Weight loss and exercise didn't affect heart outcomes in diabetics
(too old to reply)
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-26 05:24:46 UTC
"The Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) trial aimed to fill a
gap in existing data about whether intensive lifestyle intervention
would decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of patients with
type 2 diabetes in the long term.
Researchers recruited more than 5,100 patients and randomized them to
the intensive lifestyle intervention program, which decreased calorie
intake and increased exercise, or to the control group, which provided
diabetes support and education. The goal of the intervention was
achieving and maintaining weight loss of at least 7% through group and
individual counseling."
Maybe the information passed on during the "counseling" was the problem?
Weight loss by diet & exercise is not the same as VAT (visceral
adipose tissue) loss by holding to the right amount, which is 32 oz of
daily food.

Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman (along with countless others
globally --> http://GHHS2013.org ) are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter:






Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-26 20:24:53 UTC
Markea Berry

Some additional examples:




Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly allow us to know that Markea's
http://WDJW.net/Ghost is haunting you by cutting down members of your
household one by one in answer to our prayers to the LORD our GOD, in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth:


Laus Deo !!!


Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-28 01:42:05 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-29 02:56:23 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-30 03:24:06 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-01 01:23:35 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-02 04:00:03 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-03 04:18:44 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-04 03:31:10 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-05 03:35:07 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-06 01:35:59 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-07 23:25:22 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-13 00:57:49 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-20 03:51:51 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-27 02:12:51 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-08-03 02:48:12 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-08-10 00:48:44 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-08-17 01:17:49 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-08-22 02:38:24 UTC
an eternally condemned and always accursed soul woefully shrieked many
not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the
mouth, this defiles a man. Matt. 15:11

Some additional examples:




Indeed, if what comes "out of the mouth" (Matthew 15:11) is either not
the phrase "wonderfully hungry" or doesn't cause (Deuteronomy 8:3)
others to be http://WDJW.net/WonderfullyHungrier now (Luke 6:21a) then
they are words that defile and prove that the source is like you who
are accursed like satan who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food.

Many thanks, much praise, and all glory to GOD for His compelling you
to unwittingly continue to prove that you are eternally condemned and
always accursed.

Markea Berry ...

Some additional examples:




Many thanks, much praise, and all the glory to GOD for His compelling
you to unwittingly allow us to know that Markea's
http://WDJW.net/Ghost is haunting you by cutting down members of your
household one by one in answer to our prayers to the LORD our GOD, in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth:


Laus Deo !!!


HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure cardiovascular disease
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-08-24 01:07:14 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-08-31 03:13:13 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-09-07 03:15:17 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-09-14 03:11:22 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-09-21 01:23:34 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-09-28 01:27:41 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-10-07 23:26:04 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-10-15 03:25:28 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-10-23 03:12:49 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-10-31 00:54:12 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-11-05 04:20:12 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-11-12 01:51:50 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-11-20 03:42:53 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-11-27 04:18:08 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-12-03 03:54:35 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-12-10 02:05:31 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-12-18 03:41:01 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-12-23 04:28:23 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-12-30 00:58:48 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-01-08 03:38:56 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-01-14 02:28:52 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-01-23 04:56:31 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-01-29 02:44:31 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-02-05 01:12:14 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-02-11 04:58:58 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-02-18 02:45:10 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-02-25 00:32:01 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-03-04 03:47:45 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-03-11 01:32:36 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Oliver Crangle
2014-03-11 01:21:59 UTC
Excuse my imbicility, but I'm confused.
Peter B., AKA Rob Lindman, The Psychotic Prophet,
PB, etc was anti-alternative medicine, a religious fanatic,
and incredibly stupid. That new fellow, Clayton, AKA
Clark, has the same profile/stats address link as
as PB, is incredibly stupid just as PB is, but Clayton
is pro alt med and anti religion. Is PB, AKA Clayton,
D. Head, Rob Lindman, etc Schizophrenic w/ co-occuring MPD
or just a troll with with dirty & stinky socks?
Thanks for excusing my imbicility & confusion.
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-03-18 03:31:27 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-03-25 04:34:07 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-04-01 03:53:25 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-04-08 03:30:52 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-04-15 02:53:50 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-04-22 02:34:29 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-04-29 04:17:01 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-05-07 04:46:21 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-05-13 02:22:46 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-05-20 02:47:31 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-05-27 00:36:09 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-06-10 00:59:56 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-06-17 03:19:44 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-06-24 22:00:22 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-07-01 01:40:25 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-07-08 04:58:33 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-07-15 00:56:30 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-07-22 01:19:48 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-07-29 03:42:02 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-08-05 02:56:22 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-08-12 01:55:06 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-08-19 00:40:23 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-08-26 03:18:12 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-09-02 03:12:06 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-09-09 01:53:30 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-09-16 01:21:12 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-09-23 00:52:47 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-09-30 01:03:39 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-10-07 01:07:38 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-10-14 03:22:42 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-10-21 02:14:31 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-10-28 00:48:34 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-11-04 00:12:20 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-11-10 20:30:11 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-11-18 00:27:24 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-11-25 22:17:33 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-12-02 03:17:52 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-12-09 01:49:07 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-12-16 04:49:55 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-12-23 02:42:42 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2014-12-30 01:43:50 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2015-01-06 00:29:38 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2015-01-13 01:12:28 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2015-01-19 23:16:13 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2015-01-27 01:00:57 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2015-02-03 02:08:30 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2015-02-10 03:50:36 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2015-02-17 02:43:46 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2015-02-24 00:16:04 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2015-03-03 00:12:04 UTC
Why does you god let millions of children die of starvation when he
could give them Manna like he did for the Moses character?

"For now, I am allowing you to murder children by your eating their
portion of food in your commission of the sin of gluttony for then it
would be absolutely right for you to die as a consequence." -- Holy
Spirit (Proverbs 23:2, John 5:14, and Romans 6:23)

Laus Deo !!!


"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace ( http://WDJW.net/PrinceOfPeace
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://bit.ly/HeartDoc777-touts-hunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory to
GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT from
around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
2013-09-28 01:50:02 UTC
More » Sep 25, 2013
Gut Bacteria May Hold Key to Overcoming Obesity
Researchers report that a drug that appears to target specific intestinal bacteria in the guts of mice may create a chain reaction that could eventually lead to new treatments for obesity and diabetes in humans.

Mice fed a high-fat diet and provided tempol, an antioxidant that may help protect people from the effects of radiation, were significantly less obese than those that did not receive the drug, according to Andrew Patterson, Ph.D., assistant professor of molecular toxicology, Penn State, who worked with Frank J. Gonzalez, Ph.D., laboratory metabolism chief, and James B. Mitchell, Ph.D., radiation biology branch chief, both of the National Cancer Institute.

“The two interesting findings are that the mice that received tempol didn’t gain as much weight and the tempol somehow impacted the gut microbiome [the biological environment of microorganisms within the human body] of these mice,” said Dr. Patterson.

The scientists, who reported their findings (“Microbiome remodeling leads to inhibition of intestinal farnesoid X receptor signaling and decreased obesity”) in the current issue of Nature Communications, said that tempol reduces some members of Lactobacillus in the guts of mice. When the Lactobacillus levels decrease, a bile acid (tauro-beta-muricholic acid) increases. This inhibits farnesoid X receptor (FXR), which regulates the metabolism of bile acids, fats, and glucose in the body, according to the researchers.

“Metagenomics and metabolomics revealed that down-regulation of intestinal FXR by tempol treatment was associated with decreased Lactobacillus species and its bile salt hydroxylase activity,” they wrote in their journal article. “The accumulation of T-β-MCA in the intestine was accompanied by inhibition of FXR.”

Other studies hinted at the relationship between tempol, the gut microbiome, and obesity, but did not focus on why the drug seemed to control weight gain, according to Dr. Patterson.

The researchers said these studies are demonstrating how integrated the 100 trillion microbes that make up the human microbiome are with metabolism and health and how the microbiome may provide more pathways to treating other disorders.

“These studies demonstrate a biochemical link between the microbiome, nuclear receptor signaling, and metabolic disorders, and suggest that inhibition of FXR in intestine could be a target for anti-obesity drugs,” wrote the investigators in the journal article..

They also noted that tempol may help treat type 2 diabetes symptoms. In addition to lower weight gain, the tempol-treated mice on a high-fat diet had lower blood glucose and insulin levels.

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