... and encouraging born-again (Jn3:3&5) friends like Rod Eastman
( http://WDJW.net ) to also pray for Ace's perishing mind simply
because we really love him as our LORD commands (John 15:12) with all
glory to GOD the Father.
Evidence that Ace* is born again (Jn3:3&5) until Ace* deleted his
YouTube account out of fear of excommunication by his church of
unredeemed friends&family who cannot say "Jesus is LORD" with their
mouth and who think he was mocking their condition (that they are no
better than socks as evident by their not being able to do what his
sock can do):
All can recall from memory that if Ace* weren't prodigal, he would
have been able to boldly say "Jesus is LORD" with his mouth on YouTube
without cowering behind both a sockpuppet and a fake name. Moreover,
he would not have fearfully deleted his YouTube account as witnessed
by all when challenged by others who took offense accusing him of
mocking Jesus although saying "Jesus is LORD" glorifies Him even when
done via a sockpuppet.
Now, if Ace* weren't prodigal, he would stop unwittingly exposing
himself as a fraud here while trying to hide behind various fake names
as he tries to steal the credentials of others.
What's really his credentials anyway?
Likely none because of mental illness:
Moreover, impersonating a licensed physician as he has done a number
of times here on Usenet is a felony:
prodigal Ace* wrote in reference to:
Andrew B. Chung being fired for insobaranation.
As were Meshach, Shadrach, and Abnego :-) Laus Deo :-)
prodigal Ace* wrote in reference to:
Chung is excommunicated from churches ...
The eternal Church ( http://WDJW.net ) of which this physician
( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc ) is a member is built on the reality of
Peter's up&down relationship with the LORD as described at Matthew
16:18 does not excommunicate anyone as evident by Peter not having
been excommunicated for denying Christ three times.
Let's see... Today I ate two small slices of pizza, 6 peanut butter
cracker sandwiches, a spinach salad with a little bit of grilled
chicken and drank 8oz of low sodium V8. I usually don't keep track of
what I eat, but this is pretty typical daily volume wise. Am I hungry?
Thus confirming that you are indeed prodigal and really need to turn
away (repent) from your intentionally ignorant (ignoring weight of
meals) commission of the original Adam&Eve sin of gluttony in order to
be blessed (Luke 6:21a) by GOD else something worse (John 5:14) like a
heart attack or stroke may happen to you.
Therefore, it is smart to eat just the right amount (32 oz) of daily
food thereby neither underdose nor overdose it.
Q: Can you post empirical evidence, outside of your own substantiated
personal claims, that 32 oz is the correct amount of food to eat irrespective of
calories, trans fats, sugar, cholesterol and sodium?
Yes. See Deuteronomy 8:4 which summarizes 40 years of empirical
evidence supporting the efficacy of holding to the right amount (omer)
of daily real food (manna) as prescribed by the Great Physician
(Exodus 16+16=32 oz) Who is this HeartDoc's ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc
) Boss (LORD).
Thus, it remains much smarter to http://WDJW.net/NotDiet and
instead,http://WDJW.net/Guard the body by holding to the right daily amount
(32 oz) of food in order to lose the VAT thereby possibly curing the
type-2 diabetes.
Yes, right amount (omer) control as Chris Malcolm is doing is much
For which there is no clinical study.
Actually, there has been a clinical study held out of Emory University
that enrolled hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. It remains
this physician's choice to not publish it since it pales in comparison
to the comparably sized but much longer duration 40 year clinical
study by the Great Physician, Who is this physician's Boss, Who
published this in the Bible with the miraculous results of 100%
efficacy (Deuteronomy 8:4). This choice to not publish results that do
not add to what is reported in the Bible would be this lead
investigator's right. Truth is simply reality.
Studies at places like Emory are funded / given grants
Not all studies at private institutions like Emory are funded by
public grants and indeed, the studies involving the http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER
Approach remain a privately-funded volunteer effort involving Emory
Yours is a terrible delusion that has led to the insane behavior of
eating children (2 Kings 6:29):
Hunger is not starvation as evident by it being synonymous with
appetite, which everyone knows is absolutely healthy, which is
Lie. Psychopaths don't openly pray on Usenet to ask GOD to destroy
profanely (Hebrews 12:16) evil (Genesis 25:32) creatures whom GOD
hates (Malachi 1:2-3) much less author books ( http://NetCabal.com and
http://CelestinMiracle.com ) and treat cardiac patients while
maintaining an active medical license that is verifiable on line.
Truth is simply reality and the reality is that you are at risk for
the insane behavior of eating children (2 Kings 6:29).
Instead, you are a psychopath:
If that were true, hunger instead of starvation would be listed as the
cause of death on their death certificates.
If that were true, since "smoking" isn't listed as the cause of death on
death certificates, people don't die from it.
Smoking is listed as the cause of death of smokers in Britain:
Thus, people die from smoking.
Bottom line:
You need to repent and stop being prodigal else something worse may
happen to you (John 5:14)
Specifically, T2s need to lose their VAT which is the proximate cause
of their disease.
The smartest way to do this is http://WDJW.net/NotDiet (i.e.
restricting food choices) but rather to http://WDJW.net/Guard the body
by holding to the right daily amount (32 oz) of real food.
Which is apparently not endorsed by any other physician ...
This physician's LORD, Who is the Great Physician, is another
physician and the concept of one right daily amount (omer) for
everyone is by His design as revealed by what is written at Exodus
16:16. Laus Deo for His allowing this physician working in
collaboration with his physician colleagues at Emory University
( http://EmoryIMVC.org ) to discover in 1997 that an omer of real food
weighs 32 oz. All bona-fide physicians who know about the 32 oz of the
http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach have given their tacit approval
about it as evident by none either writing or speaking about an
alternative right daily amount of real food.
Suggested additional reading:
IMVC is the International Medical VAT Cure (aka http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER
Approach )
Now please stop lying Ace* or something worse may happen to you (John
In the interim, may GOD bless you, Ace*, now (Luke 6:21a) more than
ever causing you to become hungrier (Deuteronomy 8:3) than ever
thereby helping you realize that if hunger were starvation you would
be dying a thousand deaths now that you are a thousand times hungrier
in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.
Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:
We do this by weighing our meals per the http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER
Approach to get our http://WDJW.net/Status and then http://WDJW.net/Update
so that there would be http://WDJW.net/NoVAT
Being hungry really is wonderful as proven by five lines of evidence:
(1) Mathematical:
(2) Historical:
(3) Medical:
(4) Psychological:
(5) Factual:
So that we really should http://WDJW.net/BeHungry and say we are
"wonderfully hungry" whenever we are greeted:
There is pure joy in being used by GOD to convince others:
"A 2005 visit to an Atlanta cardiologist by the name of Andrew Chung
put me on some serious reality
I wasnt just chubby or husky, I am what they often call morbidly
obese. He explained that morbid obesity simply means that if something
happened to me that could be attiributed to weight and I were to end
up in the not breathing state
ok some call it DEAD
that a doctor could simply dismiss it as natural causes related to
weight more or less.
Ive been told I was a chunky fella a couple times, maybe even fat...
but not quite that harshly. Definitely made me think about a few
things, as much as I dislike scare tactics when it comes to health.
Well in the midst of the shock treatment, he also had me come to a
heart wellness seminar that he does on some Saturdays in Mableton.
Nice little get together, he has folks from the community come in and
discuss Tai Chi, exercises, testimonials, all kinds of good stuff.
Then he shows the movie SUPERSIZE ME to set up the pitch for his 2PD
Omer approach that he has his patients use to lose weight.
In a nutshell, in his view, HOW MUCH you eat is more of the issue than
WHAT you eat and portion is more important than any fat content or
I agree with this. This is why I have always been more successful on
more liquid diets (cabbage soup, slimfast, herbalife (tho dangerous))
than anything else. I wasnt eating the portions I was before that..."
This has all been about http://WDJW.net/TheTruth
Love in the truth,
Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Board-certified Cardiologist
and Author of "Trust the Truth -
Only the truth can cure the 'hunger is starvation' delusion:"
"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)
What are the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?
Only the truth can cure the "hunger is starvation" delusion: