Peter B's profile
(too old to reply)
Jan Drew
2010-06-24 04:28:13 UTC
Peter troll B's profile


Activity in All Groups -- 114067 messages alt.nl.penvrienden (8616)
nl.taal (5586) hr.soc.politika (4602) sci.psychology.psychotherapy
(2786) alt.nl.usenet-mutsen (2721) alt.madcrew (2701)
es.rec.deportes.futbol (2317) alt.fan.esmeralda (2075)
hr.rec.glazba.metal (1923) alt.usenet.kooks (1864)
microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (1772) misc.health.alternative
(1736) rec.woodworking (1598) alt.sailing.asa (1532) no.teknologi.bil
(1441) soc.culture.belgium (1404) alt.nl.contacten (1360)
pl.rec.paranoja (1148) soc.culture.singapore (1097) hr.fido.pravo
(973) alt.pl.tsa (935) nz.politics (927) be.politics (896)
it.economia.borsa (866) alt.support.diabetes (826)
hr.rec.sport.nogomet (812) nz.general (791) demon.local (737)
alt.politics (638) microsoft.public.win...rver.general (601)
rec.music.theory (594) fr.reseaux.internet.fournisseurs (561)
es.charla.economia.bolsa (561) pt.soc.politica (543) dk.forbruger
(529) alt.usenet.offline-r....forte-agent (516) hr.rec.humor (495)
fr.reseaux.telecoms.adsl (488) fr.usenet.forums.evolution (482)
hr.rec.automobili (473) alt.talk.bollocks (468)
no.samfunn.politikk.diverse (462) alt.flame (446) no.alt.frustrasjoner
(441) alt.fan.rush-limbaugh (440) rec.sport.pro-wrestling (440)
rec.music.dylan (437) soc.men (430) alt.2600 (426) alt.nuke.the.usa
(419) pl.comp.pecet (388) alt.fan.art-bell (386) hr.soc.grad.split
(383) alt.support.diet.low-carb (375) nz.comp (351)
dk.snak.vittigheder (350) dk.helbred.slank (334) alt.hackers.malicious
(333) alt.politics.bush (326) nl.support.eenzaamheid (316) nl.politiek
(316) alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus (313) no.teknologi.video (291)
alt.nuke.europe (288) dk.videnskab.jura (285)
sci.med.diseases.hepatitis (280) no.it.os.ms-windows.diverse (272)
alt.terrorism.world-trade-center (267) no.samfunn.forbruker (267)
misc.kids.health (265) comp.graphics.apps.lightwave (260)
nl.support.borderline (258) no.fritid.bolig (256)
alt.alien.vampire.fl....flonk.flonk (250) pl.rec.muzyka.bin (248)
alt.games.half-life (241) rec.sport.soccer (235) dk.politik (230)
de.alt.music.metal (228) alt.comp.periphs.videocards.nvidia (226)
no.samfunn.media.radio-tv (224) rec.bicycles.misc (221)
alt.pl.comp.os.windowsxp (219) no.it.maskinvare.diverse (217)
hr.soc.religija (215) rec.games.frp.dnd (213) alt.fucknozzles (210)
alt.off-topic (210) mozilla.support.firefox (208)
it.annunci.usato.informatico.nord (207) no.it.tjenester.nettilbydere
(198) dk.teknik.telefoni.mobil (197) soc.culture.malaysia (196)
alt.bogus.group (193) alt.comp.hardware.overclocking.amd (188)
alt.alt.alt.alt.alt (188) no.samfunn.trafikk (186) talk.bizarre (183)
uk.legal (182) uk.d-i-y (182) uk.misc (179) rec.aquaria.marine.reefs
(179) alt.atheism (178) alt.autos.hyundai (178)
hr.soc.religija.krsc...tvo.katolici (177) alt.bible.prophecy (174)
uk.politics.misc (174) sci.med (174) alt.prophecies.nostradamus (173)
it.hobby.fai-da-te (171) alt.neo-tech (171) dk.helbred (170)
fr.usenet.divers (166) alt.support.attn-deficit (165)
talk.politics.misc (163) hr.rec.knjige.tolkien (161)
soc.culture.romanian (159) no.teknologi.audio (158) van.forsale (156)
rec.arts.poems (152) fr.comp.securite (151) soc.culture.netherlands
(150) soc.singles (150) no.fag.jus (149) af.divers (149)
fr.soc.politique (149) sfnet.viestinta.tv.digi (148) can.politics
(147) alt.pl.allegro (146) it.annunci.usato.informatico (142)
alt.cellular.nokia (140) it.sport.calcio.milan (138) alt.astrology
(138) hr.alt.trash (137) alt.pl.rec.muzyka.hiphop (136)
alt.nl.zeurdoos (136) alt.test (135) nz.soc.religion (135)
dk.medier.tv (134) alt.support.depression.medication (133)
24hoursupport.helpdesk (132) misc.legal (131) alt.www.webmaster (128)
es.charla.religion (127) hr.soc.zastita-kupaca (127) lada.auto (126)
alt.comp.anti-virus (125) alt.astronomy (125) yu.oglasi (124)
microsoft.public.int...orer.general (123) alt.warez.uk (123)
rec.crafts.brewing (122) alt.politics.democrats.d (121)
aus.sport.aussie-rules (121) soc.culture.croatia (120)
pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa (120) no.fritid.foto (118) yu.drenik.oglasi (116)
alt.support.hepatitis-c (116) yu.eunet.oglasi (115) be.history (115)
it.media.tv.reality-show (115) ch.talk (115) yu.comp.hardware (115)
alt.music.michael-jackson (113) italia.cagliari.discussioni (113)
alt.meditation.transcendental (112) chile.mercado.hardware (112)
alt.rush-limbaugh (111) af.technique (110) alt.fan.guusje (109)
uk.rec.gardening (108) no.it.telekom.mobil (108)
comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio (105) alt.religion.christian (104)
alt.politics.clinton (102) alt.fan.prettyboy (101)
rec.autos.sport.nascar (100) hr.rec.sport (99)
alt.sports.hockey.nhl.vanc-canucks (99) no.teknologi.elektronikk (98)
microsoft.public.win...p_deployment (98) nf.general (98)
de.rec.tv.lindenstrasse (97) alt.3d.studio (97) fr.rec.cuisine (97)
hr.org.mup (96) aus.politics (96) no.kultur.film (96)
alt.society.liberalism (96) uk.local.yorkshire (94) hr.rec.tv (93)
alt.politics.usa.republican (93) hr.ponuda.hardver (93) dk.fritid.foto
(92) news.admin.net-abuse.email (92) free.it.carabinieri (91)
hr.alt.prijatelji-zivotinja (91) alt.comp.hardware.amd.thunderbird
(90) it.politica (90) rec.photo.digital (89) rec.pets.birds (89)
talk.politics.guns (89) comp.security.firewalls (89)
alt.sports.basketbal...ba.la-lakers (87) microsoft.public.nl.windows98
(87) alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian (85) uk.business.agriculture (84)
3dfx.products.voodoobanshee (83) uk.environment.conservation (83)
alt.magick (83) hr.comp.hardver (83) talk.politics.animals (83)
alt.support.depression (83) rec.music.classical (82)
misc.consumers.frugal-living (82) fr.rec.tv.programmes (81)
alt.nuke.the.british (81) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (81)
microsoft.public.win....ie6.browser (80) dk.teknik.tv+video (80)
alt.christnet.second...eal-soon-now (80) alt.snuh (80)
misc.survivalism (79) pl.misc.elektronika (78) comp.periphs.printers
(78) alt.psychology.nlp (77) dk.edb.grafik (76)
italia.bologna.computers (76) microsoft.public.de.german.office (75)
ihug.general (75) rec.music.beatles (74) alt.conspiracy (74)
alt.christnet (74) rec.sport.football.australian (73)
alt.fan.countries.belgium (73) alt.bible (73)
alt.pets.parrots.breeding (73) alt.alien.visitors (73)
alt.pets.parrots.misc (73) free.uk.talk.sheffield (73)
talk.religion.newage (72) soc.culture.yugoslavia (72) aus.sport.rugby-
league (72) it.tlc.gestori.infostrada (71) alt.fan.scarecrow (70)
alt.politics.liberalism (69) hr.misc.poduzetnistvo (68)
alt.design.graphics (68) yu.forum.politika (68) alt.rock-n-
roll.metal.gnr (67) hr.rec.glazba.rock (67) nl.doe-het-zelf (66)
free.it.comp.windowsxp (65) rec.arts.movies.current-films (64)
hr.soc.grad.zagreb (64) uk.media.dvd (64) no.samfunn.okonomi.diverse
(64) pl.misc.telefonia.gsm (63) nz.wanted (63)
alt.religion.christian.last-days (63) rec.audio.pro (63)
alt.support.tourette (63) it.test (63) it.tlc.cellulari (62)
alt.health (62) bih.soc.politika (61) soc.culture.usa (61)
tor.forsale.computers (59) rec.arts.marching.drumcorps (59)
hr.alt.seks (59) soc.culture.quebec (59) aus.religion.christian (58)
pl.biznes.wgpw (58) alt.christnet.bible (58) hr.comp.softver (58)
nl.telecom (57) alt.nijntje (57) tnn.religion.catholic (57) it.diritto
(57) nl.geschiedenis (57) alt.fan.dragons (56) alt.support.ex-cult
(56) pl.rec.gry.komputerowe (56) aus.religion (56)
alt.homepages.designtips.uk (55) edm.forsale (55)
alt.games.unreal.tournament (55) rec.music.gdead (55)
it.hobby.radioamatori (55) no.it.tjenester.www.html (55)
alt.sport.qzar (54) hsv.forsale (54) pl.rec.rowery (54)
pl.misc.samochody (54) pl.comp.sieci (54) sci.med.nutrition (54)
es.humanidades.literatura (53) rec.autos.sport.f1 (52) it.comp.musica
(52) es.misc.misc (52) alt.politics.usa (51) pt.rec.desporto.futebol
(51) pl.soc.dekadentyzm (51) no.fag.landbruk (51) alt.support.breast-
implant (51) alt.dreams.castaneda (50) alt.pl.mp3 (50)
alt.business.import.export (50) abg.test (50)
hr.soc.religija.krscanstvo (50) de.rec.spiele.computer.action (50)
pl.soc.prawo (50) dk.kultur.film (49) alt.psychology (49) ch.comp (49)
alt.games.quake3 (48) talk.religion.misc (48) alt.business (47)
it.comp.giochi.annunci (47) comp.sys.palmtops.pilot (47)
sfnet.atk.linux (46) alt.comp.sys.palmtops.pilot (46)
microsoft.public.windowsupdate (46) fr.petites-
annonces....que.logiciel (46) alt.religion.christian.biblestudy (46)
dk.edb.regneark (45) alt.impeach.bush (45) hr.alt.drugs (45)
nl.wetenschap (45) alt.html (44) cam.misc (44)
it.binari.x.erotismo.animazioni (44) uk.rec.cars.maintenance (44)
it.sport.calcio.inter (44) hr.comp.adsl (44) dk.helbred.sorg+krise
(43) fr.soc.religion (43) aus.cars (43) fr.sci.electronique (43)
rec.music.makers.guitar.jazz (43) alt.lang.euphoria (43)
fr.usenet.abus.d (43) aus.tv.pay (43) dk.erhverv (43)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.video (42) alt.support.boy-lovers (42)
it.sport.sci (42) soc.culture.indonesia (42) it.sesso.discussioni (42)
it.sport.calcio.inter-fc (41) rec.martial-arts (41) uk.rec.motorcycles
(41) nl.religie (41) alt.certification.cisco (41) uk.telecom.mobile
(41) alt.buzzard.rules (40) dk.edb.internet.software.mail+news (40)
nl.verkeer (40) it.tlc.hardware.nokia (40) pl.comp.os.linux (40)
comp.os.os2.advocacy (39) alt.christnet.theology (39) nl.auto (39)
alt.current-events.c...n.whitewater (39) alt.comp.hardware.pc-
homebuilt (39) alt.business.misc (39) no.it.maskinvare.grafikkort (39)
alt.gossip.celebrities (38) it.sesso.annunci (38) pl.sci.medycyna (38)
alt.cracks (38) alt.christnet.christianlife (38) alt.computer.security
(38) mozilla.dev.apps.firefox (38) alt.government.abuse (37)
alt.alt.test (37) nl.sport.voetbal (37) tor.forsale.misc (37)
rec.games.video.classic (37) dk.edb.hardware (37) hr.sci.matematika
(37) hr.soc.veterani.domovinski-rat (36) cn.fan (36) hr.mag.bug (36)
alt.hacking (36) alt.2600.crackz (36) alt.pl.comp.os.hacking (36)
dk.snak.seksualitet (36) xs4all.adsl (36) alt.support.child-pr...ive-
services (36) hr.soc.studenti (35) es.pruebas (35) alt.tv.big-brother
(35) rec.video.dvd.tech (35) alt.messianic (35) fr.rec.photo.numerique
(35) ch.comm (34) alt.true-crime (34) alt.meditation (34)
dk.edb.internet.udbydere (34) rec.games.pinball (34)
alt.politics.british (34) soc.culture.indian (34) alt.child-support
(34) alt.support.divorce (34) aus.sport.cricket (34)
microsoft.public.dot...ework.aspnet (34) alt.business.import-export
(33) alt.politics.elections (33) es.comp.hackers (33)
it.eventi.guerrakosovo (33) rec.games.video.marketplace (33)
pl.comp.grafika (33) rec.video.dvd.players (33) alt.mens-rights (33)
alt.philosophy (32) dk.admin (32) alt.music.dream-theater (32)
alt.games.video.classic (32) 3dfx.products.voodoo2 (32)
alt.sports.soccer.ma...ester.united (32) freeserve.chat (32)
microsoft.public.win...0.networking (32) alt.music.smiths (32)
alt.comp.os.windows-xp (32) alt.athiesm (32) alt.business.home.pc (32)
alt.atheism.satire (32) alt.pl.test.test (32) rec.games.video.atari
(31) nl.foto (31) nl.test (31) free.it.calcio.roma (31)
alt.nl.comp.netwerk (31) pl.biznes.banki (31) nl.huishouden (31)
alt.culture.alaska (31) misc.headlines (31) no.alt.diskusjoner (31)
uk.sport.football.clubs.liverpool (31) pl.comp.os.linux.sieci (31)
macromedia.dreamweaver (30) alt.fan.howard-stern (30)
microsoft.public.exchange.admin (30) pl.comp.grafika.grafika3d (30)
bc.politics (30) alt.pl.divx (30) es.rec.tv.decodificacion (30)
dk.familie.barn (30) es.charla.motor (30) alt.music.morrissey (30)
alt.alien.research (30) pl.rec.muzyka.gitara (30) alt.sys.pc-
clone.dell (30) alt.dvd.video (30) uk.rec.driving (29)
sfnet.tori.myydaan.menopelit (29) alt.christnet.ethics (29)
rec.video.desktop (29) be.youth (29) alt.christnet.evangelical (29)
hr.org.pmf (29) rec.running (29) rec.games.video.sony.playstation3
(29) free.it.cracks (29) pl.rec.zwierzaki (29) sg.marketplace (29)
alt.pl.bittorrent (29) alt.php (29) hr.rec.ljubimci (28)
pl.rec.radio.cb (28) fr.petites-annonces....que.materiel (28) aus.tv
(28) alt.comp.freeware (28) alt.steinberg.cubase (28)
alt.magick.serious (28) nl.culinair (28) sci.archaeology (28)
dk.edb.netvaerk (28) aus.audio-visual.home-cinema (27)
alt.support.depression.flame (27) dk.edb.system.ms-windows (27)
it.comp.console.playstation (27) alt.philosophy.objectivism (27)
hk.comp.pc (27) alt.magick.chaos (27) it.sociale.obiezione (27)
es.rec.radio.amateur (27) uk.music.charts (27) alt.ftpsearch.com (27)
alt.zen (26) pl.comp.nowe-programy (26) alt.pl.cdr.dvd (26)
novell.support.netwa....winnt-2x-xp (26) uk.media.tv.misc (26)
alt.video.dvd.tech (26) alt.magick.order (26) rec.arts.poetry (26)
comp.graphics.animation (26)
remove our IP range (AS9244) from your blacklist news.admin.net-
abuse.email 19 hours ago
Criminal Overworld: Incarcerates Members of the Church of the ...
misc.health.alternative 29 hours ago
Wiping the Sociopathic Smirks Off The Faces of Torturers and ...
misc.legal 2 days ago
Prosecute, Punish American Dog Torturers, E-Torturers ...
alt.government.abuse 6 days ago
What Tests Can Be Done To Help Diagnose Stachybotrys (Toxic ...
alt.health 6 days ago
Whats in the Vaccine Shots « Alternative Medicine
misc.kids.health 6 days ago
Jans lies exposed L.A.R.T. misc.headlines Jun 15
Screaming scientists tell the public to shove it up their arses
alt.support.attn-deficit Jun 13
Bob Officer wimp thinks his posts will be removed
alt.support.depression.medication Jun 13
Doucheputje, weerstand nl.doe-het-zelf Jun 13
Show all »
Post Activity
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1995 11 11
1996 1 33 18 38 460 8 4 3 17 8 15
1997 13 16 11 9 9 34 3 23 62 58 102 138
1998 172 206 248 186 157 381 188 87 77 77 399 199
1999 277 148 193 284 93 266 231 281 299 572 303 333
2000 247 159 172 401 138 397 544 1463 2147 2149 1585 999
2001 1273 819 1063 517 1568 1126 406 695 580 648 739 765
2002 1064 824 633 493 742 1433 663 891 579 3759 365 540
2003 647 772 833 1328 565 465 181 245 451 504 1913 753
2004 1095 791 415 579 748 1678 726 1099 3676 1058 1213
2005 1820 1141 1995 1675 1675 1410 1155 1500 1982 2069 1904
2006 2264 1455 1887 1506 607 818 472 647 797 680 744 587
2007 879 685 740 1198 958 455 285 326 337 910 816 855
2008 669 649 500 487 477 495 371 334 345 396 214 556
2009 512 497 188 135 142 113 78 70 114 89 48 40
2010 56 44 473 646 925 1017

And he also posts as *Some Bastard*

I do not know his mother, but this is a reflection on her character.

Shame on the troll.
Mark Probert-Drew
2010-06-24 12:51:06 UTC
Post by Jan Drew
Peter troll B's profile
Activity in  All Groups -- 114067 messages alt.nl.penvrienden (8616)
nl.taal (5586) hr.soc.politika (4602) sci.psychology.psychotherapy
(2786) alt.nl.usenet-mutsen (2721) alt.madcrew (2701)
es.rec.deportes.futbol (2317) alt.fan.esmeralda (2075)
hr.rec.glazba.metal (1923) alt.usenet.kooks (1864)
microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (1772) misc.health.alternative
(1736) rec.woodworking (1598) alt.sailing.asa (1532) no.teknologi.bil
(1441) soc.culture.belgium (1404) alt.nl.contacten (1360)
pl.rec.paranoja (1148) soc.culture.singapore (1097) hr.fido.pravo
(973) alt.pl.tsa (935) nz.politics (927) be.politics (896)
it.economia.borsa (866) alt.support.diabetes (826)
hr.rec.sport.nogomet (812) nz.general (791) demon.local (737)
alt.politics (638) microsoft.public.win...rver.general (601)
rec.music.theory (594) fr.reseaux.internet.fournisseurs (561)
es.charla.economia.bolsa (561) pt.soc.politica (543) dk.forbruger
(529) alt.usenet.offline-r....forte-agent (516) hr.rec.humor (495)
fr.reseaux.telecoms.adsl (488) fr.usenet.forums.evolution (482)
hr.rec.automobili (473) alt.talk.bollocks (468)
no.samfunn.politikk.diverse (462) alt.flame (446) no.alt.frustrasjoner
(441) alt.fan.rush-limbaugh (440) rec.sport.pro-wrestling (440)
rec.music.dylan (437) soc.men (430) alt.2600 (426) alt.nuke.the.usa
(419) pl.comp.pecet (388) alt.fan.art-bell (386) hr.soc.grad.split
(383) alt.support.diet.low-carb (375) nz.comp (351)
dk.snak.vittigheder (350) dk.helbred.slank (334) alt.hackers.malicious
(333) alt.politics.bush (326) nl.support.eenzaamheid (316) nl.politiek
(316) alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus (313) no.teknologi.video (291)
alt.nuke.europe (288) dk.videnskab.jura (285)
sci.med.diseases.hepatitis (280) no.it.os.ms-windows.diverse (272)
alt.terrorism.world-trade-center (267) no.samfunn.forbruker (267)
misc.kids.health (265) comp.graphics.apps.lightwave (260)
nl.support.borderline (258) no.fritid.bolig (256)
alt.alien.vampire.fl....flonk.flonk (250) pl.rec.muzyka.bin (248)
alt.games.half-life (241) rec.sport.soccer (235) dk.politik (230)
de.alt.music.metal (228) alt.comp.periphs.videocards.nvidia (226)
no.samfunn.media.radio-tv (224) rec.bicycles.misc (221)
alt.pl.comp.os.windowsxp (219) no.it.maskinvare.diverse (217)
hr.soc.religija (215) rec.games.frp.dnd (213) alt.fucknozzles (210)
alt.off-topic (210) mozilla.support.firefox (208)
it.annunci.usato.informatico.nord (207) no.it.tjenester.nettilbydere
(198) dk.teknik.telefoni.mobil (197) soc.culture.malaysia (196)
alt.bogus.group (193) alt.comp.hardware.overclocking.amd (188)
alt.alt.alt.alt.alt (188) no.samfunn.trafikk (186) talk.bizarre (183)
uk.legal (182) uk.d-i-y (182) uk.misc (179) rec.aquaria.marine.reefs
(179) alt.atheism (178) alt.autos.hyundai (178)
hr.soc.religija.krsc...tvo.katolici (177) alt.bible.prophecy (174)
uk.politics.misc (174) sci.med (174) alt.prophecies.nostradamus (173)
it.hobby.fai-da-te (171) alt.neo-tech (171) dk.helbred (170)
fr.usenet.divers (166) alt.support.attn-deficit (165)
talk.politics.misc (163) hr.rec.knjige.tolkien (161)
soc.culture.romanian (159) no.teknologi.audio (158) van.forsale (156)
rec.arts.poems (152) fr.comp.securite (151) soc.culture.netherlands
(150) soc.singles (150) no.fag.jus (149) af.divers (149)
fr.soc.politique (149) sfnet.viestinta.tv.digi (148) can.politics
(147) alt.pl.allegro (146) it.annunci.usato.informatico (142)
alt.cellular.nokia (140) it.sport.calcio.milan (138) alt.astrology
(138) hr.alt.trash (137) alt.pl.rec.muzyka.hiphop (136)
alt.nl.zeurdoos (136) alt.test (135) nz.soc.religion (135)
dk.medier.tv (134) alt.support.depression.medication (133)
24hoursupport.helpdesk (132) misc.legal (131) alt.www.webmaster(128)
es.charla.religion (127) hr.soc.zastita-kupaca (127) lada.auto (126)
alt.comp.anti-virus (125) alt.astronomy (125) yu.oglasi (124)
microsoft.public.int...orer.general (123) alt.warez.uk (123)
rec.crafts.brewing (122) alt.politics.democrats.d (121)
aus.sport.aussie-rules (121) soc.culture.croatia (120)
pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa (120) no.fritid.foto (118) yu.drenik.oglasi (116)
alt.support.hepatitis-c (116) yu.eunet.oglasi (115) be.history (115)
it.media.tv.reality-show (115) ch.talk (115) yu.comp.hardware (115)
alt.music.michael-jackson (113) italia.cagliari.discussioni (113)
alt.meditation.transcendental (112) chile.mercado.hardware (112)
alt.rush-limbaugh (111) af.technique (110) alt.fan.guusje (109)
uk.rec.gardening (108) no.it.telekom.mobil (108)
comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio (105) alt.religion.christian (104)
alt.politics.clinton (102) alt.fan.prettyboy (101)
rec.autos.sport.nascar (100) hr.rec.sport (99)
alt.sports.hockey.nhl.vanc-canucks (99) no.teknologi.elektronikk (98)
microsoft.public.win...p_deployment (98) nf.general (98)
de.rec.tv.lindenstrasse (97) alt.3d.studio (97) fr.rec.cuisine (97)
hr.org.mup (96) aus.politics (96) no.kultur.film (96)
alt.society.liberalism (96) uk.local.yorkshire (94) hr.rec.tv (93)
alt.politics.usa.republican (93) hr.ponuda.hardver (93) dk.fritid.foto
(92) news.admin.net-abuse.email (92) free.it.carabinieri (91)
hr.alt.prijatelji-zivotinja (91) alt.comp.hardware.amd.thunderbird
(90) it.politica (90) rec.photo.digital (89) rec.pets.birds (89)
talk.politics.guns (89) comp.security.firewalls (89)
alt.sports.basketbal...ba.la-lakers (87) microsoft.public.nl.windows98
(87) alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian (85) uk.business.agriculture (84)
3dfx.products.voodoobanshee (83) uk.environment.conservation (83)
alt.magick (83) hr.comp.hardver (83) talk.politics.animals (83)
alt.support.depression (83) rec.music.classical (82)
misc.consumers.frugal-living (82) fr.rec.tv.programmes (81)
alt.nuke.the.british (81) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (81)
microsoft.public.win....ie6.browser (80) dk.teknik.tv+video (80)
alt.christnet.second...eal-soon-now (80) alt.snuh (80)
misc.survivalism (79) pl.misc.elektronika (78) comp.periphs.printers
(78) alt.psychology.nlp (77) dk.edb.grafik (76)
italia.bologna.computers (76) microsoft.public.de.german.office (75)
ihug.general (75) rec.music.beatles (74) alt.conspiracy (74)
alt.christnet (74) rec.sport.football.australian (73)
alt.fan.countries.belgium (73) alt.bible (73)
alt.pets.parrots.breeding (73) alt.alien.visitors (73)
alt.pets.parrots.misc (73) free.uk.talk.sheffield (73)
talk.religion.newage (72) soc.culture.yugoslavia (72) aus.sport.rugby-
league (72) it.tlc.gestori.infostrada (71) alt.fan.scarecrow (70)
alt.politics.liberalism (69) hr.misc.poduzetnistvo (68)
alt.design.graphics (68) yu.forum.politika (68) alt.rock-n-
roll.metal.gnr (67) hr.rec.glazba.rock (67) nl.doe-het-zelf (66)
free.it.comp.windowsxp (65) rec.arts.movies.current-films (64)
hr.soc.grad.zagreb (64) uk.media.dvd (64) no.samfunn.okonomi.diverse
(64) pl.misc.telefonia.gsm (63) nz.wanted (63)
alt.religion.christian.last-days (63) rec.audio.pro (63)
alt.support.tourette (63) it.test (63) it.tlc.cellulari (62)
alt.health (62) bih.soc.politika (61) soc.culture.usa (61)
tor.forsale.computers (59) rec.arts.marching.drumcorps (59)
hr.alt.seks (59) soc.culture.quebec (59) aus.religion.christian (58)
pl.biznes.wgpw (58) alt.christnet.bible (58) hr.comp.softver (58)
nl.telecom (57) alt.nijntje (57) tnn.religion.catholic (57) it.diritto
(57) nl.geschiedenis (57) alt.fan.dragons (56) alt.support.ex-cult
(56) pl.rec.gry.komputerowe (56) aus.religion (56)
alt.homepages.designtips.uk (55) edm.forsale (55)
alt.games.unreal.tournament (55) rec.music.gdead (55)
it.hobby.radioamatori (55) no.it.tjenester.www.html(55)
alt.sport.qzar (54) hsv.forsale (54) pl.rec.rowery (54)
pl.misc.samochody (54) pl.comp.sieci (54) sci.med.nutrition (54)
es.humanidades.literatura (53) rec.autos.sport.f1 (52) it.comp.musica
(52) es.misc.misc (52) alt.politics.usa (51) pt.rec.desporto.futebol
(51) pl.soc.dekadentyzm (51) no.fag.landbruk (51) alt.support.breast-
implant (51) alt.dreams.castaneda (50) alt.pl.mp3 (50)
alt.business.import.export (50) abg.test (50)
hr.soc.religija.krscanstvo (50) de.rec.spiele.computer.action (50)
pl.soc.prawo (50) dk.kultur.film (49) alt.psychology (49) ch.comp (49)
alt.games.quake3 (48) talk.religion.misc (48) alt.business (47)
it.comp.giochi.annunci (47) comp.sys.palmtops.pilot (47)
sfnet.atk.linux (46) alt.comp.sys.palmtops.pilot (46)
microsoft.public.windowsupdate (46) fr.petites-
annonces....que.logiciel (46) alt.religion.christian.biblestudy (46)
dk.edb.regneark (45) alt.impeach.bush (45) hr.alt.drugs (45)
nl.wetenschap (45) alt.html (44) cam.misc (44)
it.binari.x.erotismo.animazioni (44) uk.rec.cars.maintenance (44)
it.sport.calcio.inter (44) hr.comp.adsl (44) dk.helbred.sorg+krise
(43) fr.soc.religion (43) aus.cars (43) fr.sci.electronique (43)
rec.music.makers.guitar.jazz (43) alt.lang.euphoria (43)
fr.usenet.abus.d (43) aus.tv.pay (43) dk.erhverv (43)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.video (42) alt.support.boy-lovers (42)
it.sport.sci (42) soc.culture.indonesia (42) it.sesso.discussioni (42)
it.sport.calcio.inter-fc (41) rec.martial-arts (41) uk.rec.motorcycles
(41) nl.religie (41) alt.certification.cisco (41) uk.telecom.mobile
(41) alt.buzzard.rules (40) dk.edb.internet.software.mail+news (40)
nl.verkeer (40) it.tlc.hardware.nokia (40) pl.comp.os.linux (40)
comp.os.os2.advocacy (39) alt.christnet.theology (39) nl.auto (39)
alt.current-events.c...n.whitewater (39) alt.comp.hardware.pc-
homebuilt (39) alt.business.misc (39) no.it.maskinvare.grafikkort (39)
alt.gossip.celebrities (38) it.sesso.annunci (38) pl.sci.medycyna (38)
alt.cracks (38) alt.christnet.christianlife (38) alt.computer.security
(38) mozilla.dev.apps.firefox (38) alt.government.abuse (37)
alt.alt.test (37) nl.sport.voetbal (37) tor.forsale.misc (37)
rec.games.video.classic (37) dk.edb.hardware (37) hr.sci.matematika
(37) hr.soc.veterani.domovinski-rat (36) cn.fan (36) hr.mag.bug (36)
alt.hacking (36) alt.2600.crackz (36) alt.pl.comp.os.hacking (36)
dk.snak.seksualitet (36) xs4all.adsl (36) alt.support.child-pr...ive-
services (36) hr.soc.studenti (35) es.pruebas (35) alt.tv.big-brother
(35) rec.video.dvd.tech (35) alt.messianic (35) fr.rec.photo.numerique
(35) ch.comm (34) alt.true-crime (34) alt.meditation (34)
dk.edb.internet.udbydere (34) rec.games.pinball (34)
alt.politics.british (34) soc.culture.indian (34) alt.child-support
(34) alt.support.divorce (34) aus.sport.cricket (34)
microsoft.public.dot...ework.aspnet (34) alt.business.import-export
(33) alt.politics.elections (33) es.comp.hackers (33)
it.eventi.guerrakosovo (33) rec.games.video.marketplace (33)
pl.comp.grafika (33) rec.video.dvd.players (33) alt.mens-rights (33)
alt.philosophy (32) dk.admin (32) alt.music.dream-theater (32)
alt.games.video.classic (32) 3dfx.products.voodoo2 (32)
alt.sports.soccer.ma...ester.united (32) freeserve.chat (32)
microsoft.public.win...0.networking (32) alt.music.smiths (32)
alt.comp.os.windows-xp (32) alt.athiesm (32) alt.business.home.pc (32)
alt.atheism.satire (32) alt.pl.test.test (32) rec.games.video.atari
(31) nl.foto (31) nl.test (31) free.it.calcio.roma (31)
alt.nl.comp.netwerk (31) pl.biznes.banki (31) nl.huishouden (31)
alt.culture.alaska (31) misc.headlines (31) no.alt.diskusjoner (31)
uk.sport.football.clubs.liverpool (31) pl.comp.os.linux.sieci (31)
macromedia.dreamweaver (30) alt.fan.howard-stern (30)
microsoft.public.exchange.admin (30) pl.comp.grafika.grafika3d (30)
bc.politics (30) alt.pl.divx (30) es.rec.tv.decodificacion (30)
dk.familie.barn (30) es.charla.motor (30) alt.music.morrissey (30)
alt.alien.research (30) pl.rec.muzyka.gitara (30) alt.sys.pc-
clone.dell (30) alt.dvd.video (30) uk.rec.driving (29)
sfnet.tori.myydaan.menopelit (29) alt.christnet.ethics (29)
rec.video.desktop (29) be.youth (29) alt.christnet.evangelical (29)
hr.org.pmf (29) rec.running (29) rec.games.video.sony.playstation3
(29) free.it.cracks (29) pl.rec.zwierzaki (29) sg.marketplace (29)
alt.pl.bittorrent (29) alt.php (29) hr.rec.ljubimci (28)
pl.rec.radio.cb (28) fr.petites-annonces....que.materiel (28) aus.tv
(28) alt.comp.freeware (28) alt.steinberg.cubase (28)
alt.magick.serious (28) nl.culinair (28) sci.archaeology (28)
dk.edb.netvaerk (28) aus.audio-visual.home-cinema (27)
alt.support.depression.flame (27) dk.edb.system.ms-windows (27)
it.comp.console.playstation (27) alt.philosophy.objectivism (27)
hk.comp.pc (27) alt.magick.chaos (27) it.sociale.obiezione (27)
es.rec.radio.amateur (27) uk.music.charts (27) alt.ftpsearch.com (27)
alt.zen (26) pl.comp.nowe-programy (26) alt.pl.cdr.dvd (26)
novell.support.netwa....winnt-2x-xp (26) uk.media.tv.misc (26)
alt.video.dvd.tech (26) alt.magick.order (26) rec.arts.poetry (26)
comp.graphics.animation (26)
remove our IP range (AS9244) from your blacklist     news.admin.net-
abuse.email  19 hours ago
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alt.health  6 days ago
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misc.kids.health  6 days ago
Jans lies exposed L.A.R.T.     misc.headlines  Jun 15
Screaming scientists tell the public to shove it up their arses
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Bob Officer wimp thinks his posts will be removed
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Doucheputje, weerstand     nl.doe-het-zelf  Jun 13
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And he also posts as *Some Bastard*
I do not know his mother, but this is a reflection on her character.
Shame on the troll.
One of the characteristics of a troll is that they start arguments and
then do not stick around and participate. Peter B, and the others you
would like to marginialize do not fit that definition.
2017-07-03 20:42:59 UTC