WDJW thought for 10/16/16 ...
(too old to reply)
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-16 11:48:50 UTC
"This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once
more shake the heavens and the Earth, the sea and the dry land. I will
shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I
will fill this house with glory,’ says the LORD Almighty." (Haggai

This physician ( http://JiL4ever.net/HeartDoc ) shares that we're
where (Luke 17:37) we need to be at the appointed time (Haggai 2:6-7)
known only to the Father (Mind of GOD) when we're always
saying/writing that we're http://WDJW.net/WonderfullyHungry in **all**
ways including especially caring to http://WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward
w/all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to GOD -->

"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace (
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://JiL4ever.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-17 12:45:54 UTC
"'I am the Alpha and the Omega,' says the LORD GOD, 'Who is, and Who
was, and Who is to come, the Almighty.'" (Revelation 1:8)

This physician ( http://JiL4ever.net/HeartDoc ) shares that we follow
the LORD (Revelation 1:8) our Mighty (Isaiah 9:6) GOD by being ever
mindful of WDJW, both thinking/saying/writing **and** doing what JESUS
(Heart of GOD) wants with all glory ( http://bit.ly/Psalm112_1 ) to
the Father (Mind of GOD) while baptized in the Holy Spirit (Soul of
GOD) --> http://amzn.com/k/R-Sc1mfXS4qBOpZQBr7g8g

"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace (
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://JiL4ever.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-18 10:09:09 UTC
"Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your
hope in GOD, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my GOD." (Psalm

This physician ( http://JiL4ever.net/HeartDoc ) shares that it's the
heart (Matthew 15:19) which deceives ( http://bit.ly/Jeremiah17_9 )
the mind to fall into temptation's pit, where we'd be downcast (Psalm
42:11) and disturbed, if we've not been on watchful (Matthew 26:41)
http://WDJW.net/Guard (Proverbs 4:23 & 23:2) -->

"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace (
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://JiL4ever.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-19 10:02:42 UTC
"For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about
the coming of our LORD Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses
of His majesty." (2 Peter 1:16)

This physician ( http://JiL4ever.net/HeartDoc ) shares that it's the
heart (Matthew 15:19) which deceives ( http://bit.ly/Jeremiah17_9 )
the mind to fall into temptation's pit, where we'd wax nostalgic (2
Peter 1:16), if we've not been on watchful (Matthew 26:41)
http://WDJW.net/Guard (Proverbs 4:23 & 23:2) always saying we're?
http://WDJW.net/WonderfullyHungry in **all** ways including especially
caring to http://WDJW.net/ConvinceItForward -->

"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace (
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://JiL4ever.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-20 11:35:35 UTC
"Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great
delight in His commands." (Psalm 112:1)

This physician ( http://JiL4ever.net/HeartDoc ) shares that it's the
heart (Matthew 15:19) which deceives ( http://bit.ly/Jeremiah17_9 )
the mind to fall into temptation's pit where there's suffering,
instead of delight (Psalm 112:1) in the LORD's commands, if we've not
been on watchful (Matthew 26:41) http://WDJW.net/Guard (Proverbs 4:23
& 23:2) --> http://t.co/6efKHm2Sl7

"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace (
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://JiL4ever.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-21 12:03:55 UTC
"The LORD will establish you as His holy people, as He promised you on
oath, if you keep the commands of the LORD your GOD and walk in
obedience to Him." (Deuteronomy 28:9)

This physician ( http://JiL4ever.net/HeartDoc ) shares that it's the
heart (Matthew 15:19) which deceives ( http://bit.ly/Jeremiah17_9 )
the mind to fall into temptation's pit, where we can't walk
(Deuteronomy 28:9) in the ??LORD?'s ways, if we've not been on
watchful (Matthew 26:41) http://WDJW.net/Guard (Proverbs 4:23 & 23:2)
--> http://amzn.com/k/2BveQcB2S1iBMUUri_K5Mg

"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government
will be on His shoulders (Matthew 12:25). And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor (Luke 12:25), Mighty GOD (Mark 12:25), Everlasting
Father (John 12:25), Prince of Peace (
)." (Isaiah 9:6) Yes, 12:25 really is the birthday of our risen LORD
Jesus 'Christ' of Nazareth. Laus Deo :-)

LORD Jesus Christ says "you are My friends if you do what I
command"(John 15:14) and "if you love Me, you will obey what I
command."(John 14:15)

The LORD commands His disciples, who are mindful of WDJW and are doing
what He wants, to "love each other as I have loved you."(John 15:12)


The LORD teaches "greater love has no one than this, that he lay down
his life for his friends"(John 15:13) thereby meeting unwanted needs.
Friends don't want friends to die.

This is how we, who are Jesus' disciples (either Jew or gentile),
should love one another. We should mindfully choose to openly care
with our heart so that we would be willing to die for each other
because our LORD has been willing to die for each of us and indeed has
died for each of us so that we may have eternal life (John 3:16).

May dear neighbors, friends, and brethren have a blessedly wonderful
life in remembrance of the birth of our LORD Jesus Christ as our
Messiah, the Son of Man:


Don't be like satan, who is not hungry as evident by his eating
dust/dirt (Genesis 3:14) instead of real food:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for the

http://WDJW.net/HeartDocAndrewToutsHunger (Luke 6:21a) with all glory
to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us
right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://JiL4ever.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

HeartDoc Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of "Trust the Truth - Only the truth can cure the 'hunger
is starvation' delusion:"

"no one can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit."(1Cor12:3)

What are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the "hunger is starvation" delusion?
Happy Oyster
2016-10-21 11:35:21 UTC
On Fri, 21 Oct 2016 07:03:55 -0500, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
"The LORD will establish you as His holy people, as He promised you on
oath, if you keep the commands of the LORD your GOD and walk in
obedience to Him." (Deuteronomy 28:9)
Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is a sadistic swine. Yes, he is.

He harasses Netizens.

He wants his "god" to kill people he does not like, see his web-site.

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is responsible for the death of Markea Berry.

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung's license is nixed. He is no medical doctor.
He is a killer.

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is a danger to the public. If you see him: DO
Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-21 15:17:53 UTC
First off, the word is not "intercessary" but intercessory. I know it's
only a minor error, but it shows the Spirit of God wasn't guiding your
little digits, or brain as you pounded out your customary word salad.
Instead, it simply shows that the Holy Spirit is able to use
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew despite the fact that this physician
is clearly not GOD :-)
If the Holy Spirit was to use you, she wouldn't allow you to make all
the errors you make.
Right. She would shoot him right away.

Calling the Holy Spirit a "She" is blaspheming against Him.

It is written that, blaspheming against the Holy Spirit is a sin that
is never forgiven (Mark 3:29).

May GOD continue to curse and torment you, who are eternally
condemned, more than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Michael Christ
2016-10-21 20:59:00 UTC
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
First off, the word is not "intercessary" but intercessory. I know it's
only a minor error, but it shows the Spirit of God wasn't guiding your
little digits, or brain as you pounded out your customary word salad.
Instead, it simply shows that the Holy Spirit is able to use
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew despite the fact that this physician
is clearly not GOD :-)
If the Holy Spirit was to use you, she wouldn't allow you to make all
the errors you make.
Right. She would shoot him right away.
Calling the Holy Spirit a "She" is blaspheming against Him.
It is written that, blaspheming against the Holy Spirit is a sin that
is never forgiven (Mark 3:29).
May GOD continue to curse and torment you, who are eternally
condemned, more than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
A SINNER who calls his neighbour to the curse and torment of God is only
condemning himself.

Wake up, Chung.

Michael Christ
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-21 22:09:20 UTC
eternally condemned and more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) Michael Christ
And it is not 'more cursed', you are either cursed or not.
What is worse (John 5:14) than being cursed is being more cursed.

"You will indeed be dead soon, Michael, from the sin of gluttony." --
Holy Spirit (John 5:14 and Proverbs 23:2)
May you eat what you bake.
And you certainly are.
"Indeed I am GOD." -- Holy Spirit (John 4:24)
"Indeed, Andrew will enjoy what he eats while you, Michael, will
continue to wither away." -- Holy Spirit (Mark 11:21)
First I am gluttony-ing away, now I am withering away.
The Holy Spirit is absolutely correct.

It is possible (Matthew 19:26) to wither away, under the curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) of GOD, while commiting the sin of gluttony as in the
tragic example of Mr. Bob Pastorio whom all have witnessed here on
Usenet firsthand.

The LORD did strike down http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's day more
than 9 years ago:

Make up your unsound mind, Andrew.

Your writing here that the Holy Spirit is Andrew is blaspheming
against Him which is a sin that will not be forgiven.

This does mean that you, Michael, have lost your salvation and are now
eternally condemned by GOD. Ananias and Sapphira did lose their
salvation by lying before those who were in the Holy Spirit.

While now even http://WDJW.net/WonderfullyHungrier in the Holy Spirit,
Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I again pray (2 Chronicles
7:14) here that GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, Michael,
**and** your entire household more than ever for the benefit of others
thereby convincing them to trust the truth, Who is Jesus Christ of
Nazareth (John 14:6) --> http://T3WiJ.com Amen.

Laus Deo !
Michael Christ
2016-10-21 21:14:04 UTC
He goes around cursing others in his sinful state.

How silly is that?

Someone explain it to him.

Michael Christ
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-21 22:48:56 UTC
eternally condemned and more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) Michael Christ
And it is not 'more cursed', you are either cursed or not.
What is worse (John 5:14) than being cursed is being more cursed.

"You will indeed be dead soon, Michael, from the sin of gluttony." --
Holy Spirit (John 5:14 and Proverbs 23:2)
May you eat what you bake.
And you certainly are.
"Indeed I am GOD." -- Holy Spirit (John 4:24)
"Indeed, Andrew will enjoy what he eats while you, Michael, will
continue to wither away." -- Holy Spirit (Mark 11:21)
First I am gluttony-ing away, now I am withering away.
The Holy Spirit is absolutely correct.

It is possible (Matthew 19:26) to wither away, under the curse
(Jeremiah 17:5) of GOD, while commiting the sin of gluttony as in the
tragic example of Mr. Bob Pastorio whom all have witnessed here on
Usenet firsthand.

The LORD did strike down http://bit.ly/Bob_Pastorio on Fool's day more
than 9 years ago:

Make up your unsound mind, Andrew.

Your writing here that the Holy Spirit is Andrew is blaspheming
against Him which is a sin that will not be forgiven.

This does mean that you, Michael, have lost your salvation and are now
eternally condemned by GOD. Ananias and Sapphira did lose their
salvation by lying before those who were in the Holy Spirit.

While now even http://WDJW.net/WonderfullyHungrier in the Holy Spirit,
Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) us to hunger, I again pray (2 Chronicles
7:14) here that GOD continues to curse (Jeremiah 17:5) you, Michael,
**and** your entire household more than ever for the benefit of others
thereby convincing them to trust the truth, Who is Jesus Christ of
Nazareth (John 14:6) --> http://T3WiJ.com Amen.

Laus Deo !
Jimmy Alpha GeD
2016-10-21 22:34:31 UTC
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
eternally condemned and more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) Michael Christ
sightwalker you're wrong, yes, you are wrong! No one in this age is
eternally condemned. If you'd read your Bible even you would learn that
big fact!
Jimmy Alpha GeD
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-22 00:03:03 UTC
Are you sniffing guano or what?
lol only a doubting Thomas would need to boldly check twice! lol
Jimmy Alpha GeD
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew greets you, Jimmy, following the way
How are you ?
Being ...
http://bit.ly/TerriblyHungry (Genesis 25:32) misbehaving terribly like
Esau, whom the LORD our infinite Creator GOD hates (Malachi 1:2-3)


http://bit.ly/TerriblyHungry Jimmy misbehaving terribly asked:

"Could this be a safe alternative to the starvation approach/diet?"
"We were wondering how did she get those tapeworms, and then you saw the
mom turn white. The mom was apologizing to the girl. It's like 'I'm so
sorry. You know, I did it just to make you a little skinnier. You needed
some help before we went on to the pageant,'" she explained.
end quote...
That would be gross.
Is she OK today?
Sure she is, tapeworms are nothing new, people have been having them
forever. Drop a few pounds and take a pill, what could be better? lol

"Cysticercosis, a parasitic infection caused by the larval form of the
pork tapeworm, Taenia solium, has been increasingly recognized as a
cause of severe but preventable neurologic disease in the United
States (1–5). Reports documenting hundreds of cases, mainly of
neurocysticercosis, have drawn attention to this previously
underrecognized disease (6,7)."

Jason, one must remember "truth" and "Chung" are not synonymous. Chung
seems on a mission only to rehabilitate his "quack"* diet that may have
had even a small part in the death of a child?

Notes that Jimmy, by writing and posting here his "hunger is
starvation" (Genesis 25:32) delusion, is now cursed to watch all his
family & friends stop being hungry and die so that he would thereby be
cured of his delusion:

Jimmy Alpha GeD
2016-10-29 01:05:03 UTC
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
eternally condemned and more cursed (Jeremiah 17:5) Michael Christ
sightwalker you're wrong, yes, you are wrong! No one in this age is
eternally condemned. If you'd read your Bible even you would learn that
big fact!
Jimmy Alpha GeD

Happy Oyster
2016-10-22 23:08:52 UTC
On Sat, 22 Oct 2016 08:14:04 +1100, Michael Christ
Post by Michael Christ
He goes around cursing others in his sinful state.
How silly is that?
Someone explain it to him.
Someone did try. Some years ago. And beat up Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung.
Read the post postings by him...
Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm
Happy Oyster
2016-10-22 23:07:26 UTC
On Fri, 21 Oct 2016 10:17:53 -0500, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
Another deed by the Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung to harass other Netizen.

Well, there are people in the Net which do not belong there. They belong
into a lunatics asylum.

FAQ about the suicide NET nut bomber Carole Hubbard, PART 1+2

PART 1: 22.4.2013, Part 2: 19.11.2013

FAQ about the suicide NET nut bomber Carole Hubbard

Carole Hubbard is NOT a simple average dumb nut from somewhere in the
outbacks. No, Carole Hubbard is a very aggressive and highly criminal
war machine, spitting hatred and political and medical lies into the
Net. Following these lies can lead to death.

Carole Hubbard in her very own words:

The basic truth is that Al Qaeda does not exist and never has. Al Qaeda
is a manufactured enemy who was created by the Bush Administration in
order to have an excuse to wage a war for the control of the world's oil

Carole Hubbard owns several domains which she uses as her tools of war.




http://www.chrysies.net (redirector for http://www.cymwow.com)

"CAROLE HUBBARD" and her 5 domains:

Domain Name Create Date Registrar
cellsalts.net 2005-08-18 PLANETDOMAIN PTY LTD.

chrysies.net 2009-10-14 PLANETDOMAIN PTY LTD.

conspiracee.com 2005-07-30 PLANETDOMAIN PTY LTD.


soiltheory.com 2008-02-23 PLANETDOMAIN PTY LTD.

The insane medical claims and lies by Carole Hubbard

Carole Hubbard, somewhere in Australia, tries to bomb the Usenet with
her insane claims about Schüßler Salze ("cellsalts"), a horrendously
stupid homeopathic bullshit invented by Schüßler, a German naturopath,
who died more than 100 years ago.

Schüßler lived in a time, where all the modern knowledge did not exist.
He lived in a time when the first chemical analyses of tissues etc. were
made. He took up a part of that, but did not understand the so important
rest of medicine. Already in his time Schüßler was known as a terrible

More about Schüßler you can read in a book of a contemporary, an admirer
of him, who wrote that book after the death of Schüßler:


Here is some material about Carole Hubbard:

1. Steelclaws about carole Hubbard
2. Steelclaws about carole Hubbard
4. Carole Hubbard does not want evidence
5. Examples of Carole Hubbard displaying her level of intelligence:
6. The bad language of Carole Hubbard
7. Carole Hubbard even is too stupid to handle her fake-accounts
8. Open questions

1. Steelclaws about carole Hubbard:

From: Steelclaws <***@hotmail.co.uk>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: The allopathic jackals of mha
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:49:37 +0000 (UTC)
The allopathic jackals need to learn the meaning of words such as
bias, preconceived and rationalisation.
Okay, let's have some examples of yours then... *veg*
a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents
unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice
Message-ID: <DP5io.6064$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
"I won't go into the rest of the healers you've looked up because it
will be the same story --suppression of alternative cures to eliminate
the competition."

Message-ID: <na6io.5946$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"There are problems with that MO though - the evidence can be
confiscated, there may be reasons such as expense that don't allow
satisfactory tests, or the science might not agree with conventional
thinking, a whole list of reasons for no evidence - and vice versa.
Things WITH evidence may not be satisfactory for various reasons."

Message-ID: <Rodio.5964$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"CCHR is the best website for the truth on psychiatric drugs. They are
really anti."

Message-ID: <T9rio.6167$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
"You rule things out because there is no evidence but all the time the
evidence has been made to disappear."

Message-ID: <_H4hp.13539$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"What I meant was I only follow certain lines of enquiry that match up
with my own experiences."
an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without
knowledge, thought, or reason.
Message-ID: <zysio.6172$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
"No thankyou.
I'm not looking up any of your references because they're crap."

Message-ID: <1Isio.6175$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
[Bob Officer:]
Most all of Wikipedia's references are from CAM or authoritative >
sources with documents references. The key with any internet based (or
Printed) source is to fully read the references.
"I don't care where wikipedia gets its information.
I have heard that entries in wikipedia are changed as fast as they are
put in to reflect the establishment views. IOW a very biased source."

Message-ID: <%BUhl.17050$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>
"My problem with men is they are thick."

Message-ID: <2fdhl.16383$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>
"I think blokes are the same the world over ...more or less.
They all use brute force, bluff and bullshit to bumble their way through

Message-ID: <5tehl.16405$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>
"Men are bullies, they start and conduct all the wars.
All pedophiles and rapists are men.
Practically all murderers and criminals are men.
All secret societies that plot against the world are populated by men.
All big corporations that rob and loot the world's resources are run by
. to justify (one's actions, esp discreditable actions, or beliefs)
with plausible reasons, esp after the event 2. psychol to indulge,
often unchallenged, in excuses for or explanations of (behaviour about
which one feels uncomfortable or guilty)
<446a9232$0$26964$***@per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au> "I don't
like reading pubmed. Its too technical for me."

Message-ID: <22gbp.11584$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
"Basically, I know what I'm talking about. If you push me you will get
responses that are a bit dodgy."

Message-ID: <RcXjp.14258$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
"The only difference is that this is an altie newsgroup and I am an

Message-ID: <F0Wjp.14252$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
"Its all bob's fault."

Message-ID: <M7omo.42$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"I am the person who invented logic and reasoning."

Message-ID: <M7omo.42$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"I generally don't read anything too lengthy as I've said before."

Message-ID: <M7omo.42$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"Well no I don't need to provide evidence to support a claim that
cellsalts work. You need to provide evidence that your science hasn't
been manipulated."

Message-ID: <CULzo.1143$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"Fair use for educational purposes brother bob."

Message-ID: <v7Pzo.1161$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"What is an educator brother bob, other than anybody who includes
something for public education. I don't have to be an education
institution to have information for public education."

Message-ID: <t7IIo.3684$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"Education purposes includes any and all types of education.
Since this forum is to inform, discuss and educate on alternative health
matters, education is fair use."

Message-ID: <Acsco.4269$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
"If somebody posts an article on the internet and if it is any good, it
will be copied."

Message-ID: <2Ktco.4364$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>
"Look at it this way jeff.
If a good article is posted it will be copied. This is the nature of the
internet. Most people don't mind their articles being copied as long as
the original source is given credit."

So who did need to learn again the meaning of those terms again, Carole?

2. Steelclaws about carole Hubbard:

From: Steelclaws <***@hotmail.co.uk>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: Can somebody tell steelclaws ...
Date: Sat, 14 May 2011 22:47:56 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <***@>


"I am the person who invented logic and reasoning."
Message-ID: <M7omo.42$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Its probably her MO to suck people in then play the victim ie, no
responsibility for her actions.
She certain has no responsibility for her health as all her health
(whatever they are, I don't know and don't want to know) are "genetic"
excusing her of any responsibility in their development through faulty
living/ diet or whatever."
Message-ID: <ahwjp.14154$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Look its no use arguing with me, I am an expert, an INTJ (the
thinker and mastermind), and I was born on the Day of the Problem
Message-ID: <rtR5o.2465$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"I do know better than the doctors on some things."
Message-ID: <Ec_wp.3628$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Science should never put itself higher than commonsense."
Message-ID: <FVdJo.3681$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"That's right bob, I am an INTJ with higher than average IQ and born on
day of the problem solver (june 2)."
Message-ID: <QJero.1239$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"I couldn't let this pass without mentioning the illuminati / conspiracy
The following excerpt from the Protocols shows that inoculations /
vaccinations is part of the illuminati agenda for world control.

From The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Protocol #10
"The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of
constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the
peoples,utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence--a matter
which we shall arrange for--of their rulers, will clamour; "Away with
and give us one king over all the Earth who will unit us and annihilate
causes of discords--frontiers, nationalities, religions, State
will give us peace and quiet, which we cannot find under our rulers and

"But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility
the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to
trouble in all countries the people's relations with their governments
as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy
even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF
want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our
complete sovereignty in money and in all else.
"But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space the moment we
long for is hardly likely ever to arrive.""

"Good stuff Bob, just what blokes should be doing, the grunt work
what they're good for."
Message-ID: <qUchl.16376$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"What do you know about the holocaust? Were you there?"
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

"The white people are the only ones with enough brains to understand
world is way past being overpopulated."
Message-ID: <Qh6a6.18$***@news0.optus.net.au>

"My sources are always valid.
What is more valid than the word and experience of the people?"
Message-ID: <4d20f58b-9be1-4881-be51-eaa853699df0

"There is reason to believe that water combined with some base metals
is responsible for volcanic eruptions, from what I understand and
believe more likely than not, to be the case."
Message-ID: <ba80534c-714b-4a14-94e2-d7de18a41082

"Any of my reporting is done without fear or favour. If I get it wrong,
I adapt and change once I become aware of error."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

"Here I am thinking about the laws of physics, thermodynamics which say
that heat and energy can only come from fossil fuels."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

"I saw a documentary of Carl Sagan and he said that there was a high
mathematical probability of life existing on other planets other than
earth. There are other parts of the universe that are billions of years
older than earth and there is no reason to believe they wouldn't have
form of life on them. Also it is logical to presume that there are more
highly advanced beings in the universe than earthlings.
Therefore, it naturally follows that iridology is reasonable diagnostic
Message-ID: <2ng96.117$***@news0.optus.net.au>

"But bacteria and germs are different, aren't they? Polio, diptheria and
measles are germs, not bacteria."

"No kidding.
Headlice are also a sign of a toxic body.
Get rid of headlice with cellsalts."

"I do know better than the doctors on some things."
Message-ID: <Ec_wp.3628$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Since silica is sand I tried it to see if it addressed silica
deficiencies, it doesn't.
It was a simple experiment."
Message-ID: <AZCjp.14309$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>


3. Q U O T E S

From: "carole" <***@yahoo.com.au>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Message-ID: <UJvxp.3773$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 22:09:18 +1000
"Maintenance care" a money-maker, and nothing else. There just is no
evidence that "maintenance care" is effective in preventing any
There is no evidence that there is no evidence.

4. Carole Hubbard does not want evidence

Carole does not want evidence, as she always refuses to look at it when
presented and even admits she can't use it.

"What is there to read about the article?
The heading says it all."
Message-ID: <Q8Avp.3285$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"That's true, I generally don't read anything that disagrees with my
Message-ID: <jOYtp.2694$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"No thankyou.
I'm not looking up any of your references because they're crap."
Message-ID: <zysio.6172$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"I don't like reading pubmed. Its too technical for me."
Message-ID: <446a9232$0$26964$***@per-qv1-newsreader-

"My world is where I think for myself and only accept that which I
understand and which I can see a cause and effect relationship."

"Yes, I cannot use studies to evaluate anything."

"No, I don't read widely.
I pride myself on being unpretentious."
Message-ID: <f8zDo.2164$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com

5. Examples of Carole Hubbard displaying her level of intelligence

"Yeah ok. Everybody keeps telling me to read this and that.
Hell I'm still trying to plough my way through
http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html "
Message-ID: <d4s9du$***@austarmetro.com.au>

Others seem to have gotten it, just not you.
It was posted on April 1st, get it?
The names were Lirpa and Loof. Reading them backwards makes April and
Finally got it?
"Oh, April fools day - I see.
Traditionally a day for little jokes - how kinky.
Thanks for explaining as I wouldn't have got it otherwise."
She projects her own lack of critical thinking, and educational straight-jacketed mentality onto others
ROFLMAO! You're projecting like an entire city of multiplexes. I
simply cannot recall a single time any of your posts had displayed a
shred of critical thinking. But I do recall multiple times when you
have parroted some clueless crackpot without any critical thinking or
even understanding - and you actually have admitted that.

"Since I don't understand physics its a matter of finding somebody who
supposedly does, and who's
opinions I can relate to in other ways."
Message-ID: <%tABo.1660$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"I don't read bob's comments.
Very occasionally I'll glance at one of his posts to see the tone, but
it is still as ignorant and arrogant as ever."

Message-ID: <veWzp.4279$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

6. The bad language of Carole Hubbard

Speaking of sexist language: all these cites are lifted unedited from
postings by Carole Hubbard:

"You have posted things to make yourself out as a cunt.
Would you like me to pick you up everytime you portray yourself as a
Message-ID: <OlCGo.2937$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"continue to make a cunt of yourself bob"
Message-ID: <CaDGo.2941$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Bob making a cunt out of himself, yet again!"
Message-ID: <4BDGo.2944$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Back off cunt."
Message-ID: <4BDGo.2944$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

7. Carole Hubbard even is too stupid to handle her fake-accounts

Carole Hubbard, after being so very often proved to make false medical
claims and to lie, began to use fake accounts. But, as could be
foreseen, she even is too stupid to handle them.

Here is one case where she exposes herself as a very stupid faker:


X-Received: by with SMTP id
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Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 16:18:58 -0800 (PST)
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Subject: Re: Stay out of Hospitals
From: Reg Griswold <***@gmail.com>
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Xref: news.datemas.de misc.health.alternative:30699186
On Sat, 16 Feb 2013 11:31:47 -0800 (PST), in misc.health.alternative,
Olean General Hospital Warns 1,915 Patients Of Possible HIV Exposure
From Insulin Pens.
I guess jan didn't understand the article.
Similar to bob officer not understanding that mha is an ALTERNTIVE
HEALTH newsgroup, huh?
The insulin pens are fairly new introduced to the market place in the
later half of 2000s, and the hospitals had no "in place protocol" to
guarantee the pens were not used by multiple people.
The warnings were advisories nature, not a admission of an actual
happening. Just a potential problem which had been identified and
hospitals had no written protocol to prevent.
Bob Officer
"Whoops .... now where did I put that other braincell?
It make it very hard to work things out.
Oh, I'll check up my arse ...get back to ya."
That was a quote directed at chumpski, who is a similarly moronic
Probably a happy oyster sock puppet as chumpski's posts seem to
originate in germany as well.


8. Open questions

Question by Steelclaws:
"I'm also still waiting for you to provide even a single properly
documented case where homeopathy alone has cured a non-selflimiting

This is only a starter. More to follow. ;O)

This is only a starter. More to follow. ;O)
Here's my entire collection of idiotic Carole quotes, btw:

No, I don't read widely.
I pride myself on being unpretentious.
Message-ID: <f8zDo.2164$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com

I read widely bob, which is something I recommend
Message-ID: <FIvio.6190$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I read stuff from any source and will get quotes from anywhere. The
exception is skeptics and anti-alternative
health sources.
Message-ID: <8mmJo.3855$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I am the person who invented logic and reasoning.
Message-ID: <M7omo.42$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Its probably her MO to suck people in then play the victim ie, no
responsibility for her actions.
She certain has no responsibility for her health as all her health
issues (whatever they are, I don't know and
don't want to know) are "genetic" thus excusing her of any
responsibility in their development through faulty
living/ diet or whatever.
Message-ID: <ahwjp.14154$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Look its no use arguing with me, I am an expert, an INTJ (the
thinker and mastermind), and I was born on the Day of the Problem
Message-ID: <rtR5o.2465$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I do know better than the doctors on some things.
Message-ID: <Ec_wp.3628$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Science should never put itself higher than commonsense.
Message-ID: <FVdJo.3681$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Others seem to have gotten it, just not you.
It was posted on April 1st, get it?
The names were Lirpa and Loof. Reading them backwards makes April and
Finally got it?
Oh, April fools day - I see.
Traditionally a day for little jokes - how kinky.
Thanks for explaining as I wouldn't have got it otherwise.
Message-ID: <NPwlp.261$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

That's right bob, I am an INTJ with higher than average IQ and born on
the day of the problem solver (june 2).
Message-ID: <QJero.1239$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I couldn't let this pass without mentioning the illuminati /
The following excerpt from the Protocols shows that inoculations /
vaccinations is part of the illuminati agenda for world control.

From The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Protocol #10
"The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of
constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the
utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence--a matter which
shall arrange for--of their rulers, will clamour; "Away with them and
us one king over all the Earth who will unit us and annihilate the
causes of
discords--frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts--who will
give us
peace and quiet, which we cannot find under our rulers and

"But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the
possibility of
the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable
trouble in all countries the people's relations with their governments
so as
to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy
and even
by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES,
want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our
complete sovereignty in money and in all else.
"But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space the moment
long for is hardly likely ever to arrive."
Message-ID: <43dea4e8$0$32618$***@per-qv1-

If you believe all that religion mind control rot, you set yourself up
for a
lot of problems.
Message-ID: <43e0d547$0$32671$***@per-qv1-

People need enlightenment not hate filled rantings, emotive
propaganda, and fear mongering which are all trademarks of illuminati
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Good stuff Bob, just what blokes should be doing, the grunt
work ...that's
what they're good for.
Message-ID: <qUchl.16376$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

What do you know about the holocaust? Were you there?
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

The white people are the only ones with enough brains to understand
that the
world is way past being overpopulated.
Message-ID: <Qh6a6.18$***@news0.optus.net.au>

My sources are always valid.
What is more valid than the word and experience of the people
Message-ID: <4d20f58b-9be1-4881-be51-

There is reason to believe that water combined with some base metals
is responsible for volcanic eruptions, from what I understand and
believe more likely than not, to be the case.
Message-ID: <ba80534c-714b-4a14-94e2-

Any of my reporting is done without fear or favour. If I get it
I adapt and change once I become aware of error.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Here I am thinking about the laws of physics, thermodynamics which
that heat and energy can only come from fossil fuels.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

I saw a documentary of Carl Sagan and he said that there was a high
mathematical probability of life existing on other planets other than
There are other parts of the universe that are billions of years older
earth and there is no reason to believe they wouldn't have some form
of life
on them. Also it is logical to presume that there are more highly
beings in the universe than earthlings.
Therefore, it naturally follows that iridology is reasonable
Message-ID: <2ng96.117$***@news0.optus.net.au>

But bacteria and germs are different, aren't they? Polio, diptheria
measles are germs, not bacteria.
Message-ID: <475335df$0$22901$***@per-qv1-

"No kidding.
Headlice are also a sign of a toxic body.
Get rid of headlice with cellsalts."
Message-ID: <47bc675b$0$30954$***@per-qv1-

"Kaye, if you had even the slightest idea of how cellsalts are used,
you would know that they are used to alleviate symptoms only."
Message-ID: <_wtdp.12354$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

So allopathic medicine is quackery because it doesn't cure anything,
treats symptoms.
Message-ID: <F9omo.45$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I do know better than the doctors on some things.
Message-ID: <Ec_wp.3628$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Since silica is sand I tried it to see if it addressed silica
it doesn't.
It was a simple experiment.
Message-ID: <AZCjp.14309$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I find that 1/3 tspn of bicarbonate of soda (sodium) and 1/3 tspn of
of tartar in a (potassium) is about right and taken with a little
water, and
it will fizz up like fruit saline.
Message-ID: <OwPVk.292$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"Yeah ok. Everybody keeps telling me to read this and that.
Hell I'm still trying to plough my way through
http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html "
Message-ID: <d4s9du$***@austarmetro.com.au>

Since I don't understand physics its a matter of finding somebody who
supposedly does, and who's
opinions I can relate to in other ways.
Message-ID: <%tABo.1660$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

That's true, I generally don't read anything that disagrees with my
Message-ID: <jOYtp.2694$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

What is there to read about the article?
The heading says it all.
Message-ID: <Q8Avp.3285$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I am sure that anybody who understands about alternative health would
be in agreement with me.
And considering this is an alternative health ng nobody should be
laughing at me.
Message-ID: <oufap.11409$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

CCHR is the best website for the truth on psychiatric drugs. They are
really anti.
Message-ID: <Rodio.5964$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

What I meant was I only follow certain lines of enquiry that match up
with my own experiences.
Message-ID: <_H4hp.13539$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

No thankyou.
I'm not looking up any of your references because they're crap.
Message-ID: <zysio.6172$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I don't like reading pubmed. Its too technical for me.
Message-ID: <446a9232$0$26964$***@per-qv1-

Basically, I know what I'm talking about. If you push me you will get
responses that are a bit dodgy.
Message-ID: <22gbp.11584$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I generally don't read anything too lengthy as I've said before.
Message-ID: <M7omo.42$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Well no I don't need to provide evidence to support a claim that
cellsalts work. You need to provide evidence that your science hasn't
been manipulated.
Even excess intake of water has
been known to kill. Haven't you ever heard that "the dose makes the
Are you saying we should stop drinking water then?
Message-ID: <DfLkp.14521$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"I only know what I read from other websites about vaccinations.
And you lot only know what you've been told by "reliable sources"."
Message-ID: <fz3mp.455$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I've heard about The Bay of Pigs fiasco, it was some sort of psyop the
US was committing against Cuba - I
forget the details.
Message-ID: <rtrJo.3879$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Well guess what, I don't care if I don't get the details right.
Message-ID: <5vTzo.1191$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I recall reading somewhere that Diary of Ann Frank was written by a
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

My world is where I think for myself and only accept that which I
understand and which I can see a cause and effect relationship.
Message-ID: <fef70d1a-bf6b-408c-9546-

"And one day they might find a cause for your lack of cognitive
ability in
putting 2+2 together and coming up with 4 instead of 3 or 5."

To show that I can think for myself I have worked out how to get rid
athletes foot (fungus) using nutritional means. I never got told this
anybody and worked it out for myself. And what this evidence proves
that the pharmaceutical business with disease has been hiding it so
can flog their high priced crap that doesn't cure, merely treats.
Message-ID: <c0b91304-dd06-4fab-99bc-

We're still waiting for you to explain your situation and why you have
intruded into mha.
Message-ID: <eNR9p.11178$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Who cares if I don't understand "methodology".
Message-ID: <jb5hl.16206$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

This group is policed by skeptics, who have the official story down
probably have a set of notes online to refer to as to what is the
position and what is allowed.
Message-ID: <T9rio.6167$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I don't forget anything bob.
Message-ID: <1Isio.6175$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Yes, I cannot use studies to evaluate anything.
Message-ID: <e66d0f58-

Yes, the term "quack" was invented by AMA's fishbein, way back in 1930
he first came up with his strategy to eliminate the competition.
Message-ID: <J8omo.43$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Do you go with einsteinconspiracy.com and claim that Quantum
Mechanics is wrong, or do you accept your other site that says
Quantum Mechanics can explain vitalism. Which one is it going to be?
Your choice, but both cannot be right - and in fact, neither need to
Yes, I go with www.einsteinconspiracy.com and also with quantum
mechanics potentially being able to explain vitalism.
So you do NOT understand logic. Noted.
And you are totally clueless."
Message-ID: <As5ho.5531$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

There is no way I would have uncovered this great secret unless indeed
I was
born in the day of the problem solver (June 2) which gives me
ability above all other people of lesser birthdays to make this great
Message-ID: <9sObl.11296$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

I have lost interest in
communicating my hard fought theories to other lesser beings.
Message-ID: <9sObl.11296$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Yes, I mightn't have scientific qualifications but already, without
any, I have figured out so many cures for diseases that are
Message-ID: <lWIcl.12266$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

It occurred to me that a lot of science is merely English ie, learning
terms mean is English, and how to put a theory over to somebody is
how to express a theory in a way that somebody can get the gist of
including what is relevant and following a progression of logical
points to
reach a conclusion - all English.
Message-ID: <4412db7a$0$32652$***@per-qv1-

I am the person in this newsgroup who knows more about
calcium deficiency that anybody.
Message-ID: <44300e75$0$2131$***@per-qv1-

No, I listen to no-one unless it fits in with what I know.
Message-ID: <a66c7m$nqp$***@news.eisa.net.au>

You wouldn't be able to see everything that was in blood -- even
puzzle over everything in the blood. They can't tell viruses, fungii
bacteria from each other in some instances, letalone little bits of
floating around.
You wouldn't know what happens inside a cell because they are too
small and
mysterious to study.
Message-ID: <a5vrfv$f19$***@news.eisa.net.au>

You may be an INTJ but I bet you weren't born on the "Day of the
Solver" which is my birthday. So you see it is in my psychological
Also it says that people born on this day are experts in matters of
health -
so that is in my profile as well.
Message-ID: <9qsctd$o89$***@news.eisa.net.au>

There could have been some trials done but I'm not a scientific
person and don't know how to look things up.
Message-ID: <Ad866.15$***@news0.optus.net.au>

Physics is dumbed down because it suppresses all ideas of free energy
teaches the dumbed down version of the 2nd law of thermodynamics which
that energy can only come from fossil fuels.
Message-ID: <4798f92d$0$17240$***@per-qv1-

I would say that
all food is a poison because we shit it out the other end, meaning
that the
body doesn't need it.
Message-ID: <4798fcae$0$17216$***@per-qv1-

Its common knowledge that cancer spreads when they cut people open.
Message-ID: <47920aaa$0$30873$***@per-qv1-

Scent glands are meant to pick up sex hormones, not odours associated
body waste putrification.
Message-ID: <47a65c83$0$5616$***@per-qv1-

I might have got that wrong, but I did read somewhere that some miasms
carried from one generation to another and these miasms are treatable
Why don't you explain what a miasm is?
Message-ID: <47a1f462$0$10842$***@per-qv1-

Pure speculation is my evidence.
Message-ID: <UCybo.4021$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Argument - and a paranoid one - by assertion again. Don't you ever get
tired of posting fallacious arguments?
No, never.
And I'll keep on doing it as long as I like because I am a conspiracy
theorist and that's my job.
Message-ID: <JPsco.4276$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I couldn't give a flying fuck about scientific evidence.
I can't even read the fucking crap on pubmed. its not for the
Message-ID: <fRTco.4372$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

There is no evidence that there is no evidence.
Message-ID: <UJvxp.3773$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I don't relate to the statistical format and don't readily interpret
Message-ID: <zt%vp.3431$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"If a good article is posted it will be copied. This is the nature of
internet. Most people don't mind their articles being copied as long
the original source is given credit."
Message-ID: <2Ktco.4364$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"If somebody posts an article on the internet and if it is any good,
will be copied."
Message-ID: <Acsco.4269$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Education purposes includes any and all types of education.
Since this forum is to inform, discuss and educate on alternative
matters, education is fair use."
Message-ID: <t7IIo.3684$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"What is an educator brother bob, other than anybody who includes
something for public education. I don't have to be an education
institution to have information for public education."
Message-ID: <v7Pzo.1161$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

And I wish you'd drop all that german crap -- nobody can read it
except your nazi mates.

The 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics are wrong but that is the
official science designed to suppress certain
theories about free energy.
Message-ID: <IVkCp.4728$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

True, if you can't explain your points in basic english they're
probably lies.
Message-ID: <IVkCp.4728$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Look I've seen it on TV.
Message-ID: <IVkCp.4728$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Conventional medicine has it all wrong, which is a plan by the evil
controllers to rort, pollute, desecrate and destroy anything they can
get their hands on.
Pasteur was one of their men and has mislead medicine for the last
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

I am a consumer and the customer is always right.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

I use cellsalts which often have the same effect as enema -- you may
heard the saying that something goes through a person "like a dose of
salts". No doubt this is where it originates.
Message-ID: <ljuEk.1997$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

I don't know where to look and/or how to read the results.
Message-ID: <gXFxp.3842$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I'll have to add diagnosis to my list of things that allopathy does
best - others are set bones or sew up
Message-ID: <Cl_wp.3667$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

If a person is prepared to pay such high prices they deserve to be
ripped off.
Message-ID: <Cl_wp.3667$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I can find cures for asthma and allergies -- but they propose
treatment for each attack.
Message-ID: <dMABk.38396$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

If I don't take the cellsalts it returns but so what?
Message-ID: <xcWzp.4278$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Bob, they're are people who are expert in reading historical
they're called archaelogists.
Message-ID: <OLJgo.5389$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

www.whale.to is a source of great inspiration to many who get tired of
the establishment spin and want to see
alternative views.
Message-ID: <kOPCp.4835$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Scudamore's website www.whale.to is cutting edge conspiracy theory,
and highly relevant information.
Message-ID: <g5Tpp.1427$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

[Bob Officer:]
So does KCN, by I would never suggest taking a 1/2 heaping teaspoon
of it.
Of course you wouldn't because you don't believe in nutritional
remedies, we all know that.
Message-ID: <g5Tpp.1427$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Yes, I don't understand exactly how copyright works.
Message-ID: <wwcep.12557$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Now steelclaws, what happens when you see a person use the wrong fork
at dinner?
Do you automatically write this person off as incompetent? I would
guess so according to the way you talk.
Message-ID: <OWrfp.12958$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

It takes me a long time to figure out what I know ...many years in
some cases.
Message-ID: <Zcsfp.12959$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

As I said steelclaws, I have absolutely no idea of studies that have
been done or how to search for them.
Message-ID: <Zcsfp.12959$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

They recruit likely students out of university and do mind control on
them somehow, some sort of suggestions
and objectives they are to follow.
Don't ever remember that happening? No, they would probably have
removed the event/s from your memory.
Message-ID: <Vu1gp.13074$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Don't be absurd -- lack of evidence is often enough to make a case
eg, if your very favourite net stalker
doesn't reply to something you've written, you know he's got a bad
Message-ID: <3UmBo.1604$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

But note that I only killfile allopaths because this is an alternative
health ng, not an allopathic support
Message-ID: <XjQCp.4838$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

No www.whale.to goes where the facts lead, no worries about fitting in
with consensus views, or views of
"experts" or "reliable sources".
Message-ID: <82YCp.4864$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

1) answer the question Carole: are you willing to be injected with HIV
or not?
Being injected with things has no relation to reality since eg most
people think vaccinations are safe and
harmless which may or may not be true.
Message-ID: <7MXCp.4874$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

If the orthopaths believe it, it is good enough for me.
Message-ID: <4796292c$0$17206$***@per-qv1-

Why do you think old people end up with osteoporosis? Its because
their body has to borrow from the bones to
detoxify and de-acidify when the diet is faulty.
Message-ID: <Ap4Lo.4314$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Its beside the point bob, what the mechanism is and the processes the
body goes through to perform different
I don't need to know this.
Message-ID: <QB4Lo.4222$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Its not normal to smell bad, this is due to some sort of toxins in
secretions that make you smell bad.

Cancer doesn't just happen by accident, its takes years of faulty
eating and living -- you know, cause and
Message-ID: <8v8Ko.4083$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I don't want to learn technical things.
Message-ID: <uI3Lo.4305$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

The rules of how the aether works haven't been worked out and there
maybe certain things which preclude it
from working such as influence of skeptics or other.
Message-ID: <65jJo.3844$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Placebo is a word only used by allopathic medicine to explain any
phenomena that defies their science.
Message-ID: <camJo.3736$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

It's from his speech before the American Newspapers Publishers
Association in 1961.
Now, do YOU know what he was talking of? I do...
Yes, it was about the conspiracy for world domination by the
illuminati of course.
To manipulate and control every facet of our lives.
And you don't believe in conspiracies ...what a moron!
Message-ID: <B6pJo.3752$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Where's that explanation again steelclaws?
I don't think anybody in this ng would have been able to follow it -
possibly not even yourself.
Message-ID: <9578a9c3-b173-41f5-

But surely the pancreas doesn't manufacture bicarbonate out of thin
air. It would need to be supplied in the diet in the first place.
Message-ID: <ea505077-60cb-4155-

The body doesn't use enzymes to alkalise your food - it uses
alkalising minerals.
Message-ID: <dbedef19-94d5-401d-842a-

Don't forget David Icke's reptilian people either.
Don't get me wrong, I am a David Icke fan, but somebody might have put
ideas into his head to make him look ridiculous.
Message-ID: <lRI8o.3337$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

If the earth isn't hollow bob, where did the aztecs take all the gold
they disappeared into the mountain and were never seen again?
Message-ID: <YW89o.3519$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Why don't you go and do some research amongst the altie websites
like Dr Rath's.
Message-ID: <EKRzo.1172$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I realised it was actually much easier
to think in conspiracy terms than continually try to rationalise why
ever added up and to go along with all the crap the public are fed,
"experts" and "reliable sources".
Message-ID: <YVa5o.2275$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

It seems that outbreaks of disease occur when there isn't proper
sanitation and proper standards of hygiene.
Message-ID: <uUXpp.1446$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I have an aversion to picking up faulty information, where some sort
of expert is relied on which on later
investigation proves less than reliable.
Message-ID: <wB7gp.13097$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Yes, I could learn to read research papers but I have enough
difficulty just following my own style of
research without switching over to mainstream methodology and getting
involved in all its tricks and traps,
benefits and shortfallings.
Message-ID: <_H4hp.13539$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I make more sense than anybody in this goddam group.
Message-ID: <4n0np.720$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

If I swallow a cupful of sand, does that treat my silica
deficiencies? I tried taking sand once, but it didn't alleviate any
silica deficiencies. I only took a little bit to see if it did
anything, but it didn't.

We make our own reality, it doesn't all just happen to us.
Message-ID: <Ad0np.718$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

You make your own reality. What you concentrate on you bring into
Message-ID: <dUtnp.775$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I don't think people should be in this ng if they can't accept the
possibility of homeopathy.
Message-ID: <3i%np.916$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

You would swear black was white if there was an EBM study to prove it.
Message-ID: <BkNnp.855$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I don't look into their backgrounds and neither do I think it is
Message-ID: <nKMnp.904$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Vaccination has caused many epidemics.
Message-ID: <Zu4op.960$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

The only places in the world where measles remains a problem is where
there is semi-starvation, unclean water
and no sanitation.
Message-ID: <Zu4op.960$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

This is a discussion group, not a nazi propaganda group.
People come before studies and most studies only reveal what people
already know.
Message-ID: <s6%qp.1665$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

People can intuit things, like animals who have instinct.
Message-ID: <T11rp.1670$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Sorry, I don't read conventional sources as they are usually biased
towards pharmaceuticals.
Message-ID: <S7Ztp.2697$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

What is there to read about the article?
The heading says it all.
Message-ID: <Q8Avp.3285$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Steelclaws says I will never be able to thrash her arse logically
speaking, I don't think its too hard at all
considering how biased she is.
Message-ID: <vg%Go.3076$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I am suddenly religious.
But yet not religious in the man-made sense, but in the scientific
Message-ID: <RTWzp.4280$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

However, the pharmaceutical lobby would have us believe that there is
a drug for every symptom.
Message-ID: <HBHwp.3604$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I heard that Margaret Thatcher had something to do with fluoridation
Ireland's water supply.
Message-ID: <X4Cho.5733$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Sodium fluoride was used as a mind control substance in nazy germany.
Message-ID: <AbMgo.5411$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Where do I find these studies ...pubmed?
Sorry I don't know how to use it ...either how to put in the search
terms or
read the results.
Message-ID: <LY4ao.3751$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

And what about your cognitive bias in being a skeptic who discounts
without EVIDENCE?
Message-ID: <M%5ho.5538$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Well bob, thermiserol is 50% mercury, so you do the maths.
You think its ok to inject somebody with thermisersol which is 50%
mercury, but not actual mercury.
Message-ID: <8dUyo.896$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Maybe negative people like James Randi influence the homeopathy
tests with his brainwaves.
The enemy of knowledge and science is irrationalism, not
religion. -Stephen Jay Gould
Who else but a religious nut would say such a thing?
Message-ID: <Fy2Do.1996$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Look bob, JFK said it in one of his speeches --no doubt the reason he
was bumped off because he sought to
expose rather than cover up.
Message-ID: <%D2Do.2015$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Note in the following all the homeopathic studies work EXCEPT where
james randi is present.
Message-ID: <6hxBo.1654$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Homeopathy is what is known as a vibrational remedy. When the solution
is shaken it separates the spirit from the substance and it
is the spirit that becomes the active ingredient.
Message-ID: <k61Ao.1230$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Maybe James Randi knows about the electromagnetic ability (No.1 above)
to neutralise homeopathy, and passed
some sort of magnet over the samples in the homeopathy experiment.
Message-ID: <ew3Ao.1238$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I think it is obvious that either a) James Randi's negative attitude
changed the results, or b) he did
something to interfere with the outcome as James Randi is a magician
who would be aware of any tricks of the
trade to neutralise a positive result.
Message-ID: <F8PAo.1436$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I just don't happen to like people who falsely label others to suit
their own agendas.
Message-ID: <gEBGo.2998$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

You have posted things to make yourself out as a cunt.
Would you like me to pick you up everytime you portray yourself as a
Message-ID: <OlCGo.2937$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

continue to make a cunt of yourself bob
Message-ID: <CaDGo.2941$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Bob making a cunt out of himself, yet again!
Message-ID: <4BDGo.2944$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Back off cunt.
Message-ID: <4BDGo.2944$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Alternative therapies that have been shown to be of no benefit (aside
from possible placebo effect) or that cause harm should be abandoned
immediately. - P. Fontanarosa

You wouldn't know an ineffective treatment if it jumped up and bit
you on the dick.
Message-ID: <jo_el.14373$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Its like I say steelclaws, if you can't see a conspiracy anywhere,
you're just not looking.
Message-ID: <T_4tp.2282$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

The only true way to get rid of disease is to improve health.
Message-ID: <ZuvEp.5264$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I think that Jon Rappaport is a reliable source.
Message-ID: <no%Bp.4673$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

There are many ways to "suppress" information blob.
Do you think that everybody who goes to visit their local GP will go
and buy a copy of this book beforehand? They merely depend on what
their GP recommends and dishes out. So yes, the information is
Message-ID: <af5d6a5f-

We make our own reality, it doesn't all just happen to us.
Message-ID: <Ad0np.718$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

You don't believe that the pharmaceutical business with disease is an
offshoot of nazi germany's IG Farben?
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
I can show you all the information in the world, but you will continue
deny, deny, deny.
Message-ID: <WUCbo.4113$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Who knows. Somebody's responsible for the drought. Weather control
invented nearly 100 years ago and if they [world controllers] haven't
stopped the drought, you'd at least have to be curious why they let
Message-ID: <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

And you Wal, spend so much time following the Little Pebble case and
why for Pete's sake. So he conned a few people, so what? People get
conned every day over different things. And the parents of the girls
should have figured it out to some extent, why aren't you down on
Even the girls themselves between them perhaps could have figured it
out. And what real harm was done, so Little Pebble seduced a girl or
two. I can't understand your obsession with the case.
Message-ID: <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

Were there past ice ages? They say things but they
mightn't be true and further, there is a hell of a lot of things
the history of planet earth which are kept from people, like previous
civilisations which were at least as advanced as ours. Maybe they did
something to set off ice ages by violating some laws.
Message-ID: <***@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

Thanks for all your explanation, but as usual its over my head, as are
discourses on any sort of science.
Message-ID: <9dH8o.3398$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I have read most of the links I gave, and while I don't understand
science behind them, am assured that other more scientific types have
thought of all the objections.
Message-ID: <9dH8o.3398$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I used to know a bloke who said that I wasn't normal, quite offensive
at the time. But isn't perspective a wonderful thing, I now realise
was talking about IQ - his being normal but mine being a little more.
Message-ID: <39831836-0e02-432c-888b-

I've heard that TB is associated with calcium deficiency.
Malaria is associated with sodium sulphate deficiency.
Message-ID: <%VJBk.38548$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

The only evidence that would make me think the earth WASN'T hollow,
would be
if all the coverups and suppression of inventions stopped -- but
that's not
likely to happen in a hurry.
Message-ID: <ebgCk.256$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

I have an idea that many of them are joined together by some tunnels
that travel at very fast speeds.
Message-ID: <9259588c-ffb3-4d58-

Hey, do you know that oil isn't a fossil fuel like we've had drummed
into us
since kindergarten?
Message-ID: <43e7db4f$0$30441$***@per-qv1-

Most assuredly, the patent contains NOTHING to describe nor support
any thoery of any kind, whatsoever.
According to the article, the hollow earth theory is "highly
So you either didn't download it, or it has been sanitised or edited
to take
out any meaningful information.
Message-ID: <43f705cf$0$17073$***@per-qv1-

We don't know much about gravity Wal. For instance, if the earth is
you would think everybody and everything would fly off, but it
doesn't. This
is just one of those anomalies that we take for granted.
Message-ID: <43f55e22$0$17107$***@per-qv1-

When there is so much speculation about alien or extraterrestrial
why the heck would you make up a page of pure nonsense about catching
and cooking them? You have cast yourself as a flippant, light weight
researcher on a topic that a lot of people take quite seriously, and
not without reason.
Message-ID: <***@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>

You debunk a lot, but don't say what you believe in. Its ok to knock
stuff but you've also got to have some ideals or beliefs of some sort.
Message-ID: <***@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>

There would obviously have to be a conspiracy about geology because
there's one for everything else.
Message-ID: <***@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com>

Here is an interesting link I've found about how mining and taking of
petroleum products and so forth from the earth is responsible for
earth upheavals and so forth, and is against the lawful treatment of
It derived from communications a chap called Billy Meier had with
Message-ID: <***@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>

Apparently the water causes the chemicals to become volatile and
expand, rushing through some cavernous cracks and moving rocks as it
goes, causing friction and heat. Whatever.
Message-ID: <6c891df7-8bb6-4698-

For starters bob, any topic mentioning toxemia I win, any topic where
rationalists are pitted against empirical medicine, I win -- just for

Make that base compounds of unknown type that react with water.

OK, within the earth are huge pools of water that slowly fill up to a
point then overflow. when they overflow they often come in contact
with sulphurous compounds that when united with water, they become
volatile, expand and look for a route of excape. When they escape
heat up surrounding rocks and the force blows molten rock and lava
of the crevice.
Message-ID: <8218b636-99bc-4f4c-accd-

The people with a vested interest in maintaining the
molten iron core of the earth, are the ones who control the teaching
of science.

If the earth isn't hollow how do you explain the expanding earth
Message-ID: <f5b1d525-b40f-4571-

I can imagine how there could be bumps and mountain building from an
expanding earth.
ie if an expansion caused a crack and magma was pushed up through it.
You lot need to read more widely, not just your geology mags and what
in with preconceived theories either.
Message-ID: <cZmfo.5069$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Well Jean-Paul, you can't say that I'm set in my beliefs. My mine is
open to
any new theory that comes along, if there can be a valid argument for
it I
will consider it.
Message-ID: <43dc0d47$0$16703$***@per-qv1-

And yes, I admit to having a mind closed tighter than a fishes arse.
Message-ID: <c6Edo.4655$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Your mind is closed tighter than a fish's arse.
Message-ID: <Xs5jo.6220$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

People shouldn't have preconceived ideas and look for evidence that
the preconceived ideas - this I know.
Message-ID: <Bbkeo.4771$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Well yes, I have my theories and I do look for evidence to fit in with
and I find it.
Message-ID: <Oy0oo.492$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

My preconceived ideas have been developed over time, taking various
matters into account.

And there is an interesting story on how homeopathy used to be the
until rockefeller made his moves, and that is what has given modern
its respectability.
Message-ID: <GwB5o.2333$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

The US patents office doesn't issue a patent until it can be
demonstrated that an invention works.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

That's right, the law of physics has been "cooked", like every facet
of our society it is manipulated so the power elite can gain total
control. Not only has free energy been suppressed since Tesla
discovered it, but the laws of physics are false.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Well I don't know about the actual figures, but some sources say they
pretty awful.
also some of the treatments are more deadly than the actual cancer, so
the person doesn't die from cancer they die from the chemo.
Message-ID: <_Sc3o.1786$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

We know the traditional japanese don't get cancer - I don't know
other countries.

If I have to read things like the organon I can, but why bother when
there are so many books and articles available from people who have
been there, done that?
Message-ID: <KJtlp.240$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Everybody knows that no plane hit the pentagon and the supposed
highjackers all had their identities stolen and were alive and living
in other countries at the time.
Message-ID: <d6bbd0a5-5726-4151-b5c0-

Nobody listens to me, nobody gives me the benefit of the doubt - all
allopaths trained in pharmaceutical medicine.
Message-ID: <94a61752-a88f-40ba-

Whether she's sane or insane, the facts speak for themselves that the
non-vaccinated don't develop the auto-immune diseases that the
Message-ID: <3Y9ko.6628$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Autism is an auto-immune disease. There is no autism in the amish
or the home schooled that aren't vaccinated.
Message-ID: <3Nwko.6591$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

CCHR isn't scientology.
But you wouldn't know about that since you are a bit simple.
Message-ID: <OvJko.6663$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Yet mental illness is no stigma and different than insane.
Message-ID: <LBxko.6717$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Antibiotics get rid of the bacteria? I think that the bacteria are
only there in the first place because the person has putrefying
in their bloodstream.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Maybe if medical science knew a bit more about nutrition, people
get diabetes in the first place.
Message-ID: <Aqj46.154$***@news0.optus.net.au>

I know nothing about diabetes so I can't comment.
Message-ID: <O0l46.161$***@news0.optus.net.au>

I can absolutely guarantee without a shadow of a doubt that I got rid
nits with calcium supplements. I had to keep taking large amounts of
calcium for years because they came back when I stopped taking
Message-ID: <6l156.300$***@news0.optus.net.au>

People who contract lice are calcium deficient for starters, and then
have lots of acid in their bodies which is sodium (bicarb) and
(cream of tartar) mainly to treat (taken orally to neutralise acid in
Message-ID: <e8vdl.12962$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

incurable disease as asthma I have the cure, but I will not give it
away to
my enemies. I have worked so hard to find these cures and I wouldn't
want to
cure anybody who I deem to be my enemy.
Message-ID: <9sObl.11296$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

I read in a book once that "nits were scavengers and live on the
in the blood".
Message-ID: <bR576.22$***@news0.optus.net.au>

Isn't oestrogen a hormone that women become deficient in after
So what you're saying bob, is that the 1 out of 3 blokes over 65 who
develops an osteoporactic fracture is
oestrogen deficient?
Maybe you'd also like to see these blokes grow breasts and get high
Message-ID: <hAbbp.11565$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Its all your fault bob.
Message-ID: <%Wbbp.11567$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Ahh yes, its all everybody else's fault, hey bob?
Message-ID: <%Wbbp.11567$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Did you notice with the Christchurch earthquake there were cracks in
the ground? Isn't this evidence of
expanding earth?
Message-ID: <22gbp.11584$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I don't really believe in global warming, the reason for weather
is more likely to be due to weather manipulation, although this fact
and the
technology is kept from the public for obvious reasons.
Message-ID: <45c74d37$0$25302$***@per-qv1-

But on the other hand, sodium fluoride did originate as a mind control
used in nazi germany to keep inmates docile and easy to control.
And there are no actual studies that show its beneficial effect on
Message-ID: <441370e0$0$23340$***@per-qv1-

I doubt if you'll find much of a correlation because when you talk
about somebody's sun sign, you are only taking into account one
astrological indicator.
You also need to take into account a person's rising sign and the
they were born.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Don't knock astrology. If its done competently it can be very
Message-ID: <9qhj4q$am$***@news.eisa.net.au>

Did you know that fruit and vegetables aren't very good for people?
This is because shortly after eating them, they are expelled out the
end, which proves that the body can't make use of them.
Message-ID: <443ea669$0$32095$***@per-qv1-

I don't know how to use pubmed ...and further, I don't understand the
articles in the database.
Message-ID: <dc0qo.928$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Calcium is 99 per cent in bone but it also forms a vital part of blood
However, if the body gets out of balance - too much calcium in
relation to
potassium, sodium, silica and magnesium (other cell salts) the calcium
out of solution i.e., doesn't stay in the blood - and gets deposited
the body in the joints and tissues.
This is what probably some people refer to as ossification of the
Once calcium has settled around the body if you take the appropriate
salts it will dissolve again back into the bloodstream.
Message-ID: <9smuf1$29d$***@news.eisa.net.au>

Silica and silicon seem to be the same mineral from what I can tell -
sometimes it is called one and sometimes another. I can't tell the
Message-ID: <9spfvi$m3r$***@news.eisa.net.au>

I wouldn't let facts get in the way if I understood
them - but there's facts and facts.
You've got your facts and I've got mine. The Biochemic Handbook was
by two doctors who no doubt had scientific qualifications and they had
Message-ID: <9sqkpu$dbb$***@news.eisa.net.au>

And I'm only a logic thinking person, but mind you I have been on
for many years which may have helped to detoxify my brain to an
Message-ID: <43dc0d47$0$16703$***@per-qv1-

Plate Tectonics is easily falsified. It fails in its essential
logic ...in its doublethink ...and in the consensus that drives it
Message-ID: <M8pCk.379$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Magnetic north pole is a circle not a point.
Message-ID: <AXgBk.38114$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Is global warming really happening?
This is what I am saying, that it really isn't happening but is being
as a mantra for public consumption to explain away weather
They can cause drought, ruin crops, cold snaps to destroy stone fruit
hurricanes to destroy banana plantations etc.
Message-ID: <FFt1k.7662$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

The US government isn't what you think it is. Back in 1871 there was
legal manouvre whereby a corporation called "THE UNITED STATES" was
formed in Columbia. Somehow this corporation took over the US and the
original US and works to further its own interests rather than those
the people.
Message-ID: <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

However, personally I think our weather is being manipulated by
Tesla technology that is kept from the public's knowledge. Why not?
its not being manipulated.
Message-ID: <eBhKk.6415$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

When you work out the volume of a sphere, you assume that the entire
is solid. But if the sphere is hollow it obviously doesn't work,
Message-ID: <44080d75$0$21884$***@per-qv1-

I could get a degree is medicine but what's the point.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Free energy is a suppressed technology. There are patents for free
energy devices that don't rely on fossil fuels, wind power or solar
Now, if these free energy devices are suppressed so effectively, what
makes you think that conventional medicine is right?
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

You have heard haven't you that AIDS is a secret eugenics weapon
manufactured in the US? No? Boyd Graves found the flowchart that
how it was derived from sheep visna virus in a laboratory in the US.
There is a cure too, but they're keeping it under wraps.
Message-ID: <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

Tesla was responsible for many great discoveries, including radio,
television, fluorescent and neon lighting, helicopters, lasers,
particle beams and alternating current.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

If something doesn't make sense, its crap. If something is true the
people will recognise it.
Message-ID: <440d6a55$0$14530$***@per-qv1-

I can't understand science, so stop doubting. I've never done
physics, chemistry or electronics.
Message-ID: <44013556$0$30914$***@per-qv1-

There are certain concepts such as relativism and the 2nd law of
thermodynamics which are wrong, deliberately falsified to keep people
unaware of certain discoveries.
Message-ID: <44013698$0$30864$***@per-qv1-

Remedies that can't be patented make no money for drug companies.
Message-ID: <a45qjt$3ll$***@news.eisa.net.au>

I wouldn't know how to get a basic education in biology and chemistry.
Message-ID: <4787c976$0$11976$***@per-qv1-

Communism was invented by the illuminati to cause "order out of
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

I would go so far as to say that most blokes are only capable
of groupthink.
From my experience working with blokes I would say they are poor
bastards, who are incapable of thinking for themselves and just go
with the system, and are incapable of thinking about women any other
except as sex objects.
Message-ID: <lLtAk.37402$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

There is a lot of evidence for suppressed science
Message-ID: <x7zAk.37424$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

You both take pharmaceutical drugs, so your opinions don't count.
Message-ID: <3l4Bk.37963$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

There's nothing unscientific about cellsalts, they've been a regular
part of
naturapathy and alternative medicine for 150 years.
Message-ID: <47835062$0$11985$***@per-qv1-

The reason some alternative remedies are dropped isn't because they
work, but rather they don't fit the mindset of the ruling elite.
that challenges their supremacy is a threat and put down.
Why would you assume that because therapies are dropped because they
Message-ID: <478416be$0$11987$***@per-qv1-

AIDS is ethnic weapon developed in the U.S.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

For one thing the laws of thermodynamics and electrodynamics are full
of holes and need a complete overhaul, which is recognised by many
advanced physicists.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Tom Bearden is a top physicist who has invented a free energy
machine along with a few others - patent and all.
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

When you consider that of the top 500 companies, the top 5 are
pharmaceutical and their profits combined are more than the other
companies. That's pretty profitable, isn't it?
Message-ID: <mdMGk.3849$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>


Annotated Carole quotes, v. 1.0


"No, I don't read widely.
I pride myself on being unpretentious."
Message-ID: <f8zDo.2164$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com

"I read widely bob, which is something I recommend"
Message-ID: <FIvio.6190$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

I suspect that the first one is true, but not the second one, based on
available evidence.

"I recall reading somewhere that Diary of Ann Frank was written by a
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Carole obviously believes that if she read it somewhere, it must be
true. In the light of that, I think it is a good thing that she does
not read widely, given that she would not read anything factual.

"I generally don't read anything too lengthy as I've said before."
Message-ID: <M7omo.42$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Trouble concentrating? I wonder if she should be checked for ADD.

"Well guess what, I don't care if I don't get the details right."
Message-ID: <5vTzo.1191$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

And it shows.

"But bacteria and germs are different, aren't they? Polio, diptheria
measles are germs, not bacteria."
Message-ID: <475335df$0$22901$***@per-qv1-

No, they're not. 'Germ' is a general term for pathogens, so bacteria
would be covered under that term.

"We don't know much about gravity Wal. For instance, if the earth is
spinning you would think everybody and everything would fly off, but
it doesn't. This is just one of those anomalies that we take for
Message-ID: <43f55e22$0$17107$***@per-qv1-

In which Carole demonstrates incredible ignorance and also her
tendency to believe that if she does not understand something, then
nobody understands that something.

"There is reason to believe that water combined with some base metals
is responsible for volcanic eruptions, from what I understand and
believe more likely than not, to be the case."
Message-ID: <ba80534c-714b-4a14-94e2-

"OK, within the earth are huge pools of water that slowly fill up to
point then overflow. when they overflow they often come in contact
with sulphurous compounds that when united with water, they become
volatile, expand and look for a route of excape. When they escape
heat up surrounding rocks and the force blows molten rock and lava
of the crevice."
Message-ID: <8218b636-99bc-4f4c-accd-

"Make that base compounds of unknown type that react with water."

"Apparently the water causes the chemicals to become volatile and
expand, rushing through some cavernous cracks and moving rocks as it
goes, causing friction and heat. Whatever."
Message-ID: <6c891df7-8bb6-4698-

In which Carole shows she does not know anything about geology or

"If the earth isn't hollow how do you explain the expanding earth
Message-ID: <f5b1d525-b40f-4571-

The very same way I explain every other animation: someone dreamed it
up and made an animation out of it.

"I can imagine how there could be bumps and mountain building from an
expanding earth. ie if an expansion caused a crack and magma was
pushed up through it.
You lot need to read more widely, not just your geology mags and what
fits in with preconceived theories either."
Message-ID: <cZmfo.5069$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Which would cause all mountains to be of magma. This is not the case,
as I have demonstrated earlier.

"Did you notice with the Christchurch earthquake there were cracks in
the ground? Isn't this evidence of expanding earth?"
Message-ID: <22gbp.11584$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

No, it's not. Seismic fissures appear in earthquakes as the released
force from the fault plane as it slips escapes to the direction of
least resistance, and that is upwards, towards the brittle crust and

"Here I am thinking about the laws of physics, thermodynamics which
that heat and energy can only come from fossil fuels."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

"Physics is dumbed down because it suppresses all ideas of free energy
and teaches the dumbed down version of the 2nd law of thermodynamics
which says that energy can only come from fossil fuels."
Message-ID: <4798f92d$0$17240$***@per-qv1-

"The 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics are wrong but that is the
official science designed to suppress certain theories about free
Message-ID: <IVkCp.4728$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"There are certain concepts such as relativism and the 2nd law of
thermodynamics which are wrong, deliberately falsified to keep people
unaware of certain discoveries."
Message-ID: <44013698$0$30864$***@per-qv1-

"For one thing the laws of thermodynamics and electrodynamics are
of holes and need a complete overhaul, which is recognised by many
advanced physicists."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

"That's right, the law of physics has been "cooked", like every facet
of our society it is manipulated so the power elite can gain total
control. Not only has free energy been suppressed since Tesla
discovered it, but the laws of physics are false."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

In which Carole demonstrates that she knows sweet fanny adams about
physics in general and thermodynamics in special. Does she really
believe that the Sun runs on fossil fuels??? Carole probably does not
have a clue how old the laws of thermodynamics are. Nor can she
demonstrate just how they're wrong, in spite of being asked to do so
and I would also be interesting in knowing just who these 'advanced
physicists' she refers to are. And Tesla never discovered 'free

"Tom Bearden is a top physicist who has invented a free energy
machine along with a few others - patent and all."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Tom Bearden in reality is a self-deluded crank who can't dupe anyone
who knows the first thing about physics. As for his patent, that means
nothing, since inventors are not required to have a working model for
demonstration unless they're trying to patent a perpetual motion
A FAQ on Bearden is here: http://www.nuscam.com/pdf/case_study.pdf

"Since I don't understand physics its a matter of finding somebody who
supposedly does, and who's opinions I can relate to in other ways."
Message-ID: <%tABo.1660$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

IOW, finding a kook that fits her delusions and then accepting
everything at face value.

"If something doesn't make sense, its crap. If something is true the
common people will recognise it."
Message-ID: <440d6a55$0$14530$***@per-qv1-

"Science should never put itself higher than commonsense."
Message-ID: <FVdJo.3681$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

So if science says something that Carole fails to understand, it
should not say it. I wonder if she really believes that science should
be limited to the understanding of a very ignorant and incompetent

"I've heard about The Bay of Pigs fiasco, it was some sort of psyop
the US was committing against Cuba - I forget the details."
Message-ID: <rtrJo.3879$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole shows how much she knows about recent history - that
is, nothing at all.

"Yes, the term "quack" was invented by AMA's fishbein, way back in
1930 when he first came up with his strategy to eliminate the
Message-ID: <J8omo.43$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Except that the term is about 300 years older than Fishbein, as was

"You wouldn't be able to see everything that was in blood -- even
scientists puzzle over everything in the blood. They can't tell
viruses, fungii and bacteria from each other in some instances,
letalone little bits of stuff floating around.
You wouldn't know what happens inside a cell because they are too
small and mysterious to study."
Message-ID: <a5vrfv$f19$***@news.eisa.net.au>

Cell biology is amongst the long, long list of things that Carole is
totally unaware of.

"Its common knowledge that cancer spreads when they cut people open."
Message-ID: <47920aaa$0$30873$***@per-qv1-

It's false, as so much of "common knowledge" is.

"I don't like reading pubmed. Its too technical for me."
Message-ID: <446a9232$0$26964$***@per-qv1-

"I don't know how to use pubmed ...and further, I don't understand the
articles in the database."
Message-ID: <dc0qo.928$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"I couldn't give a flying fuck about scientific evidence.
I can't even read the fucking crap on pubmed. its not for the everyday
Message-ID: <fRTco.4372$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Where do I find these studies ...pubmed?
Sorry I don't know how to use it ...either how to put in the search
terms or read the results."
Message-ID: <LY4ao.3751$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

So Carole dismisses valid evidence because she's a) too ignorant to
understand it and b) too lazy to learn how to understand it. Figures.

"Where's that explanation again steelclaws?
I don't think anybody in this ng would have been able to follow it -
possibly not even yourself."
Message-ID: <9578a9c3-b173-41f5-

In which Carole assumes that everyone is as ignorant and incompetent
as she is.

"I don't relate to the statistical format and don't readily interpret
Message-ID: <zt%vp.3431$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Yet she tries to play with statistics without understanding them...

"True, if you can't explain your points in basic english they're
probably lies."
Message-ID: <IVkCp.4728$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole is displaying significant ignorance, incompetence and prejudice

"There could have been some trials done but I'm not a scientific
person and don't know how to look things up."
Message-ID: <Ad866.15$***@news0.optus.net.au>

"Yes, I cannot use studies to evaluate anything."
Message-ID: <e66d0f58-

"I don't know where to look and/or how to read the results."
Message-ID: <gXFxp.3842$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"As I said steelclaws, I have absolutely no idea of studies that have
been done or how to search for them."
Message-ID: <Zcsfp.12959$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

It shows and I think everybody is quite aware of those limitations of
hers by now.

"You would swear black was white if there was an EBM study to prove
Message-ID: <BkNnp.855$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole demonstrates that she a) cannot understand studies and
b) cannot understand critique of studies.

"Yes, I could learn to read research papers but I have enough
difficulty just following my own style of research without switching
over to mainstream methodology and getting involved in all its tricks
and traps, benefits and shortfallings."
Message-ID: <_H4hp.13539$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I seriously doubt she'd be able to learn how to read research papers.

"There's nothing unscientific about cellsalts, they've been a regular
part of naturapathy and alternative medicine for 150 years."
Message-ID: <47835062$0$11985$***@per-qv1-

Carole very clearly does not understand what is meant by 'scientific'.

"I might have got that wrong, but I did read somewhere that some
miasms are carried from one generation to another and these miasms are
treatable using homeopathy.
Why don't you explain what a miasm is?"
Message-ID: <47a1f462$0$10842$***@per-qv1-

Why doesn't she find out? Another example of Carole being incapable of
looking things up.

"Pure speculation is my evidence."
Message-ID: <UCybo.4021$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Which, of course, is no evidence whatsoever.

"There is no evidence that there is no evidence."
Message-ID: <UJvxp.3773$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Nurse! She's out of her room again.

"Basically, I know what I'm talking about. If you push me you will
responses that are a bit dodgy."
Message-ID: <22gbp.11584$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole admits she makes stuff up when she does not know that

"I can't understand science, so stop doubting. I've never done
physics, chemistry or electronics."
Message-ID: <44013556$0$30914$***@per-qv1-

"Who cares if I don't understand "methodology"."
Message-ID: <jb5hl.16206$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"Over my head bob -- I haven't done chemistry.
How I usually proceed is to try a product and see if it works.
I just assume that a manufacturer wants repeat sales and understands
chemistry behind their product.
Its all done for me bob, by the manufacturer."
Message-ID: <tnt8o.3341$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Thanks for all your explanation, but as usual its over my head, as
are most discourses on any sort of science."
Message-ID: <9dH8o.3398$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"I have read most of the links I gave, and while I don't understand
science behind them, am assured that other more scientific types have
thought of all the objections."
Message-ID: <9dH8o.3398$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Nice of Carole to admit she does not understand science. Now what
makes her believe that she would be able to criticise it?

"It occurred to me that a lot of science is merely English ie,
learning what terms mean is English, and how to put a theory over to
somebody is English, how to express a theory in a way that somebody
can get the gist of it, including what is relevant and following a
progression of logical points to reach a conclusion - all English."
Message-ID: <4412db7a$0$32652$***@per-qv1-

It occurred to me that Carole does not understand that science is done
also in other languages than English.

"Bob, they're are people who are expert in reading historical
they're called archaelogists."
Message-ID: <OLJgo.5389$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Archaeologists dig up things, they're not specialists in paleography
or textual analysis.

"Were there past ice ages? They say things but they
mightn't be true and further, there is a hell of a lot of things
the history of planet earth which are kept from people, like previous
civilisations which were at least as advanced as ours. Maybe they did
something to set off ice ages by violating some laws."
Message-ID: <***@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

Yes, there were past ice ages, the evidence is pretty damn
indisputable by now. No, there were no previous advanced
civilisations, no matter what the fantasists claim.

[Bob Officer:]
So does KCN, by I would never suggest taking a 1/2 heaping teaspoon
of it.
"Of course you wouldn't because you don't believe in nutritional
remedies, we all know that."
Message-ID: <g5Tpp.1427$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole obviously does not have a clue of what KCN is, if she imagines
it could be a "nutritional remedy."

"I wouldn't know how to get a basic education in biology and
Message-ID: <4787c976$0$11976$***@per-qv1-

"I don't want to learn technical things."
Message-ID: <uI3Lo.4305$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"I believe in education, the more the better."
Message-ID: <478416be$0$11987$***@per-qv1-

Yeah, right...

"My world is where I think for myself and only accept that which I
understand and which I can see a cause and effect relationship."
Message-ID: <fef70d1a-bf6b-408c-9546-

That would be a very tiny world indeed.

Do you go with einsteinconspiracy.com and claim that Quantum
Mechanics is wrong, or do you accept your other site that says
Quantum Mechanics can explain vitalism. Which one is it going to be?
Your choice, but both cannot be right - and in fact, neither need to
Yes, I go with www.einsteinconspiracy.com and also with quantum
mechanics potentially being able to explain vitalism.
So you do NOT understand logic. Noted.
"And you are totally clueless."
Message-ID: <As5ho.5531$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

And Carole fails basic logic once again.

"Placebo is a word only used by allopathic medicine to explain any
phenomena that defies their science."
Message-ID: <camJo.3736$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

In reality, placebo is used for example as a control when testing
remedies to see if they have a real effect.

"I saw a documentary of Carl Sagan and he said that there was a high
mathematical probability of life existing on other planets other than
earth. There are other parts of the universe that are billions of
years older than earth and there is no reason to believe they wouldn't
have some form of life on them. Also it is logical to presume that
there are more highly advanced beings in the universe than
Therefore, it naturally follows that iridology is reasonable
Message-ID: <2ng96.117$***@news0.optus.net.au>

Has Carole ever heard of the term 'non sequitur'? Just wondering...

It's from his speech before the American Newspapers Publishers
Association in 1961.
Now, do YOU know what he was talking of? I do...
"Yes, it was about the conspiracy for world domination by the
illuminati of course. To manipulate and control every facet of our
And you don't believe in conspiracies ...what a moron!"
Message-ID: <B6pJo.3752$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Look bob, JFK said it in one of his speeches --no doubt the reason he
was bumped off because he sought to expose rather than cover up."
Message-ID: <%D2Do.2015$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole shows she cannot read texts in historical context, as
this speech by Kennedy was calling for more secrecy - not less secrecy
as Carole very obviously imagines - after the Bay of Pigs failed
invasion of Cuba.

"The body doesn't use enzymes to alkalise your food - it uses
alkalising minerals."
Message-ID: <dbedef19-94d5-401d-842a-

"But surely the pancreas doesn't manufacture bicarbonate out of thin
air. It would need to be supplied in the diet in the first place."
Message-ID: <ea505077-60cb-4155-

Pancreas manufacture the enzymes that alkalize the food in the
intestines. In reality, the pancreas manufacture bicarbonate out of
CO2, which is a component of "thin air".

"If the earth isn't hollow bob, where did the aztecs take all the gold
when they disappeared into the mountain and were never seen again?"
Message-ID: <YW89o.3519$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

This would come as a rather big surprise to modern Aztecs. There's
well over a million of them living in and around Mexico City.

"It seems that outbreaks of disease occur when there isn't proper
sanitation and proper standards of hygiene."
Message-ID: <uUXpp.1446$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"The only places in the world where measles remains a problem is where
there is semi-starvation, unclean water and no sanitation."
Message-ID: <Zu4op.960$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Recent developments have disproved this claim rather thoroughly. I was
not aware that there was semi-starvation, unclean water and no
sanitation in France.

"I don't look into their backgrounds and neither do I think it is
Message-ID: <nKMnp.904$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole is willingly ignorant when it comes to the claims of the
crackpots she uses as 'evidence'.

"Vaccination has caused many epidemics."
Message-ID: <Zu4op.960$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Though she cannot find a single real example when asked to present

"I heard that Margaret Thatcher had something to do with fluoridation
Ireland's water supply."
Message-ID: <X4Cho.5733$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Since Margaret Thatcher was the PM of the UK, not the Republic of
Ireland, I find this somewhat impossible to accept.

"But on the other hand, sodium fluoride did originate as a mind
control drug used in nazi germany to keep inmates docile and easy to
And there are no actual studies that show its beneficial effect on
tooth decay."
Message-ID: <441370e0$0$23340$***@per-qv1-

"Sodium fluoride was used as a mind control substance in nazy
Message-ID: <AbMgo.5411$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Which is improbable to the extreme, given that fluoride does not have
mind altering properties and that there is no evidence to back such a
claim up. There are several studies that show that fluoridation
prevents tooth decay.

"And what about your cognitive bias in being a skeptic who discounts
anything without EVIDENCE?"
Message-ID: <M%5ho.5538$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole demonstrates that she doesn't have a clue about what
cognitive bias is.

"Well bob, thermiserol is 50% mercury, so you do the maths.
You think its ok to inject somebody with thermisersol which is 50%
mercury, but not actual mercury."
Message-ID: <8dUyo.896$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In reality, thimerasole, as can be seen from its formula C9H9HgNaO2S,
contains 1 mercury atom per molecule, so a dose of vaccine would
contain 10 atoms of mercury altogether. Hardly 50% of mercury.

"You don't believe that the pharmaceutical business with disease is
offshoot of nazi germany's IG Farben?
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
I can show you all the information in the world, but you will continue
to deny, deny, deny."
Message-ID: <WUCbo.4113$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Since there are only 2 pharmaceutical companies in existence that came
from the breaking up of IG Farben, it's ridiculous to assume that all
pharmaceutical business came from there. There are several
pharmaceutical companies in existence that are older than that.

"I've heard that TB is associated with calcium deficiency.
Malaria is associated with sodium sulphate deficiency."
Message-ID: <%VJBk.38548$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

She's heard wrong.

"I have an idea that many of them are joined together by some tunnels
that travel at very fast speeds."
Message-ID: <9259588c-ffb3-4d58-

Tunnels usually sit quietly where they are dug, it is bit of a
characteristic of them that they do not "travel at very fast speeds".

"Hey, do you know that oil isn't a fossil fuel like we've had drummed
into us since kindergarten?"
Message-ID: <43e7db4f$0$30441$***@per-qv1-

In which Carole falls for the long discredited abiotic origin of oil

"And there is an interesting story on how homeopathy used to be the
standard until rockefeller made his moves, and that is what has given
modern medicine its respectability."
Message-ID: <GwB5o.2333$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Homeopathy never used to be the standard.

"The US patents office doesn't issue a patent until it can be
demonstrated that an invention works."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Not true. This applies only to perpetual motion machines. Given what
ridiculous patents the US Patents Office has granted, it's very clear
that such demonstration is not required.

"Well I don't know about the actual figures, but some sources say they
are pretty awful.
also some of the treatments are more deadly than the actual cancer, so
if the person doesn't die from cancer they die from the chemo."
Message-ID: <_Sc3o.1786$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Since some cancers are treated by chemotherapy alone, for example
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia with a cure rate of 75-80% , this claim
is manifestly false.

"We know the traditional japanese don't get cancer - I don't know
other countries."

Traditional Japanese get cancer just like every other population on
the planet.

"Everybody knows that no plane hit the pentagon and the supposed
highjackers all had their identities stolen and were alive and living
in other countries at the time."
Message-ID: <d6bbd0a5-5726-4151-b5c0-

Not that she has any evidence for either claim.

"Whether she's sane or insane, the facts speak for themselves that
non-vaccinated don't develop the auto-immune diseases that the
vaccinated develop."
Message-ID: <3Y9ko.6628$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Those are not facts, since we know that auto-immune diseases develop
in non-vaccinated populations. There was a case of skeletons found in
Tennessee from 4,500 BCE who had rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid
arthritis is an auto-immune disease and there were no vaccinations
available around 4,500 BCE America.

"Autism is an auto-immune disease. There is no autism in the amish
population or the home schooled that aren't vaccinated."
Message-ID: <3Nwko.6591$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

The Amish do have autistic persons, there is even a whole clinic for

"CCHR isn't scientology.
But you wouldn't know about that since you are a bit simple."
Message-ID: <OvJko.6663$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

CCHR is one of the $cientology fronts - and demonstrably so.

"Yet mental illness is no stigma and different than insane."
Message-ID: <LBxko.6717$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

The term 'mental illness' covers everything from anxiety disorder to
paranoid schizophrenia. The term 'insane' is no longer in medical use.

"Antibiotics get rid of the bacteria? I think that the bacteria are
only there in the first place because the person has putrefying
in their bloodstream."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

There is no case where a person can have putrefying matter in their
bloodstream and still be alive.

"Isn't oestrogen a hormone that women become deficient in after
So what you're saying bob, is that the 1 out of 3 blokes over 65 who
develops an osteoporactic fracture is oestrogen deficient?
Maybe you'd also like to see these blokes grow breasts and get high
Message-ID: <hAbbp.11565$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole demonstrates that she has no clue that males also
produce estrogen, though to a much lesser amount than testosterone.

"Why do you think old people end up with osteoporosis? Its because
their body has to borrow from the bones to detoxify and de-acidify
when the diet is faulty."
Message-ID: <Ap4Lo.4314$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In reality the body leeches calcium from the bones for muscle
contraction and protein regulation if the diet is deficient in calcium
or there is vitamin D/and or estrogen deficiency that prevents calcium
from absorbing. It has nothing to do with acid/alkaline balance.

"Its beside the point bob, what the mechanism is and the processes the
body goes through to perform different functions.
I don't need to know this."
Message-ID: <QB4Lo.4222$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Yes, she does, as such knowledge would prevent Carole from posting
such howlers as the one above.

"Cancer doesn't just happen by accident, its takes years of faulty
eating and living -- you know, cause and effect."
Message-ID: <8v8Ko.4083$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In which case Carole might want to explain why infants can have a form
of cancer, neuroblastoma. Roughly 50% of the cases occur in children
younger than 2 years.

"Maybe if medical science knew a bit more about nutrition, people
wouldn't get diabetes in the first place."
Message-ID: <Aqj46.154$***@news0.optus.net.au>

"I know nothing about diabetes so I can't comment."
Message-ID: <O0l46.161$***@news0.optus.net.au>

Interesting. So Carole admits that she knows nothing about diabetes
but still imagines that she knows enough to speculate on the causes.

"If I swallow a cupful of sand, does that treat my silica
deficiencies? I tried taking sand once, but it didn't alleviate any
silica deficiencies. I only took a little bit to see if it did
anything, but it didn't."

"Since silica is sand I tried it to see if it addressed silica
deficiencies, it doesn't.
It was a simple experiment."
Message-ID: <AZCjp.14309$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

How did she imagine that her stomach would digest sand???

"People who contract lice are calcium deficient for starters, and then
they have lots of acid in their bodies which is sodium (bicarb) and
potassium (cream of tartar) mainly to treat (taken orally to
neutralise acid in the body)."
Message-ID: <e8vdl.12962$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"No kidding.
Headlice are also a sign of a toxic body.
Get rid of headlice with cellsalts."
Message-ID: <47bc675b$0$30954$***@per-qv1-

"I read in a book once that "nits were scavengers and live on the
impurities in the blood"."
Message-ID: <bR576.22$***@news0.optus.net.au>

Nits and headlice live on blood, not imaginary "impurities of the

"Its not normal to smell bad, this is due to some sort of toxins in
secretions that make you smell bad."

In which Carole demonstrates that she does not know about bacteria
causing the originally odourless apocrine sweat to become smelly.

"I would say that all food is a poison because we shit it out the
other end, meaning that the body doesn't need it."
Message-ID: <4798fcae$0$17216$***@per-qv1-

"Did you know that fruit and vegetables aren't very good for people?
This is because shortly after eating them, they are expelled out the
other end, which proves that the body can't make use of them."
Message-ID: <443ea669$0$32095$***@per-qv1-

Where she got this idea from is quite beyond me...

"Scent glands are meant to pick up sex hormones, not odours associated
with body waste putrification."
Message-ID: <47a65c83$0$5616$***@per-qv1-

Scent glands do not pick up anything.
Even excess intake of water has
been known to kill. Haven't you ever heard that "the dose makes the
"Are you saying we should stop drinking water then?"
Message-ID: <DfLkp.14521$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

What part of 'excess' did she fail to understand?

"Calcium is 99 per cent in bone but it also forms a vital part of
blood and tissues.
However, if the body gets out of balance - too much calcium in
relation to potassium, sodium, silica and magnesium (other cell salts)
the calcium comes out of solution i.e., doesn't stay in the blood -
and gets deposited around the body in the joints and tissues.
This is what probably some people refer to as ossification of the
Once calcium has settled around the body if you take the appropriate
tissue salts it will dissolve again back into the bloodstream."
Message-ID: <9smuf1$29d$***@news.eisa.net.au>

There are 5 types of calcium-based ossification of the tissues, namely
Dystrophic Calcification, Metastatic Calcification, Calcinosis,
Chondrocalcinosis and Synovial Chondromatosis. Some of these are
caused by metabolic disorders, some are associated with overdoses of
vitamin D and any process with an elevated calcium-phosphate product.
In some cases surgery is the only way of removing these, though
treatment with biphosphonate and deferoxamine methanesulfonate has
been known to be effective.
There is also another type of ossification of the soft tissues, and
that is heterotopic ossification where bone starts growing in abnormal
places. This can be removed only by surgery.

"Silica and silicon seem to be the same mineral from what I can tell
sometimes it is called one and sometimes another. I can't tell the
Message-ID: <9spfvi$m3r$***@news.eisa.net.au>

Silica is SiO2 and Silicon is Si. Silica is a compound of silicon and
silicon is the element.

"Plate Tectonics is easily falsified. It fails in its essential
logic ...in its doublethink ...and in the consensus that drives it"
Message-ID: <M8pCk.379$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Snipped some blatantly nonsensical links that Carole imagines prove
her claims. Neither she nor the author of those links appear to be
capable of falsifying Plate Tectonics in any way, let alone easily.

"Magnetic north pole is a circle not a point."
Message-ID: <AXgBk.38114$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

This would come as a surprise to the Geological Survey of Canada,
whose job it is to determine where it happens to be sitting.

"When you work out the volume of a sphere, you assume that the entire
sphere is solid. But if the sphere is hollow it obviously doesn't
work, right?"
Message-ID: <44080d75$0$21884$***@per-qv1-

Wrong. The volume does not change whether the sphere is solid or
hollow, which should be damn obvious even to Carole, if she stopped
and thought about it for a second.

"Tesla was responsible for many great discoveries, including radio,
television, fluorescent and neon lighting, helicopters, lasers,
particle beams and alternating current."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

The only thing in this list that Tesla actually was responsible for is
alternating current.

"Remedies that can't be patented make no money for drug companies."
Message-ID: <a45qjt$3ll$***@news.eisa.net.au>

Obviously unpatentable drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofein, aspirin
and a host of others out of patent drugs are unavailable because they
generate no profit. Yeah, right.

"Communism was invented by the illuminati to cause "order out of
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

I guess Plato and Pythagoras were Illuminati then as they recommended
communal ownership - and they could have nothing to do with the
Illuminati, as the Order of the Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776,
in Ingolstadt, with an initial membership of five, by Adam Weishaupt
(d. 1830). The Order was dissolved in 1784.
Communism in the strict sense of the term was developed by Karl Marx.

"You have heard haven't you that AIDS is a secret eugenics weapon
manufactured in the US? No? Boyd Graves found the flowchart that
how it was derived from sheep visna virus in a laboratory in the US.
There is a cure too, but they're keeping it under wraps."
Message-ID: <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

"AIDS is ethnic weapon developed in the U.S."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

In reality, HIV was transferred from the great apes to humans. Each of
the known HIV-1 strains is either closely related to the SIV that
infects the chimpanzee subspecies Pan troglodytes troglodytes
(SIVcpz), or to the SIV that infects Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla
gorilla gorilla), called SIVgor. These animals are hunted for food in
Africa, and transmission could have happened in either a bite or when
ingesting poorly cooked or raw meat from these animals.

"There is a lot of evidence for suppressed science."
Message-ID: <x7zAk.37424$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Not that Carole can ever produce any.

"When you consider that of the top 500 companies, the top 5 are
pharmaceutical and their profits combined are more than the other
combined companies. That's pretty profitable, isn't it?"
Message-ID: <mdMGk.3849$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

The global Top 10 companies in 2010: Wal-Mart Stores, Royal Dutch
Shell, Exxon Mobil, BP, Toyota Motor, Japan Post Holdings, Sinopec,
State Grid, AXA and China National Petroleum. Not one of these is a
pharmaceutical company. So Carole is flat out wrong with this claim.

Others seem to have gotten it, just not you.
It was posted on April 1st, get it?
The names were Lirpa and Loof. Reading them backwards makes April and
Finally got it?
"Oh, April fools day - I see.
Traditionally a day for little jokes - how kinky.
Thanks for explaining as I wouldn't have got it otherwise."
Message-ID: <NPwlp.261$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

And the "mastermind" fails to understand even the simplest thing.

"When there is so much speculation about alien or extraterrestrial
why the heck would you make up a page of pure nonsense about catching
and cooking them? You have cast yourself as a flippant, light weight
researcher on a topic that a lot of people take quite seriously, and
not without reason."
Message-ID: <***@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>

"Yeah ok. Everybody keeps telling me to read this and that.
Hell I'm still trying to plough my way through
http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html "
Message-ID: <d4s9du$***@austarmetro.com.au>

In which Carole shows that understanding a joke site happens only to
other people.

"Well no I don't need to provide evidence to support a claim that
cellsalts work. You need to provide evidence that your science hasn't
been manipulated."
Message-ID: <M7omo.42$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

As usual, Carole gets it wrong. As she made the claim, the burden of
proof is on her.

"And one day they might find a cause for your lack of cognitive
ability in putting 2+2 together and coming up with 4 instead of 3 or

I have to admit, I really don't have a clue of what this is supposed
to mean.

"If a good article is posted it will be copied. This is the nature of
the internet. Most people don't mind their articles being copied as
long as the original source is given credit."
Message-ID: <2Ktco.4364$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"If somebody posts an article on the internet and if it is any good,
will be copied."
Message-ID: <Acsco.4269$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Education purposes includes any and all types of education.
Since this forum is to inform, discuss and educate on alternative
matters, education is fair use."
Message-ID: <t7IIo.3684$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"What is an educator brother bob, other than anybody who includes
something for public education. I don't have to be an education
institution to have information for public education."
Message-ID: <v7Pzo.1161$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole displaying complete ignorance of copyright laws. I doubt anyone
was surprised.

"Yes, I don't understand exactly how copyright works."
Message-ID: <wwcep.12557$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

We've noticed...

"Look I've seen it on TV."
Message-ID: <IVkCp.4728$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

I've seen Mighty Mouse on TV, yet I don't believe for one second that
he exists in reality.

"I am a consumer and the customer is always right."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

The customer is not always right.

"I use cellsalts which often have the same effect as enema -- you may
have heard the saying that something goes through a person "like a
dose of salts". No doubt this is where it originates."
Message-ID: <ljuEk.1997$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

In which Carole admits that her laxatives really work as laxatives and
gets a phrase origin completely wrong.

"No www.whale.to goes where the facts lead, no worries about fitting
in with consensus views, or views of "experts" or "reliable sources"."
Message-ID: <82YCp.4864$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"www.whale.to is a source of great inspiration to many who get tired
of the establishment spin and want to see alternative views."
Message-ID: <kOPCp.4835$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Scudamore's website www.whale.to is cutting edge conspiracy theory,
and highly relevant information."
Message-ID: <g5Tpp.1427$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole displays a remarkable lack of critical thinking

"I think that Jon Rappaport is a reliable source."
Message-ID: <no%Bp.4673$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

More lack of critical thinking by Carole.

"Now steelclaws, what happens when you see a person use the wrong fork
at dinner?
Do you automatically write this person off as incompetent? I would
guess so according to the way you talk."
Message-ID: <OWrfp.12958$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole, the master of inept analogy at it again.

"It takes me a long time to figure out what I know ...many years in
some cases."
Message-ID: <Zcsfp.12959$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole displays a remarkable sluggishness of thought. Most
people do not take several years to figure out what they know.

1) answer the question Carole: are you willing to be injected with HIV
or not?
"Being injected with things has no relation to reality since eg most
people think vaccinations are safe and harmless which may or may not
be true."
Message-ID: <7MXCp.4874$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Utter and total non sequitur, and an attempt to sidetrack.

"What do you know about the holocaust? Were you there?"
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Do I really need to explain how stupid that question is?

"My sources are always valid.
What is more valid than the word and experience of the people?"
Message-ID: <4d20f58b-9be1-4881-be51-

Erm... Something that is actually properly documented?

"People can intuit things, like animals who have instinct."
Message-ID: <T11rp.1670$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Intuition and instinct are very different from each other.

"I am suddenly religious.
But yet not religious in the man-made sense, but in the scientific
Message-ID: <RTWzp.4280$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

What the hell would be "religious in the scientific sense"? And, as
Carole has admitted above, she does not understand science and does
not want to learn science, why on earth would she all of a sudden
claim to be something in the scientific sense?

"However, the pharmaceutical lobby would have us believe that there is
a drug for every symptom."
Message-ID: <HBHwp.3604$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

This is patently incorrect. Go to your nearest pharmacy or consult a
doctor and ask for a pharmaceutical drug for non-Alzheimer's dementia.
There won't be any.
The enemy of knowledge and science is irrationalism, not
religion. -Stephen Jay Gould
"Who else but a religious nut would say such a thing?"
Message-ID: <Fy2Do.1996$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole demonstrates her lack of general knowledge and
unwillingness to look anything up, as she accuses a known agnostic of
being a religious nut.

"The only true way to get rid of disease is to improve health."
Message-ID: <ZuvEp.5264$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole the master of the bleedin' obvious...

"I doubt if you'll find much of a correlation because when you talk
about somebody's sun sign, you are only taking into account one
astrological indicator.
You also need to take into account a person's rising sign and the
they were born."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

"Don't knock astrology. If its done competently it can be very
Message-ID: <9qhj4q$am$***@news.eisa.net.au>

Is there really any sort of woo Carole does not believe in?


"I would go so far as to say that most blokes are only capable
of groupthink.
From my experience working with blokes I would say they are poor
bastards, who are incapable of thinking for themselves and just go
with the system, and are incapable of thinking about women any other
except as sex objects."
Message-ID: <lLtAk.37402$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"Good stuff Bob, just what blokes should be doing, the grunt
work ...that's what they're good for."
Message-ID: <qUchl.16376$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Carole shows how prejudiced she is against men.

"The white people are the only ones with enough brains to understand
that the world is way past being overpopulated."
Message-ID: <Qh6a6.18$***@news0.optus.net.au>

Racist idiot.

"Sorry, I don't read conventional sources as they are usually biased
towards pharmaceuticals."
Message-ID: <S7Ztp.2697$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"No, I listen to no-one unless it fits in with what I know."
Message-ID: <a66c7m$nqp$***@news.eisa.net.au>

"I read stuff from any source and will get quotes from anywhere. The
exception is skeptics and anti-alternative health sources."
Message-ID: <8mmJo.3855$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"That's true, I generally don't read anything that disagrees with my
Message-ID: <jOYtp.2694$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole shows she has serious doubts about her delusions,
since she's afraid to read anything that might contradict them.

"No thankyou.
I'm not looking up any of your references because they're crap."
Message-ID: <zysio.6172$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"What is there to read about the article?
The heading says it all."
Message-ID: <Q8Avp.3285$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Judging the book by the cover.

"CCHR is the best website for the truth on psychiatric drugs. They
really anti."
Message-ID: <Rodio.5964$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Interesting bias here. If someone opposes something, that in Carole's
mind makes it the truth.

"What I meant was I only follow certain lines of enquiry that match
with my own experiences."
Message-ID: <_H4hp.13539$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Extremely bad idea, since it makes sure your results are unreliable.

"And I wish you'd drop all that german crap -- nobody can read it
except your nazi mates."

In which Carole displays a nice prejudice, basically saying that
everyone who understands German is a Nazi.

"Don't be absurd -- lack of evidence is often enough to make a case
eg, if your very favourite net stalker doesn't reply to something
you've written, you know he's got a bad hangover."
Message-ID: <3UmBo.1604$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole seemingly believes that everyone drinks enough to get

"But note that I only killfile allopaths because this is an
alternative health ng, not an allopathic support group."
Message-ID: <XjQCp.4838$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

She's admitting to a double standard here.

"Its probably her MO to suck people in then play the victim ie, no
responsibility for her actions.
She certain has no responsibility for her health as all her health
issues (whatever they are, I don't know and don't want to know) are
"genetic" thus excusing her of any responsibility in their development
through faulty living/ diet or whatever."
Message-ID: <ahwjp.14154$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

This is one of the most disgusting things in "alternative medicine",
the tendency to blame the victim. It's especially prevalent amongst
the charlatans, who use it as an excuse when their worthless "remedy"
failed to work.

"This is a discussion group, not a nazi propaganda group.
People come before studies and most studies only reveal what people
already know."
Message-ID: <s6%qp.1665$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Nice example of Carole Godwining herself and being incomprehensible as

"You both take pharmaceutical drugs, so your opinions don't count."
Message-ID: <3l4Bk.37963$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Blatant example of Carole being prejudiced.

"I don't think people should be in this ng if they can't accept the
possibility of homeopathy."
Message-ID: <3i%np.916$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole trying to drive people away because she can't handle critique.


"I am the person who invented logic and reasoning."
Message-ID: <M7omo.42$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Demonstrably untrue, as evidenced by her posts.

"I do know better than the doctors on some things."
Message-ID: <Ec_wp.3628$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

No, you most demonstrably do not know better than the doctors on
anything - and there is plenty of evidence on this list alone.

"You may be an INTJ but I bet you weren't born on the "Day of the
Problem Solver" which is my birthday. So you see it is in my
psychological profile.
Also it says that people born on this day are experts in matters of
health - so that is in my profile as well."
Message-ID: <9qsctd$o89$***@news.eisa.net.au>

"There is no way I would have uncovered this great secret unless
indeed I was born in the day of the problem solver (June 2) which
gives me unequalled ability above all other people of lesser birthdays
to make this great discovery."
Message-ID: <9sObl.11296$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"Look its no use arguing with me, I am an expert, an INTJ (the
indpendent thinker and mastermind), and I was born on the Day of the
Problem Solver."
Message-ID: <rtR5o.2465$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"That's right bob, I am an INTJ with higher than average IQ and born
on the day of the problem solver (june 2)."
Message-ID: <QJero.1239$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

None of these claims - apart from the date of her birth - are
believable in the slightest, based on available evidence. And her
"birthday book" apparently is completely wrong.

"Any of my reporting is done without fear or favour. If I get it
I adapt and change once I become aware of error."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Not that anyone has ever seen Carole even to admit she's wrong, let
alone change.

"I am sure that anybody who understands about alternative health would
be in agreement with me.
And considering this is an alternative health ng nobody should be
laughing at me."
Message-ID: <oufap.11409$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole is wrong on both counts.

"I don't forget anything bob."
Message-ID: <1Isio.6175$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Given your demonstrable major memory problem, that is a lie.

"I have lost interest in communicating my hard fought theories to
other lesser beings."
Message-ID: <9sObl.11296$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"How condescending and patronising."
Message-ID: <47866fad$0$11978$***@per-qv1-

Yes, the first comment decidedly was that. Another example of Carole
bragging and hypocrisy.

"Yes, I mightn't have scientific qualifications but already, without
having any, I have figured out so many cures for diseases that are
supposedly incurable."
Message-ID: <lWIcl.12266$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

First claim is true, the second one is not. All she has managed to
figure out is how to give herself Chronic Dehydration, based on the
available evidence.

"I am the person in this newsgroup who knows more about
calcium deficiency that anybody."
Message-ID: <44300e75$0$2131$***@per-qv1-

A demonstrable lie.

"I make more sense than anybody in this goddam group."
Message-ID: <4n0np.720$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Yeah, right...

"Steelclaws says I will never be able to thrash her arse logically
speaking, I don't think its too hard at all considering how biased she
Message-ID: <vg%Go.3076$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

She hasn't succeeded in that so far.

"I used to know a bloke who said that I wasn't normal, quite
at the time. But isn't perspective a wonderful thing, I now realise
was talking about IQ - his being normal but mine being a little more."
Message-ID: <39831836-0e02-432c-888b-

Her interpretation is wrong, as all the evidence in her posts points
out to her IQ to being less than normal.

"For starters bob, any topic mentioning toxemia I win, any topic
rationalists are pitted against empirical medicine, I win -- just for

Delusions of grandeur.

"And I'm only a logic thinking person, but mind you I have been on
cellsalts for many years which may have helped to detoxify my brain to
an extent."
Message-ID: <43dc0d47$0$16703$***@per-qv1-

She's not, and if her cell salts have done anything to her brain, odds
are they have shrunk it.

"I could get a degree is medicine but what's the point."
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Given her ignorance and incompetence - as demonstrated - the only way
she could get a degree in medicine is if she bought one from a diploma


"I couldn't let this pass without mentioning the illuminati /
The following excerpt from the Protocols shows that inoculations /
vaccinations is part of the illuminati agenda for world control."

From The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Protocol #10
"The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of
the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the
peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence--a
matter which we shall arrange for--of their rulers, will clamour;
"Away with them and give us one king over all the Earth who will unit
us and annihilate the causes of discords--frontiers, nationalities,
religions, State debts--who will give us peace and quiet, which we
cannot find under our rulers and representatives."

"But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the
possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is
indispensable to trouble in all countries the people's relations with
their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension,
hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation,
BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the goyim see no
other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money
and in all else. "But if we give the nations of the world a breathing
space the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive."
Message-ID: <43dea4e8$0$32618$***@per-qv1-

I do not understand what on earth she imagines she will gain by
parroting from a long-discredited anti-Semitic forgery. That she
obviously believes that it is a genuine document simply shows that she
is completely ignorant and extremely gullible.

"People need enlightenment not hate filled rantings, emotive
propaganda, and fear mongering which are all trademarks of illuminati
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

So according to Carole, all anti-vaxxer liar sites are Illuminati
propaganda, as they fill her criteria perfectly.

"We're still waiting for you to explain your situation and why you
have intruded into mha."
Message-ID: <eNR9p.11178$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole the paranoid in action.

"This group is policed by skeptics, who have the official story down
pat. probably have a set of notes online to refer to as to what is the
official position and what is allowed."
Message-ID: <T9rio.6167$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

More Carole paranoia. In reality, nobody would bother to allocate
resources to discredit Carole, since she is so adept at discrediting

Argument - and a paranoid one - by assertion again. Don't you ever get
tired of posting fallacious arguments?
"No, never.
And I'll keep on doing it as long as I like because I am a conspiracy
theorist and that's my job."
Message-ID: <JPsco.4276$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

This made me laugh. I doubt Carole understands what precisely she
blurted out in that exchange.

"Conventional medicine has it all wrong, which is a plan by the evil
controllers to rort, pollute, desecrate and destroy anything they can
get their hands on.
Pasteur was one of their men and has mislead medicine for the last
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

Rort? General conspiracy paranoia and a rather incredible claim of
Pasteur's age. Hint: he did not live to be 150 years old.

"They recruit likely students out of university and do mind control on
them somehow, some sort of suggestions and objectives they are to
Don't ever remember that happening? No, they would probably have
removed the event/s from your memory."
Message-ID: <Vu1gp.13074$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Paranoid conspiracy nonsense.

"Don't forget David Icke's reptilian people either.
Don't get me wrong, I am a David Icke fan, but somebody might have put
those ideas into his head to make him look ridiculous."
Message-ID: <lRI8o.3337$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Someone did, and that someone was Icke himself.

"Its like I say steelclaws, if you can't see a conspiracy anywhere,
you're just not looking."
Message-ID: <T_4tp.2282$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole sees things again.

"There are many ways to "suppress" information blob.
Do you think that everybody who goes to visit their local GP will go
and buy a copy of this book beforehand? They merely depend on what
their GP recommends and dishes out. So yes, the information is
Message-ID: <af5d6a5f-

Carole does not understand 'suppression' and imagines that a flawed
book holds all the answers.

"Is global warming really happening?
This is what I am saying, that it really isn't happening but is being
used as a mantra for public consumption to explain away weather
abnormalities which are really CLANDESTINE WEATHER MODIFICATION.
They can cause drought, ruin crops, cold snaps to destroy stone fruit
crops, hurricanes to destroy banana plantations etc."
Message-ID: <FFt1k.7662$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"I don't really believe in global warming, the reason for weather
anomalies is more likely to be due to weather manipulation, although
this fact and the technology is kept from the public for obvious
Message-ID: <45c74d37$0$25302$***@per-qv1-

"However, personally I think our weather is being manipulated by
Tesla technology that is kept from the public's knowledge. Why not?
Prove its not being manipulated."
Message-ID: <eBhKk.6415$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"Who knows. Somebody's responsible for the drought. Weather control
invented nearly 100 years ago and if they [world controllers] haven't
stopped the drought, you'd at least have to be curious why they let
Message-ID: <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

No, it was not invented 100 years ago, no matter what some unhinged
conspiracy crackpots say. There is no way weather can be manipulated
to that degree without it leaving very visible traces in the global
atmospheric conditions.

"So-called incurable disease as asthma I have the cure, but I will not
give it away to my enemies. I have worked so hard to find these cures
and I wouldn't want to cure anybody who I deem to be my enemy."
Message-ID: <9sObl.11296$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Carole is very paranoid if she believes she has 'enemies'.

"The only evidence that would make me think the earth WASN'T hollow,
would be if all the coverups and suppression of inventions stopped -
but that's not likely to happen in a hurry."
Message-ID: <ebgCk.256$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

Non sequitur added to her usual paranoia and delusional thinking.

"Most assuredly, the patent contains NOTHING to describe nor support
any thoery of any kind, whatsoever."
"According to the article, the hollow earth theory is "highly
So you either didn't download it, or it has been sanitised or edited
to take out any meaningful information."
Message-ID: <43f705cf$0$17073$***@per-qv1-

Carole is willing to believe a crackpot article rather than someone
who actually took a look at the patent itself. In reality, that patent
was given to a globe that shows a hollow earth model.

"There would obviously have to be a conspiracy about geology because
there's one for everything else."
Message-ID: <***@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com>

Totally delusional thinking by Carole, and it also shows that if you
start with a false premise, you end up with a false conclusion.

"The people with a vested interest in maintaining the
molten iron core of the earth, are the ones who control the teaching
of science."

This makes no sense whatsoever. What vested interest there would be in
maintaining that the core of the Earth is molten?

"The US government isn't what you think it is. Back in 1871 there was
legal manouvre whereby a corporation called "THE UNITED STATES" was
formed in Columbia. Somehow this corporation took over the US and the
original US and works to further its own interests rather than those
the people."
Message-ID: <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>


"Free energy is a suppressed technology. There are patents for free
energy devices that don't rely on fossil fuels, wind power or solar
Now, if these free energy devices are suppressed so effectively, what
makes you think that conventional medicine is right?"
Message-ID: <***@posting.google.com>

That's a mighty big if. Since "free energy" is an impossibility, there
is no reason to suppress something that does not and can not exist.

"The reason some alternative remedies are dropped isn't because they
don't work, but rather they don't fit the mindset of the ruling elite.
Anything that challenges their supremacy is a threat and put down.
Why would you assume that because therapies are dropped because they
don't work?"
Message-ID: <478416be$0$11987$***@per-qv1-

Er... Because they have been demonstrated that they don't work?


"Kaye, if you had even the slightest idea of how cellsalts are used,
you would know that they are used to alleviate symptoms only."
Message-ID: <_wtdp.12354$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"So allopathic medicine is quackery because it doesn't cure anything,
merely treats symptoms."
Message-ID: <F9omo.45$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Nice of Carole to admit that your cellsalts are quackery, since by her
own admission they alleviate symptoms only.

"I only know what I read from other websites about vaccinations.
And you lot only know what you've been told by "reliable sources"."
Message-ID: <fz3mp.455$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

There goes another irony meter...

"To show that I can think for myself I have worked out how to get rid
athletes foot (fungus) using nutritional means. I never got told this
anybody and worked it out for myself. And what this evidence proves
that the pharmaceutical business with disease has been hiding it so
can flog their high priced crap that doesn't cure, merely treats."
Message-ID: <c0b91304-dd06-4fab-99bc-

"I can find cures for asthma and allergies -- but they propose
treatment for each attack."
Message-ID: <dMABk.38396$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"I can absolutely guarantee without a shadow of a doubt that I got rid
of nits with calcium supplements. I had to keep taking large amounts
calcium for years because they came back when I stopped taking
Message-ID: <6l156.300$***@news0.optus.net.au>

"I take 2000-4000mg a day of calcium. If I stop, which I did on xmas
day, the symptoms all return."
Message-ID: <aA056.295$***@news0.optus.net.au>

"If I don't take the cellsalts it returns but so what?"
Message-ID: <xcWzp.4278$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole admits her cell salts are a life-long treatment while
attacking real medicine of the same. So, by her own admission, cell
salts do not cure, merely treat, and she keeps accusing
pharmaceuticals of the same.

"Well Jean-Paul, you can't say that I'm set in my beliefs. My mine is
open to any new theory that comes along, if there can be a valid
argument for it I will consider it."
Message-ID: <43dc0d47$0$16703$***@per-qv1-

"And yes, I admit to having a mind closed tighter than a fishes arse."
Message-ID: <c6Edo.4655$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Your mind is closed tighter than a fish's arse."
Message-ID: <Xs5jo.6220$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole obviously cannot decide whether her mind is open or closed, but
still accuses others of what she just admitted having.

"People shouldn't have preconceived ideas and look for evidence that
supports the preconceived ideas - this I know."
Message-ID: <Bbkeo.4771$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"oh and anybody who doesn't believe in homeopathy is mentally
defective / biased / a product of preconceived ideas."
Message-ID: <LIyFp.5570$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"My preconceived ideas have been developed over time, taking various
matters into account."

"Well yes, I have my theories and I do look for evidence to fit in
with them, and I find it."
Message-ID: <Oy0oo.492$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

If she knows that people shouldn't have preconceived ideas and look
for evidence to fit them, then why does she do that? And as usual, she
accuses others of what she has admitted having herself.

"I have an aversion to picking up faulty information, where some sort
of expert is relied on which on later investigation proves less than
Message-ID: <wB7gp.13097$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"I realised it was actually much easier to think in conspiracy terms
than continually try to rationalise why nothing ever added up and to
go along with all the crap the public are fed, by "experts" and
"reliable sources"."
Message-ID: <YVa5o.2275$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Why don't you go and do some research amongst the altie websites
like Dr Rath's."
Message-ID: <EKRzo.1172$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"I wouldn't let facts get in the way if I understood them - but
there's facts and facts.
You've got your facts and I've got mine. The Biochemic Handbook was
written by two doctors who no doubt had scientific qualifications and
they had their facts."
Message-ID: <9sqkpu$dbb$***@news.eisa.net.au>

"If I have to read things like the organon I can, but why bother when
there are so many books and articles available from people who have
been there, done that?"
Message-ID: <KJtlp.240$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"If the orthopaths believe it, it is good enough for me."
Message-ID: <4796292c$0$17206$***@per-qv1-

And Carole almost always accuses everyone else of accepting what the
experts say.

"I just don't happen to like people who falsely label others to suit
their own agendas."
Message-ID: <gEBGo.2998$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"That's it steelclaws, run down nutritional remedies, spin them into
something dangerous - just like the good little pharmaceutical schill
you have been trained to be."
Message-ID: <eOEyp.4029$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Carole was saying about not liking people who falsely label others to
suit their own agendas? Hmmm. I detect a touch of hypocrisy here. Or
maybe she just really does not like herself.

"Its all your fault bob."
Message-ID: <%Wbbp.11567$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Ahh yes, its all everybody else's fault, hey bob?"
Message-ID: <%Wbbp.11567$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Amusingly enough, these came from a single post of hers.

"You have posted things to make yourself out as a cunt.
Would you like me to pick you up everytime you portray yourself as a
Message-ID: <OlCGo.2937$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"continue to make a cunt of yourself bob"
Message-ID: <CaDGo.2941$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Bob making a cunt out of himself, yet again!"
Message-ID: <4BDGo.2944$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Back off cunt."
Message-ID: <4BDGo.2944$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"You wouldn't know an ineffective treatment if it jumped up and bit
you on the dick."
Message-ID: <jo_el.14373$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

"Steelclaws has now joined the ranks of Bob Officer, Happy Oyster and
Sir Crapalot.
This is due to unbefitting language either using unbefitting language
or rationalising its use."
Message-ID: <nBvEp.5267$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

Blatant hypocrisy and false accusation as well.


"Homeopathy is what is known as a vibrational remedy. When the
solution is shaken it separates the spirit from the substance and it
is the spirit that becomes the active ingredient."
Message-ID: <k61Ao.1230$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"The rules of how the aether works haven't been worked out and there
maybe certain things which preclude it from working such as influence
of skeptics or other."
Message-ID: <65jJo.3844$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Maybe negative people like James Randi influence the homeopathy
tests with his brainwaves."
Message-ID: <o1Tzo.1186$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Maybe James Randi knows about the electromagnetic ability (No.1
above) to neutralise homeopathy, and passed some sort of magnet over
the samples in the homeopathy experiment."
Message-ID: <ew3Ao.1238$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"I think it is obvious that either a) James Randi's negative attitude
changed the results, or b) he did something to interfere with the
outcome as James Randi is a magician who would be aware of any tricks
of the trade to neutralise a positive result."
Message-ID: <F8PAo.1436$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"And what I'm thinking is that Randi himself may have had an effect on
the outcome with his thoughts - thoughts are things, they are
vibrations, some people can effect things with thoughts and Randi
might have neutralised the experiment."
Message-ID: <B5Vzo.1194$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"Note in the following all the homeopathic studies work EXCEPT where
james randi is present."
Message-ID: <6hxBo.1654$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

This has got to be the lamest attempt to explain why homeopathy fails
tests I have ever seen. Not only is the premise pure fantasy,
homeopathy has been failing tests since 1836, long before the birth of
James Randi. Nor has he been present in every single failed homeopathy

"We make our own reality, it doesn't all just happen to us."
Message-ID: <Ad0np.718$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"You make your own reality. What you concentrate on you bring into
Message-ID: <dUtnp.775$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

And that's why I'm super-rich. Not.

"Here is an interesting link I've found about how mining and taking
petroleum products and so forth from the earth is responsible for
earth upheavals and so forth, and is against the lawful treatment of
It derived from communications a chap called Billy Meier had with
Message-ID: <***@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>



"And you Wal, spend so much time following the Little Pebble case and
why for Pete's sake. So he conned a few people, so what? People get
conned every day over different things. And the parents of the girls
should have figured it out to some extent, why aren't you down on
Even the girls themselves between them perhaps could have figured it
out. And what real harm was done, so Little Pebble seduced a girl or
two. I can't understand your obsession with the case."
Message-ID: <***@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

"If a person is prepared to pay such high prices they deserve to be
ripped off."
Message-ID: <Cl_wp.3667$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

Nice display of ethics there.

"Nobody listens to me, nobody gives me the benefit of the doubt - all
allopaths trained in pharmaceutical medicine."
Message-ID: <94a61752-a88f-40ba-

Cry on, emo kid.

"If you believe all that religion mind control rot, you set yourself
up for a lot of problems."
Message-ID: <43e0d547$0$32671$***@per-qv1-

Since Carole is trying to recruit for her Paracelsian cult, I find
that somewhat ironic.

"I find that 1/3 tspn of bicarbonate of soda (sodium) and 1/3 tspn of
cream of tartar in a (potassium) is about right and taken with a
little water, and it will fizz up like fruit saline."
Message-ID: <OwPVk.292$***@news-server.bigpond.net.au>

That's a very large amount of laxative, especially if taken

"I'll have to add diagnosis to my list of things that allopathy does
best - others are set bones or sew up wounds."
Message-ID: <Cl_wp.3667$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

In which Carole apparently forgot her previous advocacy of iridology.
Maybe she's finally starting to learn.

"You debunk a lot, but don't say what you believe in. Its ok to knock
stuff but you've also got to have some ideals or beliefs of some
Message-ID: <***@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com>

Eh? Why would anyone need beliefs?



From: "carole" <***@yahoo.com.au>
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative
Subject: Re: A Few Things I Know by Suzanne Humphries
Message-ID: <DjuIp.6390$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 05:32:19 +1000

But martin, germs are only attracted to toxic environment.


I pasted this just in case it might otherwise be forgotten. If it is a
double, I am double sorry. ;O)

PART 2: 19.11.2013

FAQ about the suicide NET nut bomber Carole Hubbard

"What are you talking about idiot?"

"If that doesn't do it for you I suggest you opt for a brain transplant
because the one you got just ain't no good."

"And I dare you to prove I said anything inappropriate, arsehole."

"CCHR isn't scientology.
But you wouldn't know about that since you are a bit simple."
Message-ID: <OvJko.6663$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"I don't need to know the breakdown chains to know when I am calcium
deficient idiot."
Message-ID: <5Mfbp.11718$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"If the theory doesn't work then the remedy doesn't work ...you poor
fucked up mongrel."
Message-ID: <D4Uyo.910$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"The white people are the only ones with enough brains to understand
that the world is way past being overpopulated."
Message-ID: <Qh6a6.18$***@news0.optus.net.au>

"Its probably her MO to suck people in then play the victim ie, no
responsibility for her actions. She certain has no responsibility for
her health as all her health issues (whatever they are, I don't know and
don't want to know) are 'genetic' thus excusing her of any
responsibility in their development through faulty living/ diet or
Message-ID: <ahwjp.14154$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"There are many ways to 'suppress' information blob."

"You have posted things to make yourself out as a cunt. Would you like
me to pick you up everytime you portray yourself as a cunt?"
Message-ID: <OlCGo.2937$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"continue to make a cunt of yourself bob"
Message-ID: <CaDGo.2941$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Bob making a cunt out of himself, yet again!"
Message-ID: <4BDGo.2944$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"Back off cunt."
Message-ID: <4BDGo.2944$***@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com>

"I couldn't give a flying fuck about scientific evidence. I can't even
read the fucking crap on pubmed. its not for the everyday person."
Message-ID: <fRTco.4372$***@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com>

"I can't understand science, so stop doubting. I've never done
biology, physics, chemistry or electronics."
Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-23 01:33:33 UTC
First off, the word is not "intercessary" but intercessory. I know it's
only a minor error, but it shows the Spirit of God wasn't guiding your
little digits, or brain as you pounded out your customary word salad.
Instead, it simply shows that the Holy Spirit is able to use
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew despite the fact that this physician
is clearly not GOD :-)
If the Holy Spirit was to use you, she wouldn't allow you to make all
the errors you make.
Right. She would shoot him right away.

Calling the Holy Spirit a "She" is blaspheming against Him.

It is written that, blaspheming against the Holy Spirit is a sin that
is never forgiven (Mark 3:29).

May GOD continue to curse and torment you, who are eternally
condemned, more than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Happy Oyster
2016-10-23 02:43:58 UTC
On Sat, 22 Oct 2016 20:33:33 -0500, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
<***@T3WiJ.com> wrote:

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung's license is nixed.

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is a sadistic swine. Yes, he is. See for
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
May GOD continue to curse and torment you, who are eternally
condemned, more than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung harasses Netizens.

He wants his "god" to kill people he does not like, see his web-site.

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is responsible for the death of Markea Berry.

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung's license is nixed. He is no medical doctor.
He is a killer.

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is a danger to the public. If you see him: DO
Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2016-10-23 06:34:22 UTC
First off, the word is not "intercessary" but intercessory. I know it's
only a minor error, but it shows the Spirit of God wasn't guiding your
little digits, or brain as you pounded out your customary word salad.
Instead, it simply shows that the Holy Spirit is able to use
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew despite the fact that this physician
is clearly not GOD :-)
If the Holy Spirit was to use you, she wouldn't allow you to make all
the errors you make.
Right. She would shoot him right away.

Calling the Holy Spirit a "She" is blaspheming against Him.

It is written that, blaspheming against the Holy Spirit is a sin that
is never forgiven (Mark 3:29).

May GOD continue to curse and torment you, who are eternally
condemned, more than ever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Happy Oyster
2016-10-23 17:24:58 UTC
On Sun, 23 Oct 2016 01:34:22 -0500, "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
One of the "habits" of Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is to copy the same
shit thousands of times, and to harass his victims with that, despite
his victims are silent.

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is a criminal. The law enforcement must do
its job!


Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is a sadistic swine. Yes, he is.

He harasses Netizens.

He wants his "god" to kill people he does not like, see his web-site.

Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung is responsible for the death of Markea Berry.

He is a danger to the public. If you see him: DO CALL THE POLICE!
Homöopathie ist nichts als Hütchenspielerbetrug und organisierte Kriminalität
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/565.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/570.htm
http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/585.htm http://ariplex.com/folia/archives/643.htm