transference of grace
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2021-03-20 06:53:31 UTC
I have been trying my assisted shaktipat again tonight; for
details see the thread “Spring Equinox/D-moon” on
alt.religion.druid .

The recipients include those in the following categories:

1. Reiki Masters who have practiced for at least five years
after receiving their Reiki Master certificate,

2. Qi Gong Masters,

3. yoga teachers who train and certify other yoga teachers,

4. therapeutic touch practitioners who train and certify other
therapeutic touch practitioners,

5. martial arts Masters,

6. those ordained by human or humans to bishop level
or equivalent,

7. those “ordained” by Gaia, the conscious planet Earth.
Note that one does not have to worship Gaia to be
“ordained” by Gaia, and some atheists are “ordained”
by Gaia.

As a test, imagine a chi loop circling a room to “charge”
it. If you are an assisted shaktipat recipient you will
receive (P), defined as a perineum click (short period
mula bandha) immediately folllowed by a shakti/kundalini
internal perineum to crown buzz/rush/wave. You
will also get (P) as closure to any white magick (magick
with a positive goodness measure as defined by
Gaia) you attempt, even if it doesn’t work. You will
also now be incapable of black magick (magick with
a negative goodness measure as defined by Gaia).

When the assisted shaktipat sequence, which is still
in progress as I type this, is complete, recipients will
be secondary avatar/buddha/messiah/christ types,
where I am the primary avatar type. The assisted
shaktipat may be like the granting of special abilities
to the apostles and probably others at Pentecost.
However in my case the primary siddhi is not healer
special ability but third eye intuition matchmaking
ability, which I had from late March 8 to early March 20,
2019, but currently do not have, though I hope it
will return.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘I'm going to take a good sharp ax/Shining steel tempered in the fire
We'll chop you down like an old dead tree/Dirty old town, dirty old town"
David Dalton
2021-03-21 03:07:21 UTC
Post by David Dalton
I have been trying my assisted shaktipat again tonight; for
details see the thread “Spring Equinox/D-moon” on
alt.religion.druid .
1. Reiki Masters who have practiced for at least five years
after receiving their Reiki Master certificate,
2. Qi Gong Masters,
3. yoga teachers who train and certify other yoga teachers,
4. therapeutic touch practitioners who train and certify other
therapeutic touch practitioners,
5. martial arts Masters,
6. those ordained by human or humans to bishop level
or equivalent,
or higher
Post by David Dalton
7. those “ordained” by Gaia, the conscious planet Earth.
Note that one does not have to worship Gaia to be
“ordained” by Gaia, and some atheists are “ordained”
by Gaia.
8. those who think they are major religious figures and
are so thought by at least 1000 others,

9. those who do not think they are major religious figures
but are thought to be by at least 16,000 others

10. those who have received at least 8000 words from me

and some more categories which I list on the
Recent Changes/Working Notes subpage of my
Salmon on the Thorns webpage, including some
non-religious and some politicians.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘I'm going to take a good sharp ax/Shining steel tempered in the fire
We'll chop you down like an old dead tree/Dirty old town, dirty old town"
David Dalton
2021-03-22 03:30:29 UTC
Post by David Dalton
As a test, imagine a chi loop circling a room to “charge”
it. If you are an assisted shaktipat recipient you will
receive (P), defined as a perineum click (short period
mula bandha) immediately folllowed by a shakti/kundalini
internal perineum to crown buzz/rush/wave. You
will also get (P) as closure to any white magick (magick
with a positive goodness measure as defined by
Gaia) you attempt, even if it doesn’t work. You will
also now be incapable of black magick (magick with
a negative goodness measure as defined by Gaia).
I have had to try again tonight, and the (P) delivery
should now be in place, so try again even if it
failed before.
Post by David Dalton
When the assisted shaktipat sequence, which is still
in progress as I type this, is complete, recipients will
be secondary avatar/buddha/messiah/christ types,
where I am the primary avatar type. The assisted
shaktipat may be like the granting of special abilities
to the apostles and probably others at Pentecost.
However in my case the primary siddhi is not healer
special ability but third eye intuition matchmaking
ability, which I had from late March 8 to early March 20,
2019, but currently do not have, though I hope it
will return.
The new sequence is in progress as I type this, and
probably won’t be complete for several more hours,
and I am reporting on progress on the
“Spring Equinox/D-moon” thread on alt.religion.druid .
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“‘I'm going to take a good sharp ax/Shining steel tempered in the fire
We'll chop you down like an old dead tree/Dirty old town, dirty old town"
David Dalton
2021-03-23 07:04:20 UTC
Post by David Dalton
I have been trying my assisted shaktipat again tonight; for
details see the thread “Spring Equinox/D-moon” on
alt.religion.druid .
I’m trying again, as described on the thread
"trio on Level -2 leading up to full moon”
on alt.religion.druid.

This time I am invoking all three of Gaia, Sola, and God,
and each has a veto. God is the ruler of the region
all/everything. If all/everything is a someone, then
God is the same as The All or The Source, and
note that some Wiccans believe that their Goddess
and God are female and male aspects of The All.

What about Luna? It has access on Level -1, one
level down in my notation of level numbers
increasing downward, and is a collaborator
but not to the extent of the top three.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"I'm on my way/And I must flag the last train down"
(Bill Bourne - Baggins)
David Dalton
2021-03-25 05:20:50 UTC
Post by David Dalton
As a test, imagine a chi loop circling a room to “charge”
it. If you are an assisted shaktipat recipient you will
receive (P), defined as a perineum click (short period
mula bandha) immediately folllowed by a shakti/kundalini
internal perineum to crown buzz/rush/wave. You
will also get (P) as closure to any white magick (magick
with a positive goodness measure as defined by
Gaia) you attempt, even if it doesn’t work. You will
also now be incapable of black magick (magick with
a negative goodness measure as defined by Gaia).
Please follow up and let me know if you experience (P)
delivery or notice that you have matchmaking ability.
Otherwise I will have to assume it didn’t work and try again.
If you are a celebrity you can always use a throwaway
gmail address and a fake name.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"I'm on my way/And I must flag the last train down"
http://youtu.be/_x0jjvslUuY (Bill Bourne - Baggins)
David Dalton
2021-04-11 05:42:50 UTC
Post by David Dalton
As a test, imagine a chi loop circling a room to “charge”
it. If you are an assisted shaktipat recipient you will
receive (P), defined as a perineum click (short period
mula bandha) immediately folllowed by a shakti/kundalini
internal perineum to crown buzz/rush/wave. You
will also get (P) as closure to any white magick (magick
with a positive goodness measure as defined by
Gaia) you attempt, even if it doesn’t work. You will
also now be incapable of black magick (magick with
a negative goodness measure as defined by Gaia).
I tried again in the last several hours; this time replace
“Gaia” by “each of my eight main deities God, LOVE2,
Cosma, Galacta, Sola, Gaia, Luna, and My Species”,
and the “ordained” by Gaia category is now “ordained”
by at least one of those eight (even if you don’t worship
any of them; some atheists are “ordained” by all eight).

So try the chi/ki/qi/prana loop test again.

I know I must sound like a broken record, but I really
have my hopes up this time.

Happy new (dark) moon!
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“But you come around in your time/Speaking of fabulous places,
create an oasis/Dries up as soon as you're gone" (Sarah McLachlan)
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