And yet ANOTHER blow to Homeopathy!!
(too old to reply)
2017-09-27 19:39:06 UTC
Dodgy is as dodgy does
2017-10-07 16:07:08 UTC
Post by m***@privacy.net
What is going on here with the dumping of homeopathy from the
curriculum of Uni of California, is the slow watering down of
alternative medicine.

Its insidious and barely noticeable, but takes place over an extended
period of time, so that in the end only some useless remedies are left
being taught, so no threat to big pharma.

Big pharma and their stooges work day and night to remove alternative
remedies, water down teachings, infiltrate organisations of influence
and have their way over medicine. Its not that alternatives don't
work, its just that they are made to look like they don't work. There
is a campaign going on behind the scenes to eliminate the competition
- which campaign has been going on for over 100 years, ever since old
man Rockefeller wouldn't allow homeopaths or anybody sympathetic to
homeopathy, to train at his medical institutes.

Dodgy Dealings

10 Counterinsurgency And 'Psy-Ops' Tactics Companies Use Against

This US Government Is The Most Corrupt In History


Big Pharma: social impact index reveals a lack of transparency

Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and
Effective Drugs

"Global pharmaceutical companies paid tax of just $85 million in
Australia on revenues of more than $8 billion.

The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order
by Michel Chossudovsky

U.S. Wealth-Concentration: Wealthiest Tenth (10%) of Americans Own 75%
of America

Modern schooling and the war against competition
"In many respects we don’t have a free market economy. We have
cartels, which are the escape from free market, not the natural
progression of free market. They wage war against competition, not by
the traditional means of attracting consumer confidence, but by taking
the reigns of power in government itself and wielding it against its
adversaries. The Rockefeller dynasty represents the epitome of
cartels. Rockefeller’s partnership with Germany’s pharmaceutical giant
I. G. Farben in 1929 formed the most powerful cartel in history."

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2017-10-16 14:00:48 UTC
Post by Dodgy is as dodgy does
Post by m***@privacy.net
What is going on here with the dumping of homeopathy from the
curriculum of Uni of California, is the slow watering down of
alternative medicine.
You have pointed out many times that the dollar is the main goal of the
pharmaceutical industry and it has been pointed out to you just as often that
the dollar is the main goal in every industry. Universities are also out to
make money so it is more then likely that they dumped homeopathy from the
curriculum because there was’t any interest in a study of Alternative
(fringe) medicine by the students and therefore no profit.
Post by Dodgy is as dodgy does
Its insidious and barely noticeable, but takes place over an extended
period of time, so that in the end only some useless remedies are left
being taught, so no threat to big pharma.
Big pharma and their stooges work day and night to remove alternative
remedies, water down teachings, infiltrate organisations of influence
and have their way over medicine. Its not that alternatives don't
work, its just that they are made to look like they don't work. There
is a campaign going on behind the scenes to eliminate the competition
- which campaign has been going on for over 100 years, ever since old
man Rockefeller wouldn't allow homeopaths or anybody sympathetic to
homeopathy, to train at his medical institutes.
Too bad fringe medicine didn’t work. If it did, you would not have to
convince anyone of its value and ALL the pharmaceutical companies would be
producing it. No one has to water down a remedy that does not live up to the
claims about it. That remedy, just like Alternative (fringe) medicine, DIED A
For obvious reasons
2017-10-12 20:44:35 UTC
Post by m***@privacy.net
The one thing that keeps homeopathy suppressed is that mainstream
can't explain the mechanism whereby an infinitessimal amount of a
substance creates an effect. How does this work?

Why is big brother so in fear of homeopathy?

Science has either got to condemn homeopathy as useless or explain the
mechanism that makes it work. And since the mechanism would probably
create other inventions that big brother doesn't want people to know
about, and wants to keep suppressed, obviously they have to keep it
suppressed and call it useless.

For obvious reasons

"Bad research rising: The 7th Olympiad of research on biomedical
What do the editors of medical journals talk about when they get
together? So far today, it’s been a fascinating but rather grim
mixture of research that can’t be replicated, dodgy authorship,
plagiarism and duplicate papers, and the general rottenness of
citations as a measure of scientific impact."

"Bad research rising: The 7th Olympiad of research on biomedical
Why is there so much un-reproducible research? Ioannidis points to the
many sources of bias in research. Chavalarias and he trawled through
more than 17 million articles in PubMed and found discussion of 235
different kinds of bias. There is so much bias, he said, that it makes
one of his dreams – an encyclopedia of bias – a supremely daunting

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2017-10-12 22:33:09 UTC
On Fri, 13 Oct 2017 07:44:35 +1100, For obvious reasons
Post by For obvious reasons
Post by m***@privacy.net
The one thing that keeps homeopathy suppressed is that mainstream
can't explain the mechanism whereby an infinitessimal amount of a
substance creates an effect. How does this work?
Can't be explained, because IT DOESN'T WORK, dimbulb.
Bob Officer
2017-10-19 02:47:58 UTC
Post by m***@privacy.net
On Fri, 13 Oct 2017 07:44:35 +1100, For obvious reasons
Post by For obvious reasons
Post by m***@privacy.net
The one thing that keeps homeopathy suppressed is that mainstream
can't explain the mechanism whereby an infinitessimal amount of a
substance creates an effect. How does this work?
Can't be explained, because IT DOESN'T WORK, dimbulb.
The best claim of homeopathy memory of water, is is a well known
Dielectric, and the the changes in the Dielectric properties as a solution
become dilute is not the memory of water by variation in electron flow
through the water. Pure water has zero electron flow.
Dunning's work explained in clear, concise and simple terms.
John Cleese on Stupidity

Stephen Fry on Dunning Kruger examples:

Science psycho
2017-10-22 19:35:03 UTC
Post by m***@privacy.net
On Fri, 13 Oct 2017 07:44:35 +1100, For obvious reasons
Post by For obvious reasons
Post by m***@privacy.net
The one thing that keeps homeopathy suppressed is that mainstream
can't explain the mechanism whereby an infinitessimal amount of a
substance creates an effect. How does this work?
Can't be explained, because IT DOESN'T WORK, dimbulb.
Wrong moron.
Homeopathy DOES work.
There are is a lot of suppressed knowledge - things that the global
elite don't want the public to know about. So much easier to control a
dumbed-down society when information is suppressed in favour of

Pharmaceutical drugs are a racket and aren't designed to keep people
in optimum health, merely to make money. Big pharma has been trying to
over 100 years to eliminate natural medicine - nutrition, herbs and

Science psycho
Debunking the Placebo Effect

Chemotherapy - none-evidence-based experimental drug

Oncologists routinely tell two lies:
1. "You'll be dead in x months if you don't take chemotherapy"
2. "Chemotherapy is the only option" - when there are a dozen options,
the worst of which is chemotherapy.

How scientific are orthodox cancer treatments?

Western medicine is Rockefeller medicine - all the way.

Most Scientific Research of Western Medicine Untrustable & Fraudulent,
Say Insiders and Experts

Academic oligarchy: Majority of science publishing is controlled by
just six companies

Gotzsche wrote a book published back in 2013 entitled Deadly Medicine
and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare that
exposes the drug industry for engaging in massive fraud and deception
to push deadly drugs like psych meds on the public. The system has
been so corrupted by this influence that millions of people are now
taking drugs that don't work and are extremely deadly.

How Bogus Scientific Studies Are Created
"How Bogus Scientific Studies Are Created
The pharmaceutical industry, with their total control over the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI),
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), etc. have also funded many, many
millions of dollars of bogus scientific studies. In fact, their budget
is in the billions of dollars every year!! Couple this with their
control of the media and you have the situation we are in today.
It is the Prime Directive of medical research to do two things: First,
make it appear there is "scientific evidence" for orthodox cancer
treatments, orthodox heart disease prevention treatments, etc., and
Second, make it appear there is "no scientific evidence" for
alternative cancer treatments, alternative heart disease prevention
treatments, and so on."

The Massive Flaw with the Scientific Hierarchy of Evidence

Calling the FDA, AMA and Big Pharma: What the Term “Medical Mafia”

The History of the Pharma-Cartel

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Bob Officer
2017-11-20 07:18:30 UTC
Post by Science psycho
Post by m***@privacy.net
On Fri, 13 Oct 2017 07:44:35 +1100, For obvious reasons
Post by For obvious reasons
Post by m***@privacy.net
The one thing that keeps homeopathy suppressed is that mainstream
can't explain the mechanism whereby an infinitessimal amount of a
substance creates an effect. How does this work?
Can't be explained, because IT DOESN'T WORK, dimbulb.
Wrong moron.
Then you must be the right moron?
Post by Science psycho
Homeopathy DOES work.
There is zero evidence that it does anything. It doesn't " work " and every
time a properly blinded test takes place homeopathy is show to do nothing
at all.

Well there is evidence it works well for psychosomatic disorders. Imaginary
treatments for imagined diseases.
Post by Science psycho
There are is a lot of suppressed knowledge - things that the global
elite don't want the public to know about. So much easier to control a
dumbed-down society when information is suppressed in favour of
And there is the paradox of Carole claims. It suppressed and she knows it
because she can't find these so called suppressed cures. It's like looking
for the shadow of the unicorn. You know there are unicorns and the
government is hiding the existence of the the unicorns shadow. This is a
form of mental instability which about 20% of the public suffers from at
one time or another. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. There
is no proof of hidden cure and lack of the evidence of the cures to not
mean they ever existed.

What we do have an abundance of quack remedies which never worked and
dispute the claims they did work. These claims when put into a properly
blinded test just fail. And testing is stopped.

Take one of Carole's favorite claims that black salve kills only cancer
cells. When this claim is test in vitro ( Petri dish) it is found the
active ingredient kills all cells equally. So the claim is shown to false
and testing this remedy is stopped at that point.

Why test beyond the 1st falsified claim? It is a waste of time and money.

Points to the best evidence homeopathy ever had and that was J Benevista's
histamine study. It was total debunked in the Horizon TV video. It is in a
4 part Utube video on the net.

Carole continues to make empty hand waving claims with zero substance to
Dunning's work explained in clear, concise and simple terms.
John Cleese on Stupidity
Stephen Fry on Dunning Kruger examples:
Bob Officer
2017-11-06 04:49:32 UTC
Post by For obvious reasons
Post by m***@privacy.net
The one thing that keeps homeopathy suppressed is that mainstream
can't explain the mechanism whereby an infinitessimal amount of a
substance creates an effect. How does this work?
You got that absolutely backwards. Avogadro's Number definite the
limitation on any serial dilution aka. homeopathic dilution. Once the
number of atoms is established it is simple math to determine which there
is no more of the original material left in solution. This limit is usually
around 6C by 9C one can statistically be 100% correct in saying there is
none of the claimed remedy on the tablet or pill.

In nature there is nothing which has ever been observed which duplicates
the claim of infinitesimal dilutions becoming more potent. Indeed the
entire homeopathic movement was based on thempost hoc fallacy of Hahnemann
with zero evidence to support his declaration.
Post by For obvious reasons
Why is big brother so in fear of homeopathy?
Because homeopathy doesn't work. If one really ill use of quackery often
waste time when real treatments should be pursued. If the illness is a
normal self limiting illness it is a waste and monetary fraud.
Post by For obvious reasons
Science has either got to condemn homeopathy as useless or explain the
mechanism that makes it work. And since the mechanism would probably
create other inventions that big brother doesn't want people to know
about, and wants to keep suppressed, obviously they have to keep it
suppressed and call it useless.
There is no mechanism which makes homeopathy work. The burden of proof is
always upon the claimant, the homeopathic practitioner to provide evidence.
They can't do that Carole. Hahnemann never had any evidence and no one else
since then has provided any evidence.

I will say this, homeopathy does seem to work well in treating
psychosomatic disorders where the person only imagines they are sick. But
then psychosomatic disorder is a mental illness where one imagines they are
sick and the best way to treat is is with imaginary remedies.
Dunning's work explained in clear, concise and simple terms.
John Cleese on Stupidity
Stephen Fry on Dunning Kruger examples:
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