exposing fake news sites
(too old to reply)
Bob Officer
2016-11-29 23:07:24 UTC



Who do we know that has real problems with fact checkin and not being able
to tell real news from fake?
Dunning's work explained in clear, concise and simple terms.
John Cleese on Stupidity

Fred's brain fungus
2016-12-03 13:00:49 UTC
On Tue, 29 Nov 2016 23:07:24 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officer
Who do we know that has real problems with fact checkin and not being able
to tell real news from fake?
All mainstream sources contain fake news.
That's the way the system works - keep the people in the dark and feed
them misinformation, so much easier to control that way.

Fred's brain fungus
Brought to you by big pharma, where only the best propaganda will do

Attacking any remedies that can't be patented on behalf of big pharma

The war is on and the frontline's your brain.

Collusion Between Pharmaceutical Industry and Government Deepens

"The Drug Industry - commonly called Big Pharma, has no ethical
restrictions. The death, or damage, of millions of humans is of no
concern to them until that information about that damage and death
becomes public. They have been caught too many times to deny it. That
damage and death is, to them, just part of doing business. There has
never been a time when a Big Pharma drug lord has seen the inside of a
prison cell, much less been put on trial, and condemned to death for
what they did, like what happened to a former Chinese FDA leader. So,
there are NO ETHICAL INCENTIVES. - See more at:

Unfortunately it is very profitable for the drug industry to get the
medical profession to promote vaccines to the general population. Drug
companies are corporations and they do not have a duty to “do no
harm”. Their only duty is to make money and “mitigate” any liability
the company might be forced to deal with in a court of law. And since
the Supreme Court decision in 2011, Bruecewitz versus Wyeth, they have
been exempted from all liability regarding their vaccine products. It
is important the public doesn’t forget this as it is very unlikely
your physician or anyone who works for public health will remind you
of this reality.

Of Course I'm Anti-Vaccine...
I Have a Brain.
I don't care one bit about the fact that 102 people across the country
have measles. I do care, very much, however, that one in sixty-eight
children in America are now Autistic (vaccine damaged). I care even
more that one in six children in America are neurologically damaged. -
See more at:
2016-12-03 15:12:06 UTC
Post by Fred's brain fungus
All mainstream sources contain fake news.
Intelligent people distinguish between what's fake and what's real.

The nonsense that Carole posts is more fake than anything put out by the

Carole <--- an embarrassment to intelligent people in Oz
2016-12-03 17:02:32 UTC
Post by Stack
Post by Fred's brain fungus
All mainstream sources contain fake news.
Intelligent people distinguish between what's fake and what's real.
The nonsense that Carole posts is more fake than anything put out by the
Carole <--- an embarrassment to intelligent people in Oz
Not just the intelligent people, she is an embarrassment to ALL the people of

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