On Sun, 29 Jan 2017 17:21:09 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesOn Sun, 29 Jan 2017 09:46:17 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesOn Fri, 27 Jan 2017 21:35:32 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Mo OnionsOn Thu, 26 Jan 2017 18:51:16 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerDrug companies ?buy? positive research results, reveals shocking BMJ
study; the entire body of Big Pharma ?evidence? must now be questioned
"Drug companies ?buy? positive research results, reveals shocking BMJ
study; the entire body of Big Pharma ?evidence? must now be
Typical of nut news, no direct URL to the article.
That makes the article heresay"
Financial ties of principal investigators and randomized controlled
trial outcomes: cross sectional study
BMJ 2017; 356 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.i6770 (Published 17
January 2017)
Its a bit dry.
"Objective To examine the association between the presence of
individual principal investigators? financial ties to the manufacturer
of the study drug and the trial?s outcomes after accounting for source
of research funding.
Conclusions Financial ties of principal investigators were
independently associated with positive clinical trial results. These
findings may be suggestive of bias in the evidence base."
It was interesting because many studies fit one or more categories.
In the end many of the people were employed researchers. The number of
studies which were changed
I did caught two points.
"Although independent analyses at the time of publication may not be
feasible for journals from a resource perspective, the requirement to
release the dataset to be reviewed later if necessary may discourage some
forms of analytical bias. Finally, authors should be required to include
and discuss any deviations from the original protocol. This may help to
prevent changes in the specified outcome at the analytic stage."
And under the "strengths and limitations" section was something nutnews
seem to ignore.
"Our study also has several important limitations that deserve comment. Our
analysis is cross sectional and cannot be used to draw conclusions about
causation. In addition, we did not assess the quality of clinical trials
included in our sample; this was beyond the scope of our study. However, we
did assess sample size, study design, analysis type, and outcome measure,
which are related to study quality, and none influenced the relation
between financial ties and outcomes. Therefore, we believe it to be
unlikely that formal quality assessment would have changed our findings. "
It is a well known fact that the original snake oil salesman was John
D. Rockefeller's father, William Avery Rockefeller. And John D.
No it isn't a fact, it is an unproven or disproven allegation, if not an
out right lie.
Its actual fact. William Avery Rockefeller, father of John D.
Rockefeller, original pharmaceutical robber baron, was a snake oil
He was a traveling salesman. He sold stuff all sorts of stuff.
He wasn't a robber baron. If you actually read about he he actually used
what is now considered alternative medicine. so did his son.
You allegation is false and his been shown wrong militia leader times.
"shown wrong militia leader times" ???
William Avery Rockefeller was the original snake oil salesman.
John D. Rockefeller was a robber barons - which were prevalent at the
time, who set up monopolies using murder, theft, cons and like
questionable tactics to achieve their monopolies. All illegal but in
those days it was a case of "might is right" and "don't get in my way
or else".
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesPost by Bob OfficerIf anything it ignores the fact John D like his father use scam medical
The pharmaceutical industry was created and promoted to make money.
Eliminate the competition ie alternative herbal medicine.
All business are made to make money. The lack of competition is called a
monologue. Stuff stuff that doesn't work is called a scam. Alternative
medicine does nothing. It is not competition to the drug industry.
Yeah, all business is to make money.
However, when the main objective is money and cons are used to promote
products and get rid of opposition, it is called a scam which
continues to this day. Modern pharmaceutical medicine is a scam.
Post by Bob OfficerAlternative medicine makes lots of money selling sugar pills which Does
This is "fake news" which has been going on for a long time.
Post by Bob OfficerSo there sits the idiot Carole.
She believe an industry which does research and Creates medicines has no
right to make any money.
She also believes that the alternative industry makes no income or profits.
What a moronic line of thinking...
The robber barons set up their industries designed to make money,
using scam tactics. The energy industry is one - whenever an invention
arises to challenge the fossil fuel industry it is put down.
Tesla had an invention to give free energy to the people but it
couldn't be metered (and charged for) to was suppressed in favour of
what we have today, ever increasing costs for fuel (oil, electricity).
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesPost by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesPost by Bob OfficerPost by Mo OnionsAre you back from your trip?
Nope, still out in the sticks. The last week has been harsh with high winds
and rain.
So it would be a bit cold too, right?
Freezing or near freezing at night and short sleeve weather during the
day. Nothing much above 70 degrees F during the day.
70 deg F is good if you're out in the open.
Shorts and shirt weather if the wind isn't blowing.
Depends on the wind - warm or cool and the direction its coming from.
We have been having warm days with a cooler breeze which makes it
However, a few years ago we had hot weather with a warm wind which was
a bad situation, many fires and losses (including lives).
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesPost by Bob OfficerLast year we had one or two days of bad weather, which included a move one
day in light rain and snow as we traveled about 150 miles and gained 1000
feet in elevation.
Post by Dodgy is as dodgy doesSince its summer here no doubt its winter where you are.
Early spring.
Well in Australia, summer is from Dec-Feb inclusive.
So I would have thought northern hemisphere was winter Dec-Feb.
Different latitudes, Carole, as well as different weather patterns. Winter
on the Sonoran plateau starts about mid December and is generally over by
mid-January, heavy non monsoonal rains out of he north. Cold nights just
about or at freezing with snow at higher elevations.
At home our weather is influences by the Humbolt ocean current and upper
air jet stream.
Post by Dodgy is as dodgy doesPost by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesWe've been having good weather here lately, unlike some parts of
Australia which have been experiencing heat waves, down here in
southern Victoria we've had the odd hot day but then back to moderate
temps interspersed with a rainy day here and there.
Sort of like our last summer. We spent much of near the coast rather than.
Home in the inland valley.
Post by Dodgy is as dodgy doesPost by Bob OfficerPost by Mo OnionsWhat are you up to at the moment?
Mostly I have been out rock hunting.
Find anything interesting or valuable?
About 25 lbs of fire agates. Hopefully most of them of gem quality. I
promised Steel Claws a few of them after they were cut and polished. She
has become a very accomplished jewelry maker.
Steel Claws, the nutcase.
You don't have any room to talk, Carole.
That is your opinion and for a person who doesn't understand the
difference between "opinion" and "belief" you need some educating.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesPost by Bob OfficerHave you ever considered a few classes on critical thinking?
Critical thinking?
You mean like steelclaws who thinks its ok to wish somebody to die if
you don't agree with them?
No Carole, That would be you...
No, no ...that was actually steelclaws who actually said "die bitch
die" or something similar and said it was a comment that was
"justified under the circumstances" -- a real nutcase and libturd
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesShe'd be like the equivalent of your US Liberals.
I bet she went nuts when the UK voted to leave the EU.
She would have been in favour of staying, right?
Now the majority of the U.K. Is thinking just how bad they screwed up.
Is that what the lying mainstream media are saying? ... why are you
surprised, they lie all the time. Their main mission is to push
globalists agenda and lie.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by Dodgy is as dodgy doesThat's the mentality of people like her.
I'm glad that she has found something therapeutic to keep her
You don't have any room to talk about anyone else.
And you think you do?
That's the pot calling the kettle black.
You think you know it all and others are wrong but don't realise
you're a product of mass indoctrination in so many areas. You aren't
able to think for yourself unlike me who is an INTJ (independent
thinking person) -- when the going gets touch the tough get going.
Held my views to myself all my life, until it gets to the point where
the whole system is a total joke where nothing adds up and all is run
on mass media lies, fake education and so on.
However, you're a real dupe, swallowed the whole thing - hook line and
sinker. I might not have all the answers but don't swallowing all the
crap you take for granted.
Dodgy Dealings
10 Counterinsurgency And 'Psy-Ops' Tactics Companies Use Against
This US Government Is The Most Corrupt In History
The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order
by Michel Chossudovsky
U.S. Wealth-Concentration: Wealthiest Tenth (10%) of Americans Own 75%
of America
Modern schooling and the war against competition
"In many respects we dont have a free market economy. We have
cartels, which are the escape from free market, not the natural
progression of free market. They wage war against competition, not by
the traditional means of attracting consumer confidence, but by taking
the reigns of power in government itself and wielding it against its
adversaries. The Rockefeller dynasty represents the epitome of
cartels. Rockefellers partnership with Germanys pharmaceutical giant
I. G. Farben in 1929 formed the most powerful cartel in history."