On Mon, 27 Mar 2017 03:57:32 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanOn Sun, 26 Mar 2017 04:10:29 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanOn Tue, 14 Mar 2017 17:14:58 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Eduardo MB vitamins may offer some protection against particulate pollution, a
small human trial suggests.
I won't set much store in this study.
"Ten volunteers were tested initially exposed to clean air while given a
placebo to measure their basic responses. The same volunteers were later
tested with large doses of B vitamins while exposed to air containing high
levels of PM2.5."
So they were tested and given a placebo in the clean environment.
Then they were given large doses of vitamin Bs and liven in a dirty
They changed two variables at once.
Where is the control group?
Yes this study appears to have been designed around a known response, it is
accurate? Maybe? Is it meaningful? No.
A meaningful test might have had clean air tests with no placebo to set a
baseline. then clean air with a placebo so a second baseline. Then the
group was split into three different groups in the dirty air and one group
given nothing, a second group given a placebo and the other group given the
vitamin B.
That test would have had meaning, it set a baseline and had a control
group, and allowed for comparisons against a baseline and the control
Poor old bob.
No, I am not poor old bob.
You constantly mistake what others have said, and endlessly repeat what
others say, when you do not understand what they said.
It has happened too often to be a simple error. I suspect you are a
pathological serial liar.
How a person hears something depends on their viewpoint.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanHe's been totally brainwashed by pharmaceutical thinking that
nutrients don't do anything useful.
I have never said that.
You'd make a good politician bob.
They like to talk around an issue without getting to the point.
Well I never said that. When you are caught in a simple lie, why do you
double down?
You Americans have some funny sayings.
"Double down" is American slang word having its origins in gambling.
Same as taking "a whole bunch" of something that you can't really
bunch, such as "a bunch of reasons".
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanThe first step is to make sure that only the best "scientific" testing
is done. 2nd step is to see that it isn't done which is achieved by
making testing extremely expensive to perform.
What I said was simply the value of the data is highly limited and the test
as done has little on no value, because it was not properly constructed.
We're not talking about testing bob.
Yes we are. Just why did you post about a journal article about a test? We
are talking about a paper and the tests done in the paper. Did you read
the article in citation? I found fault with the method and practices of
people doing the testing and took exception with the papers conclusions.
Post by DuncanWhat we're talking about is commonsense.
Why do you want to talk about common sense? You neither understand common
sense nor do you use it.
Post by DuncanScientific testing can be manipulated many ways and isn't always able
to repeat its results.
Then it isn't scientific testing, is it?
Science is reproducible.
Alternative medicine claims is not reproducible.
Says big pharma.
Why do they hide all the tests that show nutrients can cure disease?
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerPost by Duncan3rd step is to suppress information and replace any disease symptoms
with "safe and effective" pharmaceutical drugs.
Many pharmaceutical drugs are actually based on nutritional science. I just
feel idiots like you should not be given any sort of medical,advice, simply
because you do not understand what you are talking about.
The problem with pharmaceutical drugs is that they are produced by
corrupt pharmaceutical cartel which is in it for the money rather than
That horse is dead Carole. Alternative medicine is produces even bigger
profits per unit than pharmaceutical medicine, and doesn't have to produce
any proof of effectiveness.
I wouldn't know about that.
What I do know is that healthcare is a large part of any government's
budget. Pharmaceutical drugs do not improve overall health and do have
side effects, some worse than others.
Now we have the drive by big pharma to inflate the vaccine schedule.
There used to be just a few shots some years ago (1960s?) and now 50
or more and on the increase. Each shot costs maybe $70 and so becomes
a bit of a cash cow with no science behind it. There are no long-term
studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated, and there is growing
autism epidemic affecting 1 in 68 boys. Modern science hasn't got a
clue about the cause of autism except that it isn't caused by
vaccines, despite the fact that autism rates have been rising with the
vaccine schedule.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Duncanimproving health. They have made laws to protect themselves and
increase profits. They can't be sued for vaccine damage and make it so
That's false.
No its not.
The pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccines can't be sued.
Anybody who sues for vaccine damage gets a payout from the government.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Duncanthat cheaper alternatives can't be imported into US, while they keep
putting up prices. It is illegal to talk about any benefits of
alternatives and illegal to sell herbal remedies that cure cancer.
No but any and all claims have to have proof.
There is no evidence that alternatives work, because big pharma has
made up the rules on what constitutes evidence. So what has worked for
centuries as traditional medicine now gets called unproven science.
And all the time they keep using dangerous drugs that need to be
recalled from time to time, and chemo which still remains experimental
drug as it can't be proved to work. When they do the testing they
compare one form of chemo to another which is not the way a placebo is
supposed to work.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerThen again you could consider sodium bicarbonate and cream of tartar a
nutritional treatment, because you,do not have the least understanding of
Please excuse irrational argument. ESTJ's aren't known for their
rationality but rather adherence to authodoxy.
If I was a drinker I would make it a game to have a drink every time you
post that nonsense. We all get to take a drink! But then we would be drunk
all the time.
It is well known fact that the myer briggs type ESTJ isn't one of the
rational types but rather is in the guardian category.
"Guardians are concrete in communicating and cooperative in pursuing
their goals. Their greatest strength is logistics. Their most
developed intelligence role is either that of the Conservator
(Protectors and Providers) or the Administrator (Inspector and
That's you bob. You want to monitor, control, "protect", inspect and
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanHere we have bob repeating his pharmaceutical mantra about testing.
Whereas we all know that a proper diet is protective against disease
-- never hear it from bob though.
You do not have a glimmer of what a proper diet is or isn't Carole.
Do you?
Yes I do.
Is there any one particular diet that is best and why?
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanDoes the government?
I believe that they do to some degree. But a universal diet is impossible,
because everyone is different.
OK. I go along with that.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanIf so, why do they allow supermarket aisles to be filled with food
that isn't proper?
Supermarkets are not controlled by the government. They are a for profit
business which are demand and supply businesses. They will not stock stuff
which people do not buy or want.
Sure, but the government makes all sorts of rules over what is best
for people, somehow junk food gets a free run.
Post by Bob OfficerSo what you're saying is that the government should dictate what is sold in
grocery stores?
There should be more education on what is healthy and what isn't.
If the government really cared about keeping people healthy, they
would make junk food illegal.
Junk food - anything made with white flour, additives and sugar.
Post by Bob OfficerI would like to see bigger variety of veggies at the market, but they sell
only what people will buy.
Yesterday, I had to go three different stores to find beets and rhubarb.
Why? Because most people do not really cook any more. I get to cook more
often now I am retired.
What is beets - is that the same as beetroot?
You can grow rhubarb pretty easily, get some through mail order and
grow your own.
I don't buy too much variety in fruit and veg - just stick mainly to a
few basics but am beginning to go organic since some veg are GMO such
as corn. I find that sometimes it is best to pay a little more for
"Consensus is not a scientific term. It is a political term." (Ed. The
Climate Skeptics (TCS) Blog)
Post by Bob Officer[BOB] "Beliefs are not opinions."
I think you will find that "belief" is a synonym for "opinion".
So WTF are you trying to say idiot?
[BOB] "I stand by what I said in context. A belief is
something held true with or without supporting
evidence or in the face of contradictory evidence.
An opinion is based on what one thinks and not what
one believes. Ones religion is what one believes.
Religion requires no thinking and in many cases
Religion forbids thinking.
While you might believe their are interchangeable
synonyms, I think if you asked an expert in the
English Language they might agree with me. The
words have different meanings and uses."
">I didn't know there was a requirement to generate topics. Where did
Post by Bob Officeryou get that idiotic idea from. " -- Bob Officer
DK: Bob Officer is a member of the group I
DK; accurately describe as...
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