follows his feeling over what is in the Bible.
Jimmy Alpha GeD
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2017-08-03 00:42:53 UTC
"You have lost your salvation, Jimmy." -- Holy Spirit
You are in error.

Writing that the Holy Spirit is error is your again blaspheming
against Him.

May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally
condemned and tormented, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth. Amen.
can i eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day?
No according to Genesis 3:14
i'm a human being asking you if i can eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day
Eternally condemned and tormented Judas Iscariot was a human being too
until satan entered into him.
asking if one may eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day is not evidence
that 'satan' has entered into anyone.
Otoh, lack of discernment is evidence that satan has entered into you.
i ask again, in your opinion, can i eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day?
Again, the answer is no according to Genesis 3:14
so the Chung dietary plan is not just; "32 oz of food per day"
32 oz of pop tarts are excluded even though pop tarts
Your simpleton mind just can't grasp it.
Such is the degenerating condition of the reprobate mind of those
eternally condemned for blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.


Note: To knowingly lie to someone in the Holy Spirit, Who is the
Spirit of Truth, is to blaspheme against Him.
can i eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day?
No according to Genesis 3:14
i'm a human being asking you if i can eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day
Eternally condemned and tormented Judas Iscariot was a human being too
until satan entered into him.
asking if one may eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day is not evidence
that 'satan' has entered into anyone.
Otoh, lack of discernment is evidence that satan has entered into you.
i ask again, in your opinion, can i eat 32 oz of pop tarts each day?
Again, the answer is no according to Genesis 3:14
take care not to blaspheme the Holy Spirit Mr. Chung.
Referring to yourself as the Holy Spirit is in fact blaspheming
against Him.
not that i have done so
Actually you have.
, but it is not, blasheming the Holy Spirit
to align oneself with the Holy Spirit
To write that you "align oneself with the Holy Spirit" as if He were
comparable in size to yourself is to again blaspheme against Him.

Suggested additional reading:

I give all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His
compelling you to unwittingly continue to prove that you are eternally
condemned. The latter is a consequence of being more cursed (Jeremiah
17:5) by the LORD our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD.

May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who are
eternally condemned, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

CONCLUSIONS: A robust and sustainable weight loss program
achieved continuing remission of diabetes for at least 6 months
in the 40% who responded to a VLCD by achieving fasting plasma
glucose of <7 mmol/L. T2DM is a potentially reversible
An a1c of < 7 is not what one would find in a "cure". The only relevant
benchmark would be the 4.6 to 5 or so of the non-diabetic.
All the glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly display your ignorance about the units of measure
for HgbA1c **not** being in mmol/L. Such ignorance is consistent with
your being more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by GOD.


May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who are
eternally condemned, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.
CONCLUSIONS: A robust and sustainable weight loss program
achieved continuing remission of diabetes for at least 6 months
in the 40% who responded to a VLCD by achieving fasting plasma
glucose of <7 mmol/L. T2DM is a potentially reversible
The study had 30 people? And had only less than half classed as
responders to the treatment.
50% cure rate is pretty impressive.
The small number of participants in this study (30) doesn't inspire
confidence in the results.
The purpose of a larger number (N) of participants would be to ensure
that a study is adequately powered to detect a small effect.

The "small number" excuse to reject the results of a study would be
justified if there were **no** findings with the rationale being that
the study was underpowered to detect small effects and consequently
missed them.

Such an excuse is not applicable here since the "50% cure rate" is a
very large effect.

Clearly you have no comprehension of statistics. Such cognitive
deficits are consistent with your being more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) by


May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who are
eternally condemned, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.
In a type 2, "first phase insulin response" invariably still rises
above the basal insulin steady state level.
Invariably means always.
, but starting near nothing
No, starting from basal which is "near nothing" in type-1 but not
, means even a small amount is "rises",
Though the "spike" (first-phase insulin release) of the post-prandial
rise in insulin levels may be gone, the response is still there as
evident by it running into an enhanced "second phase insulin release"
instead of generating a delayed "first phase insulin release."
In patients with impaired glucose tolerance or in the early stages of type
2 diabetes, first-phase insulin release is almost invariably lost despite
the enhancement of second-phase secretion.
Doubling the "first phase insulin response" as observed in cases of
remission/reversal/cure does in fact restore the "spike" (first-phase
insulin release) at the very beginning of the curve of post-prandial
insulin levels.

I give all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His
compelling you to unwittingly continue to demonstrate that you are
unable to comprehend the diagnosis of type-2 diabetes. Again, the
latter cognitive deficit is a consequence of being more cursed
(Jeremiah 17:5) by the LORD our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD.

May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who are
eternally condemned, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.
I forgive you.
Exposing you is not sin but rather it's keeping the LORD's commandment
(Matthew 5:16)

Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to remind us that we who are His http://WDJW.net/Redeemed have
already been http://WDJW.net/Forgiven by Him as evident by our being
new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) publicly saying "Jesus is
LORD" with our mouth (Romans 10:9) unto salvation (Romans 10:10) for
all to witness at Jesus' http://WDJW.net web site :-)

Laus Deo !!!

"Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another;
love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous." 1 Peter 3:8
Yes, this is directed towards those of us, who, unlike you who are
eternally condemned, have been http://WDJW.net/Redeemed as evident by
our publicly saying "Jesus is LORD" with our mouth (Romans 10:9) unto
salvation (Romans 10:10) for all to witness at our LORD's
http://WDJW.net/ web site and so we have compassion towards each other
instead of towards those like you who are being forever tormented by
the LORD our GOD, Who hates you just as He hates Esau (Malachi 1:2-3)
for his lying that hunger is starvation (Genesis 25:32).
May God bless and protect and provide peace at last.
Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly reveal that not only do you not know how to pray to
Him, you also do not have either His blessing or His protection or His
peace which is consistent with your being forever tormented by Him.

May GOD continue to openly curse (Jeremiah 17:5) and torment you, who
are eternally condemned, more than ever thereby ever comforting those
of us who are His http://WDJW.net/Redeemed in the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth. Amen.

I'm sorry ...
Those who say/write that they are sorry unwittingly reveal that they
are indeed accursed for those of us who are http://WDJW.net/Forgiven
always say/write with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1 Peter 3:8) that we

Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly prove yet again that you are forever accursed.

not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the
mouth, this defiles a man. Matt. 15:11

Some additional examples:




Indeed, if what comes "out of the mouth" (Matthew 15:11) is either not
the phrase "wonderfully hungry" or doesn't cause (Deuteronomy 8:3)
others to be http://WDJW.net/WonderfullyHungrier now (Luke 6:21a) then
they are words that defile and prove that the source is like you who
are accursed like satan who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food.

Many thanks, much praise, and all glory to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly continue to prove that you are eternally condemned and
always accursed.

Markea Berry ...

Some additional examples:




Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly allow us to know that Markea's
http://WDJW.net/Ghost is haunting you by cutting down members of your
household one by one in answer to our prayers to the LORD our GOD, in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth:


Laus Deo !!!

"Bariatric surgeons have in the peer-reviewed medical literature documented
cases of type-2 diabetes being cured,"
False, they only go as far as saying "reverse" or some similar term.
"Reverse" is a similar term to cure in that they are interchangeable
(i.e. synonymous):

To reverse type-1 diabetes would be to cure it.

To reverse Multiple Sclerosis would be to cure it.

To reverse Parkinson's disease would be to cure it.


I give all the glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD for His
compelling you to unwittingly CHECKMATE yourself here. The latter
self-defeat is consistent with your being more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5)
by the LORD our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD.

May GOD continue to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, who are eternally
condemned and tormented, more than ever, in the name of Jesus Christ
of Nazareth.


HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016 & upwards non-partisan candidate for U.S. President:
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** cure for the U.S. healthcare crisis
Jimmy Alpha GeD
2017-08-02 23:44:47 UTC
On 8/2/2017 7:42 PM, sightwalker with a phd said:

sightwalker, you gush error, and perhaps that is why you have so few
followers? You failed as a teacher because you don't know your Bible,
and as a doctor because you are seen as a know it all in your errors?

What is found here
is everything people need to know about the man who walks by sight, and
follows his feeling over what is in the Bible.
Jimmy Alpha GeD
Continue reading on narkive: