On Mon, 13 Mar 2017 01:03:59 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by AnonOn Sun, 12 Mar 2017 02:31:30 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by AnonOn Thu, 9 Mar 2017 05:06:51 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Dr. Jai MaharajHolistic Doctor Burzynski Wins Courts Case Yet Again,
Keeps Medical License!
March 3, 2017
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
How can you say that Jay Stevens. He was sanctioned by the medical board
fined and ordered
to take remedial medical and ethic classes.
Did you consider it a win when you were sent to state prison in Hawaii?
Its a win considering the current corrupt system he was being charged
Really if the system truly wasn't corrupt, he wouldn't be practicing at
all. He has the record for the longest clinical trial in the world. And no
matter what he claims, he has never published or given any real indication
to the FDA how the trial is progressing. One the items he was brought to
heal for was not informing the patients they were taking part in a clinical
I assume you mean "trial" not trail.
I fixed it for you Carole. I will from now on be as pedantic as you are,
and you manage the English language from more often than I do.
I don't pick up your grammar errors bob -- you make heaps.
I guess you're just not the rational type.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by AnonI wouldn't automatically believe all the rationalisations that come
from the FDA. There are an awful lot of lies concerning what really
happens and what they say happens.
So when the FDA states his clinical trial has failed to make any published
results, why doesn't the crooked doctor just point where he has published
any results.
Who knows bob, there are possible reasons -
* there are no studies showing the effectiveness of many things that
cure because the studies cost millions and it only takes one error for
the study to be nullified.
* FDA works for big pharma who doesn't want any cures except their
patented products.
* some sort of technicality that nullifies any of Bryzinski's studies
* Maybe he can't publish his results because big pharma owns all the
places where studies can be published.
Post by Bob OfficerWhen the crooked doctor is charged with allowing non-doctors to diagnose,
order treatments, see patients and and do other acts which are restricted
by law to medical doctors and pharmacists why is he allow to continue in
violation of law?
By "crooked doctor" you mean Bryzinkski I guess.
I don't know the reason for it, maybe there's more to the story that
we're not being told by the crooked mass media and crooked FDA.
Post by Bob OfficerWhen the crooked doctor treats patients without fully informed consent, and
doesn't make sure his clinical trial is not being advertised as a cure or
anything other than experimental treatment? How many 1000s of patients is
he going to allow before he comes to the end of the experimental trial?
Most medical trials use a set number of patients prior to starting the
trial. He has seen 1000's of patients more than enough to make a
determination if the treatment works or not.
I have no idea -- not really up on Bryzinski's treatments.
I have my areas of interest and he has his. He uses some sort of
chemotherapy which he has concocted. No idea what it involves, or why
he even uses chemotherapy of any sort. Doesn't sound very natural to
The word chemo to me means poison and I wouldn't trust it in any shape
or form.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by AnonPost by Bob OfficerPost by AnonYou know it is illegal for any doctor other than pharmaceutical to
treat cancer due to the fact that big pharma has infiltrated all
government bodies and gotten legislation changed to suit their
The can't claim to treat cancer without some sort of proof the treatment
actual works. It is called making false claims, Carole. The current
administration in our government calls making false claims alternate
truths. When I was growing up those alternate truths were called lies.
"Making false claims" is what big pharma does.
It seem the crooked doctor was caught making them time and time again.
Maybe, maybe not.
If its anything like how the democrats and mainstream media treat
Donald Trump, I'd say there are a lot of lies and misinformation
involved on their part.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Anonthey use this lingo to reverse the truth.
Big pharma isn't into curing, just long term management and making
That seems to be what the crooked doctor does, he "treats them until their
life savings is gone and then drops them from his trial.
That's big pharma's MO.
I know that the elite use truth reversal to throw people off their
guard. I would say that they're twisting the truth somehow.
But without knowing all the facts I can't say.
Post by Bob OfficerDo you know in the US most people in clinical trial get the treatment for
free and some are often paid travel expenses and a small stipend as well.
Very few patients send a dime to treatment in an experimental treatment.
Like I say, Bryzinski is working within a very corrupt system.
Who knows what tactics he is using and how much of his strategy is
being misportrayed. The medical establishment lie very well and spin
and twist everything to suit their agenda.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by AnonPost by Bob OfficerPost by AnonWhy don't you think twice before opening your trap about something you
only appear to be a mouthpiece for, the current medical establishment.
I swear you must be on a payroll to support the current medical
system, you are so consistent at it and never miss an opportunity.
You should take you own advice, Carole. You see I know some you seem to
have missed. I do know just how stupid you are, and everyday you show the
world how right Kruger and Dunning was.
Why don't you think twice before believing all the crap that comes out
of mainstream. Most of it is lies and rationalisations to deceive the
public. The real agenda is control of everything.
Post by Bob OfficerYou are their classic example, the one John Cleese is talking about in the
video. You have looked at it haven't you?
I know that John Cleese is into a lot of training videos.
I haven't looked at that particular one, the science of stupid.
You really should look at that video. He is talking about you Carole. He
just doesn't use your name.
Or maybe he is talking about you bob.
Because I consider you to be classical stupidity since you believe
everything that comes from mainstream without putting any effort into
understanding the background.
The amount of spin and hype that comes out of mainstream is the
problem. These people appeal to people's emotions rather than report
the facts and using logic. There are two types of people in the world
bob, those who respond to emotional appeal, and those who respond to
rational logic.
Unfortunately for you bob, the ESTJ isn't one of the rational types.
The ESTJ works by supporting the current system and holding it up as
the standard. Not by working out if something is true, fair or logical
but by whether the system supports something. So if the system is
totally corrupt the ESTJ just goes along with it as they can't tell
the difference.
Boo hoo ...poor bob and his emotional little gang of supporters, ie
the leftards who are all sucked into emotional reactions on what the
system has told them are good and true values.
Its time for you to give it a break and realise you got some things
badly wrong.
Dodgy Dealings
The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order
by Michel Chossudovsky
U.S. Wealth-Concentration: Wealthiest Tenth (10%) of Americans Own 75%
of America
Modern schooling and the war against competition
"In many respects we dont have a free market economy. We have
cartels, which are the escape from free market, not the natural
progression of free market. They wage war against competition, not by
the traditional means of attracting consumer confidence, but by taking
the reigns of power in government itself and wielding it against its
adversaries. The Rockefeller dynasty represents the epitome of
cartels. Rockefellers partnership with Germanys pharmaceutical giant
I. G. Farben in 1929 formed the most powerful cartel in history."