Post by Blind FreddieOn Sat, 24 Dec 2016 05:04:34 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanOn Fri, 16 Dec 2016 01:56:32 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by kayePost by DuncanOn Wed, 14 Dec 2016 03:12:40 +1100, Blind Freddie
Post by Blind FreddieOn Wed, 7 Dec 2016 02:54:26 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Blind Freddie
"The results of the first ever study comparing the health of
vaccinated children vs. unvaccinated children is out, and they are
already causing controversy. For many ? hundreds of thousands of
families that have already been injured by vaccines ? the results
won?t be surprising, but to many others, the findings might be a
little shocking. This is possibly why the scientific journal which
originally published the results withdrew the study from publication.
The abstract of the study was published online in Frontiers in Public
Health after being accepted November 2. The study compared children?s
health via surveys of mothers who home-schooled their children aged
Surveys are little more an anecdotal accounts of very limited value. The
plural of anecdotal account is not data.
Surveys are notoriously inaccurate methods of attempts to gather data. The
fact the article made a point of the narrow scope of this survey is
significant. Home-schooled children make poor comparisons to non-home
schooled children, because of them isolation.
I guess you can then add surveys to a whole list of unreliable things
that are pushed on the public, including the idea that pharmaceutical
drugs and vaccinations are "safe and efficacious".
Post by Bob OfficerThe study also neglected to show how much daily contact the cohort had with
children outside their group.
Whoo ... cohort .... bob is using big words that I wonder is he knows
the meaning of them since he is a mere technical / mechanical trained
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Blind Freddie6-12 years. Nearly 40 percent of the children had never been
vaccinated, so the control group was adequate to do a good comparison
against children who had been vaccinated.
This is a big assumption to make without some good background studies which
to base this it upon.
Since those studies will never be done ... because big pharma already
knows the results will not be favourable ... I guess there's not much
point hanging out for real super dooper long-term studies comparing
vaccinated to unvaccinated for general overall health.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Blind FreddieAfter heavy criticism from the public and scientific community due to
the results of the study, though, it was retracted. Why? Those that
were vaccinated were three times more likely to be diagnosed with
neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism."
0. It appears the article was never published in print or on the web. Only
the abstract was published on line.
1. Baseless assumptions were made and those assumptions flawed the survey.
2. Surveys are notorious for returning false or poor data and in fact are
known most surveys acquiring bias from the responders. (In this case the
abstract didn't give out the number or methodology for distribution of
questionnaires. The abstract only gave information about the number of
returned surveys. A similar survey was done by a naturopathic group in
Europe a few years ago. When that group was challenged, it was found less
than 7% of the surveys were returned, which Invalidated that survey.
3. Cherry picked results often happen in survey based studies.
Well you see that bob is one of those who refutes every little idea
that is counter to pharmaceuticals but never has a solution for
gaining real health. He is what is termed "a pharmaceutical pawn" or
"establishment pawn"
How do you know he doesn't have "real health"?
I don't know but I consider myself very healthy, especially since I
retired. I lost the extra 50 pounds I was carrying, and have taken no
medication at all for the last two and half years. Before that I seldom
even took any sort of medication, even those over the counter stuff for
I didn't know you were carrying 50 extra lbs.
You kept that pretty quiet.
I was near the high end of the normal BMI (24.7) chart for my height just
six months before I retired, now I am at the medium part of normal(23.2).
My activity level increased, my diet changed and stress level dropped to
nothing. I hope to eventually get down to a BMI of 22.
So 1.5 BMI = 50lb?
I find that a little hard to believe.
ie if you put on 150lb it would increase your BMI by a mere 4.5?
Depending on your starting BMI. And true muscle to fat ratios. Remember the
BMI is a ratio. Most BMI calculators are estimations using a person height
and weight and at best. They become more inaccurate depending on the
differences in muscle mass of the person. An active athlete will have a
Higher calculated BMI, using height and weight, but have a Lower BMI using
a measured water tank method.
Post by Blind FreddiePost by Bob OfficerJust before I retired, the stress level increased when new upper level
management team decided they had a better business model along with staff
cuts and mandatory overtime came along. The added pressure to ease out one
of the highest paid employees was also a factor which came into play. The
company even attempted to lure me into become a strictly contract employee
rather than a union hourly rate employee was one of the deciding factors to
simply walk away and retire. In the six months prior to retirement I gained
enough weight to raise a BMI of 25.5.
So what was your BMI before retirement - 24.7 or 25.5?
Still doesn't seem enough to equal 50lb.
When I retired my calculated BMI was 25.5 my calculated BMI today is 23.2
that is a change of BMI of 2.3.
It seems Carole can not add or subtract or how to extract information and
preform simple calculations. No wonder she doesn't understand statistics.
Post by Blind FreddiePost by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerI had a touch of a bit of a cold last week and it went away all on its own
in five days.
A miracle.
Just normal. You do know if your treat a cold it will last two weeks, and
if you don't treat the cold it will go away in 14 days?
Post by Blind FreddiePost by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerPost by kayePost by DuncanI have to agree on this point.
ROFLMAO! Carole agreeing with Carole! Who woulda thunk!!!!!
Well Carole is the only person she can find to agree with herself. That why
she uses multiple socks because no one will agree with nonsense. Most all
the other alties and con artist refused to support her nonsense and
eventually left for greener pastures.
Most people left newsgroups because the ISPs didn't carry them
anymore. Now everybody goes to Facebook which is currently being
censored for "fake news", meaning anything that conflicts with
establishment propaganda.
Really most every IPS I know of carries the newsgroups. And then here is
always google groups. As well of several we'll known free servers.
Oz ISPs cut out newsgroups - at least the main ISPs. Maybe some of the
more expensive ones still run them.
Google groups is pretty hard to deal with since their new system
began. Notice that Jan dropped out about the time the new system came
What new system? it is a net browser based.
Post by Blind FreddiePost by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerPost by kayePost by DuncanWe know that autism has risen to pandemic levels, yet nothing is done
to try and research the reasons for it.
We know it's getting diagnosed more. Maybe because they changed the
criteria for diagnosis. We also know the schools have an interest in
getting kids labeled: They get more federal funds for having kids with
disabilities, so it's their financial interest to get kids labeled for even
the slightest deviation from the norm.
It the idea that those deviations from norm are bad which bothers me. The
system tries to fit everyone in one sized box. Teachers are now being
taught to achieve test scores, rather taking the time and finding a way to
teach each student.
That's true.
Remember Carole, I do have a degree in teaching as well as engineering. You
seem to want to discredit so many people, that worked hard to achieve
Not exactly true. Its admirable to work hard to an education. The
problem is when a person with that education then thinks that
everything they learned is true and anything that contradicts it is
false. The medical profession is a case in point, where only
pharmaceutical drugs are recognised as safe or efficacious.
I am not guilty of that, Carole. The very fact you don't understand so much
of what you say and your reading comprehension is so poor. You more often
than not spout nonsense that a has no basis in reality.
Post by Blind FreddiePharmaceutical drugs are crap.
And your are stating that unfounded and based opinion on the basis of what
studies and what sort of data?
Post by Blind FreddieAnybody who values their health gets
off those things and finds a way through natural nutrition,
Natural nutrition? Eating only fresh, unpreserved foods in season?
Supplements are not natural, Carole.
Most of the drugs used today are all based from herbs, Carole. Refined
substances, given in exact dosages.
Post by Blind Freddieand alternatives if possible, unless
What the hell is "alternatives" oh you mean quackery and scams.
Post by Blind Freddiethey're too far gone. I just get tired of "experts and reliable
sources" trying to run people's lives when all they've been trained in
is establishment propaganda.
Post by Bob OfficerNot everyone is willing to remain ignorant and dull like you.
Being dull is no crime.
It is went being mental dull result in a lack of critical thinking.
Post by Blind FreddieMost of life is involved with tedious and
monotonous things, except if you're on drugs.
Really? I find life very much the opposite, with news things to read and
see. The world is full skills to learn and pass along, a constant parade of
new and old ideas.
Post by Blind FreddieRegarding being ignorant, it depends on what you're talking about.
You are willfully ignorant, and your willful ignorance has limited
Post by Blind FreddieIf I was living out the bush and had to be self-sufficient I wouldn't
cope. If I had to fix something mechanical, electrical or build
something I'd be totally in the dark.
And I could do both with no problem. Even better I can teach others those
Post by Blind FreddieHowever, when it comes to the system we live in realising that its all
a gigantic con,
Because you find life ("the system") "tedious and
monotonous" doesn't mean it is all a "con". Being conned is your problem
not the system.
You do,realize that the alternative medicine is all one giant con. You lack
of critical thinking has no served you well Carole.
Post by Blind Freddiedoesn't make me as ignorant as those who blindly trust
the system works. However, I think most people would say the system is
pretty rotten in so many ways. People who think the system works fine
are generally pretty ignorant.
For example, if you think
Carole. Do not assume how others think. Be concern with your entire lack of
thought. Do not bring global politics and your hatred of all,thing American
into this discussion of alternative health.
Post by Blind Freddieits ok for the US to go and invade Iraq with
trumped up reasons and kill 1m+ iraqis, then you're ignorant.
I never said it was OK or even the right of proper way to do anything,
Carole, so stop,bring it up. If your really want to look at the opinion
polls the majority of Americans didn't support the invasion of Iraq or
Post by Blind FreddieAnd you really need to look at the roots of modern education, where it
all began, and how the robber barons planned to turn people into
factory fodder rather than people of any real learning or brilliance.
You know this disjointed construction of your paragraphs shows your
disjointed thought process.
You've jumped from. Vaccines to the war in Iraq to what was show to be 100%
wrong assumptions on education and learning. This is like when you used to
say medical schools do,not teach nutrition and when you were show a course
syllabus for a medical school class which showed that it was taught as an
integrated subject matter. You refused to even read it.
Post by Blind FreddieHow education is designed to socialise more than anything, and how
society is being constantly engineered by the globalist controlled
mass media.
And you came up with this onion all,by yourself? Just how many school
classes did you survey to come to that conclusion? Are just echoing someone
else's assertion? How much weight should anyone give to another assertion?
What is their expertise and what data are they using to come up with their
Dozens if not hundreds or thousands of question needs to be asked, whenever
I see any opinion.
Post by Blind FreddiePost by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerPost by kayePost by Duncanthey tell us that the cause isn't known but it definitely isn't
The do know: its genetic.
Known de nova mutations and testable markers for those mutations. Sort of
hard to ignore facts. I am sure there are also other factors like mDNA
disorder syndrome which is an inherited condition.
Post by kayePost by DuncanWell what the bloody hell is it?
I think you have it. Have you been checked?
Post by DuncanFrankly, since they lie about everything and anything you can't
believe a word these "experts" tell us. They manufacture and create
words for the public based on what they want us to believe, rather
than what is true. Its all a pack of lies -- they do know but don't
want the public to know. Keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit -
that's their philosophy.
Post by Blind FreddieI wonder how he will cope when and if Trump is inaugurated as
president and starts to turn off establishment propaganda in favour of
what really works.
Doesn't work or you would have cured your athletes foot 2 decades ago.
Almost 3 decades, now.
Well bob, you haven't cured your mental derangement condition, which
has been evident ever since I've known you on mha.
What mental derangement would that be?
The mental derangement where you think that everything is fine, no
problem to observe except people who are lazy.
Every thing isn't fine. I see your problem is that you are mentally lazy,
and willfully ignorant.
Post by Blind FreddieYou don't acknowledge the growing gap between haves and have-nots,
Why do you say that? I worked for over 20 years as a volunteer without pay
in a summer youth camp program. Do you know why it was unpaid and a
volunteer? Because the program provided for those that had not and while I
could have worked in a nice paid camp director, I worked for free often
even paying for needed materials out of my own pocket. Do you believe I
would have done that if I had not acknowledge that gap?
Post by Blind Freddieincreasing non-accountability of so much corruption, blame
whistleblowers, think the homeless and the poor are their own fault
Never said that either.
Stop making things up, Carole and focus on the discussion of alternative
Tell us more about how your treatments still haven't resulting in curing
your food fungus?
Post by Blind FreddiePost by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanIf I snipped everything of yours that I considered nonsense, there
would be nothing left to respond to.
Go ahead and cut away, Carole, better yet just killfile me. That way you
can be comfortable talking back and forth among your many socks while the
world points and laughs at your nonsense.
The only person you are fooling is yourself, Carole.
No bob, I just find it interesting that somebody such as yourself, who
appears to know what you're talking about, is part of the problem.
Into but you are. Your continued support of the silly, inaccurate, ignorant
and mentally lazy is the the problem. Your total lack of reading
comprehension and critical thinking skills show through-out what you
constantly post.
Post by Blind FreddieSure you get some things right but so much wrong.
I get far less wrong than you do Carole.
Post by Blind FreddieYou know the old saying "If you're not part of the solution you're
part of the problem". IOW people who support the old corrupt system
are part of the problem.
The "old system" is what you embrace. Willful ignorance and lack of
critical thinking skills is the old way. That is the problem. Your
continued posting of nonsense misinformation and claims with not factual
backing, is the problem.
Post by Blind FreddieI killfile most people who don't have anything to offer except the
bleeding obvious. I've heard it all before, and these people parrot
I doubt that you've heard it all before. You are much too ignorant of the
Post by Blind Freddiethings back to me that are so obvious and unthinking.
People aren't always very intelligent about things. They get caught up
You do mean knowing not "intelligent". The words have different meanings
and uses.
Post by Blind Freddiein all sorts of biases and conditionings. I know a religious person
who is educated (a psychologist) who thinks that unless a person can
talk in tongues they are not going to heaven when they die. Now this
is a person who has worked hard for their career and gotten an
education, but who is obviously deluded. Like so many educated people,
I won't hang off their words and opinions because they haven't thought
things through properly.
No, Carole again the word "think"and "believes" are not interchangeable.
Post by Blind FreddieYou know what I mean?
No and I don't care. A person's religious beliefs are not the subject of
discussion unless it involve health alternative or not.
Post by Blind FreddieI admire people who can fix things - cars, electrical, build things,
engineers, carpenters, metal workers etc. they contribute to society -
but most professions just support a corrupt system, they don't
contribute they just complicate, rip off and society would be better
off without them.
You just don't know enough about how a complex society function. That is
another sign of your willful ignorance and your way of embracing the "old
system" which you seems to often revile.
Dunning's work explained in clear, concise and simple terms.
John Cleese on Stupidity