On Tue, 4 Oct 2016 21:34:28 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowOn Sun, 2 Oct 2016 21:04:08 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowOn Sun, 2 Oct 2016 14:43:45 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowOn Sat, 1 Oct 2016 23:11:28 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowOn Fri, 30 Sep 2016 19:25:50 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowFDA goes on the attack against essential oils
This is not going on attack, this is enforcement of the law. The same law
requires any company making curative claims about a product, actually show
evidence that the support all claims.
A law that is meant to control and dominate alternative medicine.
No Carole the law is meant to stop the many false claims which are in the
market place. Any substance sold as a treatment should work as advertise.
Claim of anything which is a medication or food supplement should be safe.
No bob. Essential oils have been used for a long time, they are part
of traditional medicine. Essential oils go back to ancient Egypt and
part of the traditional medicine suite.
A normal from you Carole, the fallacy of appeal to antiquity. Nothing new
just a sign of you lack of critic thinking skills.
So was eating animal feces part of the ancient Egyptian medicine.
< cite>
At the same time, the Eygptians also had some real doozies. They worshipped
the dung beetle, and coincidentally included a lot of animal and human
waste in some remedy recipes. While the Egyptians did have some medicines
that appeared to work ? for instance, fennel was used to cure indigestion ?
they also had some remedies that could have killed their patients.
"The early Egyptian physicians made considerable use of drugs. Their drugs
were of the kind usually found in early civilizations; a few effective
remedies lost in a mass of substances of purely superstitious origin. They
used opium, squill, and other vegetable substances, but also excrement and
urine. It is said that the urine of a faithful wife was with them effective
in the treatment of sore eyes."
Pig dung, donkey dung, lizard dung, dried children's excrement were all
included in the ingredients of various cures. Blood from a variety of
animals was also used, and the Egyptians seemed to be pleased with creating
puss (which is the result of an infection.)
What I'm saying is that traditional remedies are those that have been
in use for a long time, hundreds / thousands of years.
Don't you realize by using a fallacy like appeal to antiquity, what you
have done. The faulty logic you employed set eating animal dung equal with
the essential oils you are trying to promote. One doesn't get to pick,and
chose what foolishness they wish to promote once they introduced such
Traditional remedies bob.
Carole I don't care the term tradition is bullshit anyway. As for the
eating feces, you are more apt to ingest a deadly bacteria than just god
bacteria. And unless modern techniques are use, you could be introducing
deadly bacteria in an already sick person making them even sicker.
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowthey are not in the same category as pharmaceutical poisons that kill
and mame.
Sure they are Carole, but you keep on ignoring evidence to support how
deadly,useless and unpredictable traditional (mostly superstition)
treatments are.
Let's get one thing straight. When you say "evidence" you mean
pharmaceutical evidence, provided by big pharma.
You don't realise how much they lie and manipulate information.
The pharmaceutical industry is run by criminals, the whole industry is
based on lies.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowThey don't require the same level of testing for safety as
pharmaceutical drugs.
The question is why not? They are being used just as if there are drugs. Or
in the terminology of the law: "promoted to cure, treat or prevent."
Yes that's exactly what the law says and that is exactly what the resellers
were doing are the behests of DoTERRA.
Simple bob.
Pharmaceutical drugs taken as prescribed, are responsible for over
100,000 deaths in US pa, and that doesn't include people maimed.
Stop telling that lie Carole.
Not a lie bob.
The fact that on the lists of deaths for US there is no category for
pharmaceuticals, is because the actual drugs cause side effects which
are listed as cause of death. Its called manipulating perceptions bob.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowOn the Psychiatric Drugging of Children: Dr. Peter Breggin says
"The Effects Psychiatric Drugs Have on Children
<nonsupporting article sniped>
Nothing in that citation supports your claim of 100,000s of deaths, Carole.
The citation didn't mention any deaths.
It points out how big pharma doesn't waste an opportunity to
administer drugs for any cause it can manage, even drugging children
with normal behaviour that can be managed through other means.
Which then puts kids on a lifetime of drug taking.
"Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death"
Legalized drugs provide little or no benefit
Much is made in the media of advances in modern-day medicine. Yet, a
closer look raises serious questions as to whether these advances in
particular, new prescription drugs are really benefiting patients or
harming them.
The master plan of big pharma: A model for profit
The continual push to release new drugs into a marketplace already
flooded with them is another example of pharmaceuticals being driven
by profits and not human health. In fact, saturating the market with
thousands of minor variations seems to be the true business model of
drug companies.
Reality check: Big pharma profits off ignorance and fears an educated
One way to avoid the dangerous side effects of newly introduced
pharmaceuticals is to avoid them for a minimum of five years. The
broad majority of drugs introduced to the marketplace today are mere
minor variations to those medications already available. Use
prescription drugs only when you and your physician agree they are
entirely necessary."
But then OTOH doctors have no idea of alternatives. All they know is
pharmaceutical drugs due to the training they receive, deliberately
engineered to push drugs onto the public.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowIf you were as smart as you think you are, you would have realised
that there is such a thing as fecal microbiota transplantation,
whereby the faeces of a healthy person is given via various methods,
to another person who's microbiota may causing issues.
That works well under close supervision of a medical doctor, or should be.
It is use in very specific cases and works well. Night by some house wife
convinced she will get rich in a MLM scheme.
You made a joke out of eating fecal matter, but it is a legitimate
procedure to treat intestinal problems. So you lose.
In a full medical setting, with precisely select bacteria. And the
procedure is done by fully qualified medical doctors which carefully screen
the donors for being sick themselves. It is not the same procure as the
Egyptian used. While it may have it roots in some odd mystical belief or
old traditional treatment, it doesn't resemble those archaic practices at
You wouldn't know what fecal transplant procedure produced the best
And while we're on the topic of archaic remedies, you forgot to
mention chemo, which despite being useless, is also carcinogenic.
In years to come, it will be looked upon as useless as some of the
practices we now look back on such as ingesting mercury, and
I recently read of a situation where a doctor was sued for not
prescribing the full dose of chemo to a number of patients. I don't
know what his thinking was, maybe to save them some pain or side
effects, knowing that chemo is pretty useless.
Anyway the story is that some of these patients died and he was blamed
for their deaths. they were probably terminal with or without chemo,
probably would have lived longer without it.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fecal_microbiota_transplant
"Fecal microbiota transplantation or FMT is the transfer of fecal
material containing bacteria and natural antibacterials from a healthy
individual into a diseased recipient.[2] Previous terms for the
procedure include fecal bacteriotherapy, fecal transfusion, fecal
transplant, stool transplant, fecal enema, and human probiotic
infusion (HPI). Because the procedure involves the complete
restoration of the entire fecal microbiota, not just a single agent or
combination of agents, these terms have now been replaced by the new
term fecal microbiota transplantation.[2]"
The FMT Foundation
"Fecal Microbiota Transplant
Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is a procedure in which fecal
matter, or stool, is collected from a tested donor, mixed with a
saline or other solution, strained, and placed in a patient, by
colonoscopy, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or enema.
The purpose of fecal transplant is to replace good bacteria that has
been killed or suppressed, usually by the use of antibiotics, causing
bad bacteria, specifically Clostridium difficile, or C. diff., to
over-populate the colon. This infection causes a condition called C.
diff. colitis, resulting in often debilitating, sometimes fatal
"History of FMT
Fecal transplant was first documented in 4th century China, known as
?yellow soup?.
It has been used for over 100 years in veterinary medicine, and has
been used regularly for decades in many countries as the first line of
defense, or treatment of choice, for C. diff. It is customary in many
areas of the world for a newborn infant to receive a tiny amount of
the mother?s stool by mouth, thought to provide immediate population
of good bacteria in the baby?s colon, thereby jump-starting the baby?s
immune system.
Fecal transplant has been used in the U.S., sporadically since the
1950's, without much regulation.
In late spring of 2013, the FDA announced it was classifying fecal
matter as both an Investigational New Drug (IND) and a Biologic, and
that only physicians currently in possession of an approved IND
application would be allowed to continue performing fecal transplant."
Not all faeces is bad. Bacteria faeces can be found in products such
as yeast in bread, various cultures in cheese and yoghurt.
I need to point out that yeast is not a bacteria, and yeast produces no
feces. Yeast eats sugar, and produces waste products of CO2, alcohol of
some type and water. It produces no nitrogen product (Ureic acids) so
yeast are generally classes as a plant. Cheese bacteria really do not
produce feces either.
You would know this if you have just taken a simple intro to biology class
when you were in secondary school.
Faeces is merely a waste product.
While it may not be called faeces, there will be some waste product.
Some bacteria transmute different things into other by-products - its
a complicated field and scientists spend a lot of time looking for
bacteria that transmute different things, such as breakdown of oil
into non-oil products etc. Its all there on the internet.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowSo in fact you are bringing up your ignorance in talking about faces
as something distasteful in all circumstances.
Your own ignorant is pathetic, Carole. At every turn you are found to be
lacking in a lot of basic foundation education which the majority of people
And you bob, are merely a dumbed-down dodo that believes everything
told to you by experts and reliable sources.
such as the world needs more war, ...err for the sake of democracy?
We need war for democracy.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerWhich is complete different from the your use of the fallacy of appeal to
antiquity. Deeming something safe. Do I need to list the known substances
used in the past 3,000-5,000 year which we know were actually harmful?
You mean like mercury, which today is still put into some vaccinations
... flu vaccine for starters..
There is no Mercury in any vaccines, Carole.
Additionally lead salts, arsenic salts and other heavy metals were
routinely used, sometimes in a daily basis.
6 Flu Vaccine Myths - Live Science
www.livescience.com/24354-6-flu-vaccine-myths.html Proxy Highlight
28 Oct 2012 ... Here are the facts about the flu vaccine. ...
Thiomerosal a preservative that contains mercury has never been
shown to be harmful, ...
If a cake contains mercury, it is harmful - if thermiserol contains
mercury (50% I believe) it is harmful. IOW the mercury is not harmless
because it is an ingredient of thermiserol.
Are you ever stupid bob!
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowThere is no need to have them regulated.
I could make a law on anything.
1st you need to get elected to office. And the people of Australia are to
smart to elect a stupid person like you to any public office.
How about if I rephrase and say that a government could make a law on
anything, doesn't make it right. There are plenty of drummed up
reasons for laws to come into effect.
Agreed but in this case the law is already written and stands. The law was
designed to protect stupid people like you from every con-artist on the
street corner. It is fairly specific. Any treatment, device or substance
which is promoted to prevent, treat or cure a disease, will pass tests
which shows it actually performs as claimed.
Do you think the government really cares about people's safety?
Yes it does.
"It says it does", isn't the same as "it does".
there maybe people who go into government service who care, there may
be politicians who do things to serve the public. But when you get to
the top levels it is all about pandering to corporations who help
these politicians get into power.
When politicians say that they have to remove some dictator to protect
the people, they lie. They lie about the leaders of the countries they
invade, they make up stories of evil dictators who need to be removed.
But they don't really care about the people. The Iraq war killed over
1 million Iraqis and devastated the country. So do you think that they
really cared about the people? No, this is all spin, in order to
create an excuse to invade for reasons best known to themselves (to
garner resources or other).
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowThis is to squeeze alternative medicines out of the market.
Why would it do that since 90% of the manufacturing of alternative medicine
is actually done by big pharmaceutical?
OK, so there are 2 reasons - 1. to force alternatives out of the
market, 2. So big pharma can take them over since they know people
want alternatives, not drugs -- at a higher price no doubt.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowIf the government cared about people, it would see that the people
were fed, clothed and housed before spending $200 billion pa on war
making, invading other countries and creating streams of refugees
across Europe and the world.
That has been attempted before but the hate of those people being different
didn't go away. The root cause of war is not hunger. The root is people
hate the differences.
You mean the differences between people?
Not in the case of Iraq or Syria.
The cause of war is takeover of the country and their resources.
Nothing to do with the stated reason of helping the people by removing
"evil dictator". So they lie, spin shit, and deceive. The media is
under the control of the warmongers with their propaganda.
You won't hear the truth from the media, who are responsible for
keeping the people following the propaganda lines.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerWith essentials oils the fallacy of antiquity just not proof it works or is
We're not talking about antiquity, we're talking about traditional
Yet that was your fallacy which you used. The apple to antiquity is the
very same claim as traditional remedies. They are right to use because they
were used in the past. There is nothing about traditional remedies which
make the automatically good, effect or better. That's why it is a fallacy
to use the claim of traditional remedies as a rational for the use of any
substance or procedure are a mode of treatment.
Traditional remedies are those that have been used for hundreds of
years, they are the traditional remedies of china, india, folk
medicine, herbal remedies and homeopathy.
Some people don't follow the poison, cut and burn of allopathic
medicine and prefer alternatives.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowI could say that any foodstuff is
medicine and needs to be regulated based on that.
To make a law on essential oils is going too far.
No it isn't. And because you are not involved with the US because you are
not a citizen of the US please shut the fuck up. It is not any concern of
The only laws for essential oils should be childproof caps, correct
Carole there is no such thing as "childproof caps". Do you mean child
resistant caps?
There is a thing as childproof caps in common language.
I don't care about common language. Common language allow these
misconceptions which lead to complacency and laziness. There is no such
thing as childproof. The term is child resistance. No manufacturer of these
lids will ever use the term childproof.
I don't care about the official medical-speak terms.
Everybody knows what child-proof means - its quite simple.
Child-proof locks is a term. Its really quite simple.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowWhat it means is that the caps are difficult for children to open.
Same as there are childproof locks on kitchen doors.
If they are labelled as "child resistant" caps, then so be it but I
think most people understand the meaning of "childproof caps".
The term is misleading and promotes laziness and that type of misleading
leads to a false belief, which in the end leads to some child opening one
of those bottles and dying. This has happen.
No it doesn't promote laziness.
It promotes common language, that is commonly acceptable to most
people. We don't need big anything dictating what language is
acceptable. We don't need to be straight-jacketed into going along
with official-speak. The people's language is fine for everyday
Post by Bob OfficerWhen people start confusing and confounding the use terms and words and
common usage like your use of "childproof caps" only leads to tragedy and
Now that's the type of language that those at the top use to justify
invading countries "to make the world safe for democracy".
Always got to be spinning things to their own agenda.
They create a need, and then enforce it using guns, bombs, threats for
our own good, of course.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowlabelling and that the product contains what it is supposed to
Did you nearly one half of so called traditional medicine imported from India
and China in e last year have been found to either not contain what was
claimed, or have been adulterated with heavy mental contaminants? The
labeling law only works when enough testing is done.
Please explain what traction medicine is.
Traditional medicine... I corrected the above.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowAnything else is bullshit and is the government intervening
in people's own private business for benefit of things other than the
people's own health and wellbeing. ie to make financial gains for
vested interests.
I tell you what Carole. You can promote what ever laws you want in your own
country. Keep you nose out of our business. My country will continue to
enforce our own laws. You can promote letting every con-artist and stupid
down down person like your give out any medical advice you want in your own
county. But keep you idiocy at home.
Sorry bob. The US is run by corporations that are a law unto
themselves. They rig science, get their insiders into positions of
influence and are only interested in profits.
If you don't like people commenting then get your fucking corporations
and warmongering politicians out of other countries' affairs.
Then move here, gain your citizenship and vote? The ability to register and
vote is our choice. I have not missed voting in any election since I gained
my majority.
Do you mean maturity?
Post by Bob OfficerEvery two years we elect a member to the house of
representatives. In many of those elections the winner of the election was
decided by less than 100 votes. Some of those elections by less than
twenty votes. Every six years we elect one of two state members to the
senate. Many of those elections are decided by a few votes.
Those two bodies are the only group which makes national law and policy.
The president doesn't make policy and doesn't make laws. Most people do not
understand the president only carries out laws and policy as dictated by
the congress.
OK, you explain how the system works.
Unfortunately, there are those at the top that have become a law unto
The head of the state department is supposed to use diplomacy.
However, I hear Kerry and John Kerby using threats of war against
Russia who has been doing all the diplomacy, trying to solve the
Syrian war but Kerry want full-out war, Kirby makes threats to Russia.
these guys are fucked.
They're not diplomats but warmongers.
They wouldn't care if 1/2 the people in US got bombed by Russia.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerYou are truly a very willfully ignorant person.
Talking about yourself bob?
No Carole I am talking about you.
Why don't you STFU bob?
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowThe only reason to do it would be to rule out anything that isn't
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowThe problem with the US is that there is no accountability for some
things and over-reaching accountability for others.
Oh shut up, Carole. This is the United States, not Australia. How we
Operation our countries internal affairs are no business of yours. Since
you most like have not actually read the complains and evidence which are
attached to those complains, your just a loud mouth twit, making noise.
I think you mean "complaints" not complains.
I mean shut the fuck up
Why don't you learn to spell correctly idiot?
Why don't you shut the fuck,up. Misspelling is not as nearly as bad as you
having your children removed for neglect is it? Why is worse to misspell a
word and be correct, when you are ignorant about what you pretend to know.
Why don't you STFU?
Because the truth hurts, right Carole. I talking about stupid people and
about you.
STFU bob.
Post by Bob OfficerReally?
Post by Enquiring minds want to know"Assad must go" -- why?
Because he's a dictator or has caused injuries to his own people
So that justifies endless war until all the people in Syria are either
dead or refugees perhaps?
Syria is a state of mixed ethnic and religious groups. The current
troubles in the Middle East can be laid at the feet of Britain and it
Middle East colonial period. Assad just like Hitler has been carrying out
Pogroms against different minority groups.
Assad has made a few mistakes apparently.
BUT most of what he is being accused of is spin, created to justify
invasion. Same as Iraq, same as Libya.
Has Obama made mistakes?
How would you like it if Russia decided to invade US and replace Obama
and all the members of congress and put in his own people?
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob Officer<snip of Carole rambling nonsense.>
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerThe fact DoTERRA not only encourage it sales people to make false claims
but actually suggest such actions including their sales force try to make
such claims hidden on private web pages and hidden social groups plainly
violated the law.
And do you think that is inappropriate?
Yes it is unlawful and inappropriate. It is also deceptive.
People have a right to know about essential oils, and any other
natural health product they enquire about.
Yes they need to know exactly how dangerous they could be. They don't need
housewifes with no education tell people disinformation about them.
Dangerous? Where are the recorded deaths from essential oils?
I believe the poison control center in Tennessee listed 3 cases of death
plus one where is child was put on life support, and one with liver damage
from oil of wintergreen misuse.
Cooked up no doubt.
Google it, Carole. Start learning how to read.
This is how you lot work.
You say that homeopathy kills people -- based on the fact that some
people try to use homeopathy rather than go with regular conventional
care. This isn't homeopathy killing a person, but rather the wrong
remedy for the condition.
Allopathy kills many cancer patients since there is only 65% cure,
that means they kill 35%. And maybe if alternatives weren't banned
from treating cancer, in time they would work out what procedures
worked and what didn't. Some practising alternative healers just
aren't experienced enough.
Post by Bob Officerhttps://healdove.com/alternative-medicine/Essential-Oil-Safety-Documented-Side-Effects-Injuries-and-Deaths-from-Essential-Oil-Ingestion
Haddad and Winchesters Clinical management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose,
4th ed., Chapter 101, Essential Oils, concisely reports on the toxicology
of common essential oils, along with injuries and deaths that were a result
of their use.
To begin, a reported dose of just 4mL of eucalyptus oil resulted in the
death of an adult. In another case, 30mL caused seizures and death of an
8-month old. In a review of eucalyptus oil fatalities, common symptoms of
early on-set poisoning are documented. Note that these are not potential
factors for hypothetical circumstances - this is the information harvested
from actual fatalities from eucalyptus oil poisoning that have already
Additionally, the chapter notes these specific, actual, and documented
Cinnamon Oil at 2.5mL/kg caused gastrointestinal symptoms, lethargy, rectal
burning and dizziness in a 7-year old.
Pennyroyal (Squaw Mint) Oil at 30mL caused poisoning and death of a young
woman trying to induce abortion and was cited in the death of another
24-year old woman.
There are more cases discussed in the article about the dangers injury and
death from essential oils, it I am sure you will not read them. There are
OK, I didn't realise there were deaths.
However, I also didn't realise that people were ingesting them.
Mostly they are used in burners or diluted and rubbed on the skin, or
maybe put into soaps, shampoos and that sort of thing.
There should be warnings about ingesting them, and especially with
children but that doesn't mean the government should bring in SWAT
teams to raid healthshops.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowWe all know that there are plenty of recorded deaths from
pharmaceutical drugs, over 100,000 pa, and vaccines on top of that,
which also are supposed to be totally harmless, but they keep the side
effects hidden from the public despite the fact that there is a
register of harm from them.
"Every day, people in the United States are being injured and killed
by vaccines, and those numbers are increasing. This is a fact that is
not in dispute, as the Department of Justice?s quarterly report on
vaccine injuries and deaths clearly demonstrates.
The DOJ?
The DOJ doesn't deal with vaccines, Carole.
Apparently the DOJ deals with the reports of damage.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowOnly a very small portion of vaccine injuries are reported.
Most nurses and doctors don't even acknowledge the idea.
False, anyone can report to VARS.
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowVaccine Injuries are Seldom Reported
"The U.S. government keeps a database of reports documenting vaccine
injuries and deaths called The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
It seems neither the writer of the blog nor you know what VARS is.
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerThat last paragraph is wrong and has been fully debunked.
The funds for the NVICP come directly from the companies producing
vaccines. This has been explained to you before.
No its not wrong.
Only debunked by lies and bullshit -- in reality it stands.
Post by Bob OfficerWhy can't you keep up, Carole?
Why can't you learn to recognise bullshit bob?
" As an E.R. nurse, I have seen the cover up. Where do you think
kids go when they have a vaccine reaction?
They go to the E.R.
They come to me.
I cannot even begin to guess how many times over the years I have
seen vaccine reactions come through my E.R. Without any exaggeration,
it has to be counted in the hundreds.
Note she doesn't give any details. A minor fever is the most common
reaction. I would call it exaggeration.
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowThe big take away from that?
VAERS is WOEFULLY under reported.
I am PROOF of that. (Read the full blog post here.)"
Sad when a nurse doesn't understand what VARS is. Even sadder when you give
an nonsensical and silly anecdotal blog any real weight, Carole. Did you
recognize the many fallacies used? Did the ring in your nose while it was
being pulled hurt?
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowHow appropriate do you think it is for SWAT teams to raid health
In some case very appropriate.
No, entirely inappropriate.
SWAT teams are only appropriate to be used in hostage situations or
when there is armed danger.
Just who the hell do you think you are to tell a police agency to do its
job. You have no idea of what has taken place and pharmacy labs have often
been found to be front for clandestine meth labs.
The police in US aren't trained properly and often not held
1. Police temperaments need to be screened on application to weed out
the "john wayne" temperament
Psych evaluations are routine before hiring and during tenure.
Post by Enquiring minds want to know2. Adequate training needs to be given on how to treat people
Most police officer undergo between 3-5 years of training Carole. They also
usually have to have a certain level of ongoing training? The vast majority
of police are well trained.
Post by Enquiring minds want to know3. There needs to be accountability if an officer doesn't adhere to
training and they need to be dealt with.
There is.
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowSWAT teams are specially trained for certain hostage and danger
situations. It is not appropriate to use them for routine business
situations which are more suitably dealt with by the courts.
Well you tell that to the 100 or so police officers shot and killed every
year just serving court papers.
The problem is the same as with how the US handles its international
affairs. There is no diplomacy just "Responsibility to Protect" or
Snip of nothing to do with altmed and Carole's attempt to side track the
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowNot appropriate for dealing with regular members of the public.
This is how inappropriate and out of context your police force has
become when it is used for routine law enforcement, where in days gone
past there would merely have been some notice served and court action.
Now stop trying to act like you know anything of substance, and shut the
fuck up. All you are doing Carole it making and idiot out of yourself.
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerAnd while you personally Carole in your ignorance think this action is
evil, but you failed to do due diligence research.
Where is the bit that says kids are being killed and maimed bob?
In he article, Carole. Did you read it?
Speculation bob.
There was no actual case bob.
I posted a article above. Read it!
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowIt was speculating that it could happen bob.
No Carole there were three actual cases given in the reference.
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob Officerhttp://www.scarymommy.com/kids-poisoned-essential-oils/
< cite>
?Many essential oils can cause rashes if used on the skin. Many can be
poisonous if absorbed through the skin or swallowed,? writes Poison
Control.org. ?Few have been tested like medicines have, even though people
put them in their mouths, on their skin, and in their children?s
I got a rash on my skin from using Vicks Vaporub when I was a kid.
But as a side note, it didn't kill me, or permanently disable me or
even make me sick. But I still admit that Vicks should be pulled from
the market and the makers sued to the full extent of the law. (I'm
joking of course)
Did you about 10-15 percent of children have adverse reactions to
eucalyptus oils? I guess your parents didn't read the directions and
warnings. Can you imagine what would have happened if the eucalyptus oil
had been placed into a vaporizer? You would have had that rash inside your
lungs. Depending on how old your were then, you most likely would be dead
the next morning.
A rash bob.
It was a harmless rash.
Not if inhaled, Carole .did you even look at the label of the product?
The labeled active ingredients?
Eucalyptus oil
No, I haven't read the label but apparently you have.
Mother used to put it on our chests and supposedly it would stop or
shorten a cold. OK for a day or two but if kept up for longer, then a
rash. No biggie.
A two day rash for one exposure? That Carole should have been reported.
Unless your parent use/misused out side of instructed usage.
About a week actually. The rash disappeared after stopping use.
So your parent basically poisoned you for a week. So your neglect was
taught to you?
What does "My neglect was taught to me" mean?
It was the opposite of neglect, more like misguided overcare.
Its not unusual for people to use Vicks Vaporub on their skin.
People inhale it, and put it under their noses etc.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerAnd the look at the inactive ingredients?
Turpentine oil? Nutmeg oil? cedarleaf oil?
All of those could cause blistering inside the lungs.
Do you know why the label say not to use on children under two years of
Hey bob, did you know that drinking water can kill a person?
Actually, Carole, I was the person that told you that, did you forget?
Why don't you then heed your own words?
Anything can be dangerous if misused, even food and water.
You made exactly my point, Carole. Essentials oils are dangerous and should
not be sold by housewifes are parties like Tupperware.
Bullshit bob.
This is what is referred to as the "nanny state" where the government
is over-zealous and micro-manages the lives of the citizens.
People need to learn proper use - like anything.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerIt is called water intoxication I know of least two cases in which a grown
adults died from drinking too much water in a short period of time.
Again I was the person which brought up water intoxication.
Do you want a medal?
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob Officerhttp://www.poison.org/articles/2014-jun/essential-oils
Note the article references a CAM web site. Frankly too many people,e are
selling stuff they do not understand to more people that are using this
stuff on their children. Essential oils are medications. And as the are
medications they should be treated as all other medications, testing and
full disclosures. Remember everything natural is not necessarily
automatically deemed safe.
Unlike pharmaceutical drugs that are dished out by mind controlled
doctors, who are told they are "safe and efficacious" but in fact are
responsible for over 100,000 deaths each year.
You keep repeating that lie over and over again, to will never become the
truth Carole.
There is a large death toll each and every year from pharmaceutical
drugs. They are not safe and not efficacious, but dangerous and they
do not heal, merely remove symptoms.
Yet the number is not real. I had posted time and time again the national
stats for all deaths by cause in the US . You claim does not match the
published and verifiable stats. It is just another lie you keep brainlessly
repeating hoping that eventually someone will believe that it is true.
But there are deaths from pharmaceutical drugs.
They obviously are hidden within the statistics.
There were 75,000 from VIOXX alone. Where do they show up in the
They listed, you need to go back to the year in which viol was used. And
the number is much lower than the 75,000.
55,000 was the stated number, although only an estimate.
Could have been and probably was, much higher.
Of course big pharma employed their lawyers and insiders in government
to play it down as much as possible.
The 2014 analysis was about 27,000 people world wide had actual deaths or
strokes attributed to Vioxx. That over three years and 25,000,000 users.
Is that the new revised figure, the one that was a compromise with big
pharma so they didn't get fined too much?
The fines they get are just part of doing business, it doesn't stop
them - they are in it for the money only and wear fines from time to
time. People have to be insane to take all those drugs. Most of the US
is insane and had it drummed into them that drugs are good, war is
good, don't think about it just go along with whatever the experts /
state department says.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to know"Vioxx Lawsuits: Claims Regarding Heart Attacks, Strokes & Death
https://www.drugwatch.com/vioxx/lawsuit/ Proxy Highlight
26 May 2016 ... Merck has paid out nearly $6 billion to settle 35000
Vioxx lawsuits, federal ... was linked to thousands of heart attacks,
strokes and deaths."
Probably a minimum amount provable.
Lawyers took 1/2 off the top. The remaining money was divided up to those
people world wide which had death, strokes or other claimed adverse side
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerThe latest figures were set around 27,000 for the 3 or so years in which it
was used. The drug actually worked well for the 20 million or more people
that used to the drug with little or no problem. So this is the real case.
There was a blimp of about 9,000 people around the world out of the 25
million users. Many of them already had arthritis which sometimes can and
does damages the heart. So the actually increased number of deaths was
about 100 deaths world wide per day. It would take years to show up, which
is exactly what did happen.
So if you look and see the number of people in the world that used the
drug, and understand not all those people would show on US statistics, it
is easy to see why you are such a lame brain.
So you're admitting the figure is probably higher than 27,000 when you
take into account worldwide deaths?
I didn't say that, Carole, did I?
Why are you lying about what I said?
You're the liar bob.
You and your US state department and your pharmaceutical companies.
Post by Bob OfficerWhy do you tell so many lies and falsehoods?
That's you bob.
That's all the US knows, spin, lies, advertising, promoting products,
anything to sell more product, more wars, more drugs.
Post by Bob OfficerAre you a habitual liar?
No bob, that is the US government with all their lies about Syria and
Russia. How they get the US population onside for more wars, they use
propaganda, and good acting of course. That John Kirby piece of shit
in the state office, probably got promoted because he can lie good and
repeat the words his masters say with a straight face.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerLies will always be lies, no matter how many times you repeat them, Carole.
And pharmaceutical apologists will never change their colours.
Always looking for an excuse to continue support the unsupportable.
Why don't you just admit the facts, the US system is currently as
corrupt as hell, with corporations running everything for profit.
Because that Carole is a lie.
I don't think so.
I have seen very little evidence that you can think, Carole.
Ditto bob.
I have seen no evidence that you are unbiased or know how to think for
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowEVERYTHING is being run by corporations -- the elections, the
government bodies.
Nonsense. You do not even understand how our government operates.
They're most bought people.
Either that or they're religous nuts who think that its ok to bomb the
middle east since they're not christian, and therefore heathens, so it
doesn't matter if you kill them.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowNone of the US in authority recognise lies because they don't
acknowledge truth. It is just whatever is expedient for those at the
very top. If it makes them money, its fine and can be explained away.
Tell us all about how you add 2+2 and get three or five, and conspired
anything you say is thinking outside the box.
Please explain why getting a wrong answer is anything but wrong.
Tell us bob, how an opinion is different from a belief.
I have before and it was done correctly.
In your own words bob, so I can have a good laugh.
Post by Bob OfficerA belief does not require supporting facts.
Which differs from an opinion how?
Post by Bob OfficerMany people just like you do
not understand the virtual,differences between a belief and a fact based
opinion. Opinions should always based in facts or and interpretation n of
If I have a belief that this chair will support me, why is that
different from a fact-based opinion?
You have been trying to emulate your experts, who use spin to cover
every situation.
There is not a situation where you can't switch between opinion and
Post by Bob OfficerBelief need no facts or evidence.
Neither does opinion.
Unless you use "fact-based" in front of it.
Post by Bob OfficerCommon usage has confused and confounded the abuse of the the two words.
They do not mean the same thing.
They do.
Post by Bob OfficerOnly a truly stupid person would fail to understand how they are different.
ONly a truly stupid person, experts at spin, would try to say they
weren't the same.
Post by Bob OfficerThe funny thing each time you bring up your own ignorance it just ends up
removing all doubt.
Ditto bob.
Post by Bob OfficerRemember Carole, you barely passed your English exit examination, I passed
my nicely scoring a near perfect score on SAT and my CBEST exams.
I was pretty pleased with my score thankyou.
And considering all grammar mistakes you make, your English success
was probably moderated somehow to make it look better. Maybe somebody
paid money to the school or something.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowhttps://www.sott.net/article/299224-FDA-goes-on-the-attack-against-essential-oils
"The FDA requested [of Young Living, seller of essential oils]
A very long over due action...
Essential oils are nice, smell good in a burner and generally
Generally? So is lots of things. However generally doesn't work well when
it come to anything used as a medication.
Essential oils are a natural product unlike the artificial chemical
odours that are created in a laboratory which I doubt if they have the
same effect.
Carole do you understand while they may have a nature start, that during
the manufacturing process the plant matter is crushed, steamed, pressed,
separated and distilled, in a chemical extraction process?
This is the source of your problem, you never learned how to think, ad you
are to lazy to start to think, because thinking is hard work.
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerVaccines are also considered generally harmless also. I recall you ranting
about them. So it is determined you have a very low double standard.
Apparently not.
Apparently cot death is most likely death from vaccinations.
Crib death happened before vaccines were devolved Carole.
Post by Enquiring minds want to knowAnd Zika doesn't cause small head syndrome, which is caused by the
larvacide sprayed around to kill the mozzies.
Except there is ample evidence that is not true, Carole.
No there isn't.
"A new scientific study carried out by the New England Complex Systems
Institute (NECSI) is casting doubt on the assumed connection between
the Zika virus and microcephaly. The study was prompted by the fact
that no similar epidemics of microcephaly are being found in other
countries hit hard by the Zika virus."
?Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine published the
preliminary results of a large study of pregnant Colombian women
infected with Zika. Of the nearly 12,000 pregnant women with clinical
symptoms of Zika infections until March 28, no cases of microcephaly
were reported as of May 2. At the same time, four cases of Zika and
microcephaly were reported for women who were symptomless for Zika
infections and therefore not included in the study itself.?
The four cases are consistent with the expected normal background rate
of microcephaly?2 in 10,000. Also, there have been almost 50
microcephaly cases in Colombia up to April 28 with no connection to
the Zika virus.
The mathematical analysis demonstrates that there are at least 60,000
Zika-infected pregnancies in Colombia, yet the near absence of
microcephaly calls for a renewed investigation into the cause of this
birth defect."
The study was debunk as this report was published the missing cases were
just starting to show up.
The NECSI report was published early in June. By late June more cases in
Columbia were found as the Zika infected mosquitos spread the virus.
Do keep,up. Since then cases of Ziki have shown up in the American
southeast area.
Zika yes, but not microcephaly (small head syndrome) which only showed
up where the area had been sprayed by a lavacide which interfered with
developing mosquito lava - and thought to be responsible also for
developing human foetus.
You lame brain.
Carole the same group in that report admitted that Zika was the cause of
the jump in number microcephaly in Columbia. It was posted the day after
because new data had just come in to the NECSI.
Bullshit bob.
Zika has been around for ages, it mainly caused a spike in cases where
the chemical lavacide was sprayed.
Somebody bought off the people doing the reporting. Nothing new there.
The chemical companies, as with big pharma, and government, are
totally corrupt. They spin everything to suite their agendas. If they
don't like a study, they arrange another one and keep going until they
get one they like, even if they have to pay big bucks to somebody to
produce it. Totally untrustworthy.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowRead more at
So whatever your CDC or other official sources say, they lying to
cover the arses of some corporation or other, just like all your
government institutes serve the interests of corporations rather than
the people's interests.
Do keep up, Carole a report that is months out of date, the figures are
reports in the last few weeks. One case was a woman which visited Brazil
month before she got pregnant, nearly a year later, after she returned to
the US mainland, (California) and became pregnant. Her baby was born with
microcephaly, and she and the baby. Both have tested positive for Zika
So shame came into contact with the lavacide.
Shame? Did you just commit a crime, Carole?
Not sure what I meant to say there. Probably meant to say
ShE Came into contact with the lavacide.
Post by Bob OfficerThere is no reported contact with the larvicide, Carole. The woman was
infects came back to the US and got pregnant .
What's that bob? Do you mean "infected"?
Well bob, the report might have been doctored.
They do that, leave bits out if they're incriminating to Monsanto or
other big chemical company.
Post by Bob OfficerNearly two years after
infected she had her child which had micro encephalopathy, and she tested
positive for Zika.
Most people get Zika down there (Brazil wasn't it?) and they don't
even know they've got it, symptomless. There are mosquitos everywhere,
as the weather is warm and rainy.
"A dramatic increase of congenital malformations, especially
microcephaly in newborns, was detected and quickly linked to the Zika
virus by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. However, they fail to
recognise that in the area where most sick persons live, a chemical
larvicide producing malformations in mosquitoes has been applied for
18 months, and that this poison (pyroproxyfen) is applied by the State
on drinking water used by the affected population.
It looks like the world's health authorities are using Zika virus
mosquitoes as a cover story to conceal the damage caused by toxic
chemicals manufactured by powerful globalist corporations."
So it looks like a coverup to protect the chemical companies and avoid
being sued. Same old story, coverups, lies, spin and propaganda. What
is new? "There is no scientific proof" -- well none they want the
public to know about anyway. "Nothing to see here folks!"
"But Brazil's Ministry of Health and independent experts say there is
no scientific basis linking the chemical to the birth defect in
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowBut since big chemical corporations need to be protected, they blame
it on the Zika virus which has been around for a long time and never
producted microcephally (small head syndrome) in newborns.
No evidence to support that opinion.
ie None they want anybody to know about. All suppressed and hidden,
covered up and kept out of sight, with everybody paid off, and all is
well with the chemical companies. Easier to pay off some politician
they have in their pocket than to pay for people who have been
damaged, and have their product exposed.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowYou get the facts that they want you to have, but unfortunately fail
to consider all possibilities.
You are a dodo.
I use facts, you use hot air.
You don't use facts bob.
You use the words of "experts" and "reliable sources" who use spin,
lies and coverups.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowPost by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowharmless. People who are into alternative medicine dabble in them and
You believe any made up crap that comes from mainstream, without doing
due diligence with your research.
Your idea of research is watching a tv show and believing known liars.
Classic projection Carole.
Your establishment pawn bias shows through consistently.
You are not a truthseeker but an arselicker.
When exactly was the last time you read a book?
Last book I read was "Cancer Salves: a botanical approach to
treatment" by Ingrid Naiman.
How long ago was that?
A little while, maybe a year.
Post by Bob OfficerYou do realize she is an idiot?
Ingrid Naiman is an idiot?
And you know this because ...?
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Enquiring minds want to knowCancer salves is a suppressed topic, as it would cut into big pharma's
profits. And since everything is about profits (under the pretext of
making the world a safe place) it has to be suppressed.
You really are an idiot.
Carole that fact she published her book proves her claim of suppression is
a lie. That how stupid and silly you really are.
No bob, there are many suppressed cancer cures.
There is suppressed information in every sphere of human endeavour.
There is hype, disinformation, spin, lies and propaganda. Very little
real truth anywhere. A person has to look real hard to get past all
the crap that is dished out by mainstream.
Post by Bob OfficerI realized how hard you work at remaining stupid.
You're a moron.
Enquiring minds want to know
""As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a
serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to
avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and
other forms of natural medicine unless you are fortunate enough to
have a naturopathic physician available." Dr Allan Greenberg
"When Director of the US National Human Genome Research Institute
Collins stated:- "Recent increases in chronic diseases like diabetes,
childhood asthma,
obesity or autism cannot be due to major shifts in the human gene pool
as those changes take much more time to occur."
'The corporation' (2003) quotes
The pharmaceutical industry is based on myths and lies
Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and
Effective Drugs
Big Pharma Pockets $711 Billion in Profits by Price-Gouging Taxpayers
and Seniors
Pharmaceutical Companies Spent 19 Times More On Self-Promotion Than
Basic Research: Report