Bob Officer
2017-07-02 02:30:56 UTC
I saw this link reported recently and felt it was well worthy of
consideration. This is a map of measles deaths in the 1800 in the US. This
is not the incident of infection, but the rate of people dying directly
from the measles infection. Those that died from secondary infections or
years later from organ failure are not counted
The direct link to the Slate article is here:
This should,lay to rest the false claim ( or lie) that the number of
infections were falling prior to the measles vaccine. The rate of infection
remained consistent over time. The death rate fell as modern evidence based
medicine, and modern fever reducing and body hydration was developed. The
result was more children surviving the measles and a rapidly growing number
of surviving children with blind deaf syndrome.
The data is there stop believing lies and half truths..
consideration. This is a map of measles deaths in the 1800 in the US. This
is not the incident of infection, but the rate of people dying directly
from the measles infection. Those that died from secondary infections or
years later from organ failure are not counted
The direct link to the Slate article is here:
This should,lay to rest the false claim ( or lie) that the number of
infections were falling prior to the measles vaccine. The rate of infection
remained consistent over time. The death rate fell as modern evidence based
medicine, and modern fever reducing and body hydration was developed. The
result was more children surviving the measles and a rapidly growing number
of surviving children with blind deaf syndrome.
The data is there stop believing lies and half truths..
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