The Homeopathic Diet/Guidelines
(too old to reply)
2009-07-16 20:18:19 UTC
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
Happy Oyster
2009-07-16 21:19:51 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
Das Schrotgewehr Gottes

2009-07-16 20:34:36 UTC
Allopathy Nazi,

What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?



That noose is about to snap something!
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
                          Das Schrotgewehr Gottes
Happy Oyster
2009-07-16 21:53:47 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
Allopathy Nazi,
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
That noose is about to snap something!
Homeopathy is bullshit. It is as simple as that.
Post by rpautrey2
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
                          Das Schrotgewehr Gottes
Schwerer Pfusch Arzneimittelprüfung

Citizen Jimserac
2009-07-16 23:13:11 UTC
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
All IS bullshit. Collective noun old dude. UnregelmaBsig.

Citizen Jimserac
Happy Oyster
2009-07-17 00:44:47 UTC
Post by Citizen Jimserac
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
All IS bullshit. Collective noun old dude. UnregelmaBsig.
Citizen Jimserac
Schwerer Pfusch Arzneimittelprüfung

Citizen Jimserac
2009-07-17 20:09:50 UTC
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
All IS bullshit.  Collective noun old dude.  UnregelmaBsig.
                Schwerer Pfusch Arzneimittelprüfung
And what in the hell is THIS?

Die Homöopathen beklagen sich, die wissenschaftliche Welt würde ihnen
ja ach so Böses tun. "Die Wissenschaft", sagen sie, "wird uns nicht

You want to document that quote, old dude?

And then, Oyster head here, comes up with THIS...

"But we must homeopathy (and the homeopath!) not even to the standards
of science measure."
(English translation of stuff from the goofy links from Oyster brain

Do you just make up this bullshit as a hobby or is it a life's

Cuz, if it's all you, I think I can get you on Rowan and Martin's
Laugh-In as soon as the time machine's finished.


Citizen Jimserac
Happy Oyster
2009-07-17 21:54:06 UTC
Post by Citizen Jimserac
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
All IS bullshit.  Collective noun old dude.  UnregelmaBsig.
                Schwerer Pfusch Arzneimittelprüfung
And what in the hell is THIS?
That is about the gigantic fraud of the homeopaths, who break their own
homeopathic rules that homeopathic arzneimittel are to be given according to the
symptoms listed in the Repertorium AFTER the proving is made - BUT for many,
many homeopathic arzneimittel there is not even a single proving!!!!!!!!!!!

That is fraud. Not some minute stuff, but a large-scale fraud committed by THE
WHOLE of the homeopathic arzneimittel producers AND the homeopaths.

NO ONE complains about this fraud, ALL of the scene are responsible for this

How can a patient trust a person whoch even breaks the most important of his
basis rules!?

Homeopathy is fraud, and the homeopathic scene is a criminal scene through and
Post by Citizen Jimserac
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.

THEY are bullshit. Plural.
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören, Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören, http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
Citizen Jimserac
2009-07-18 00:35:56 UTC
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Citizen Jimserac
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
All IS bullshit.  Collective noun old dude.  UnregelmaBsig.
                Schwerer Pfusch Arzneimittelprüfung
And what in the hell is THIS?
That is about the gigantic fraud of the homeopaths, who break their own
homeopathic rules that homeopathic arzneimittel are to be given according to the
symptoms listed in the Repertorium AFTER the proving is made - BUT for many,
many homeopathic arzneimittel there is not even a single proving!!!!!!!!!!!
AHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!

So that's is it, huh?!!!!! Well (slaps forehead in belated
realization), FINALLY you are beginning to make some sense.
The old PROVING's NOT DONE SWINDLE!!!!! !!!!! !!!!
Post by Happy Oyster
That is fraud. Not some minute stuff, but a large-scale fraud committed by THE
WHOLE of the homeopathic arzneimittel producers AND the homeopaths.
Allright!!! Look, you're obviously onto something here - we had
better form a committee
to look into this GIGANTIC deception. Thank goodness we have you
watching out for these

AND... the Homeopaths, are in on this too???!!!! INCREDIBLE, and it
was going on right out in the open!!!
The brazen deceivers had the gall to be pulling this stunt for TWO
CENTURIES and it is YOU who have caught on to this!!!!!
Post by Happy Oyster
NO ONE complains about this fraud, ALL of the scene are responsible for this
Indeed, until your incredible alertness, nobody know of it.
Post by Happy Oyster
How can a patient trust a person whoch even breaks the most important of his
basis rules!?
Post by Happy Oyster
Homeopathy is fraud, and the homeopathic scene is a criminal scene through and
OH! The Duplicity and cleverness of them, it is simply overwhelming.
It is so subtle! How did you know???

Thanks Oyst!
Happy Oyster
2009-07-18 02:43:53 UTC
Post by Citizen Jimserac
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Citizen Jimserac
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
All IS bullshit.  Collective noun old dude.  UnregelmaBsig.
                Schwerer Pfusch Arzneimittelprüfung
And what in the hell is THIS?
That is about the gigantic fraud of the homeopaths, who break their own
homeopathic rules that homeopathic arzneimittel are to be given according to the
symptoms listed in the Repertorium AFTER the proving is made - BUT for many,
many homeopathic arzneimittel there is not even a single proving!!!!!!!!!!!
AHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!
So that's is it, huh?!!!!! Well (slaps forehead in belated
realization), FINALLY you are beginning to make some sense.
The old PROVING's NOT DONE SWINDLE!!!!! !!!!! !!!!
Post by Happy Oyster
That is fraud. Not some minute stuff, but a large-scale fraud committed by THE
WHOLE of the homeopathic arzneimittel producers AND the homeopaths.
Allright!!! Look, you're obviously onto something here - we had
better form a committee
to look into this GIGANTIC deception. Thank goodness we have you
watching out for these
AND... the Homeopaths, are in on this too???!!!! INCREDIBLE, and it
was going on right out in the open!!!
The brazen deceivers had the gall to be pulling this stunt for TWO
CENTURIES and it is YOU who have caught on to this!!!!!
Post by Happy Oyster
NO ONE complains about this fraud, ALL of the scene are responsible for this
Indeed, until your incredible alertness, nobody know of it.
Post by Happy Oyster
How can a patient trust a person whoch even breaks the most important of his
basis rules!?
Post by Happy Oyster
Homeopathy is fraud, and the homeopathic scene is a criminal scene through and
OH! The Duplicity and cleverness of them, it is simply overwhelming.
It is so subtle! How did you know???
Thanks Oyst!
This is a typical Scientologist way to duck out if caught in flagranti.

Fact is:
MANY homeopathic arzneimittel do not have even a single proving. This is without
any doubt a clear breach of the base of homeopathy.

The producers of these homeopathic arzneimittel commit a fraud.

The homeopathic organizations worldwide support this fraud.

It IS a mafia. A pharma mafia. The sales are in the region of hundreds of
million Euros per year.

It is a crime.
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören, Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören, http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
2009-07-18 01:55:13 UTC
Nazi Loon,

Read my original 'The Homeopathic Diet' thread.

Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Citizen Jimserac
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
All IS bullshit.  Collective noun old dude.  UnregelmaBsig.
                Schwerer Pfusch Arzneimittelprüfung
And what in the hell is THIS?
That is about the gigantic fraud of the homeopaths, who break their own
homeopathic rules that homeopathic arzneimittel are to be given according to the
symptoms listed in the Repertorium AFTER the proving is made - BUT for many,
many homeopathic arzneimittel there is not even a single proving!!!!!!!!!!!
AHA  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!
So that's is it, huh?!!!!!   Well (slaps forehead in belated
realization), FINALLY you are beginning to make some sense.
The old PROVING's NOT DONE SWINDLE!!!!! !!!!! !!!!
Post by Happy Oyster
That is fraud. Not some minute stuff, but a large-scale fraud committed by THE
WHOLE of the homeopathic arzneimittel producers AND the homeopaths.
Allright!!!   Look, you're obviously onto something here - we had
better form a committee
to look into this GIGANTIC deception.   Thank goodness we have you
watching out for these
AND... the Homeopaths, are in on this too???!!!!  INCREDIBLE, and it
was going on right out in the open!!!
The brazen deceivers had the gall to be pulling this stunt for TWO
CENTURIES and it is  YOU who have caught on to this!!!!!
Post by Happy Oyster
NO ONE complains about this fraud, ALL of the scene are responsible for this
Indeed, until your incredible alertness, nobody know of it.
Post by Happy Oyster
How can a patient trust a person whoch even breaks the most important of his
basis rules!?
Post by Happy Oyster
Homeopathy is fraud, and the homeopathic scene is a criminal scene through and
OH! The Duplicity and cleverness of them, it is simply overwhelming.
It is so subtle!  How did you know???
Thanks Oyst!
This is a typical Scientologist way to duck out if caught in flagranti.
MANY homeopathic arzneimittel do not have even a single proving. This is without
any doubt a clear breach of the base of homeopathy.
The producers of these homeopathic arzneimittel commit a fraud.
The homeopathic organizations worldwide support this fraud.
It IS a mafia. A pharma mafia. The sales are in the region of hundreds of
million Euros per year.
It is a crime.
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören,     Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören,    http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Happy Oyster
2009-07-18 03:51:49 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
Nazi Loon,
Read my original 'The Homeopathic Diet' thread.
The homeopaths have a big problem there ... being caught committing a fraud...
Post by rpautrey2
Post by Happy Oyster
The producers of these homeopathic arzneimittel commit a fraud.
The homeopathic organizations worldwide support this fraud.
It IS a mafia. A pharma mafia. The sales are in the region of hundreds of
million Euros per year.
It is a crime.
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören,     Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören,    http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"- Hide quoted text -
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören, Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören, http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
2009-07-18 08:22:04 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
Nazi Loon,
Read my original 'The Homeopathic Diet' thread.
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Citizen Jimserac
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
All are bullshit.
All IS bullshit.  Collective noun old dude.  UnregelmaBsig.
                Schwerer Pfusch Arzneimittelprüfung
And what in the hell is THIS?
That is about the gigantic fraud of the homeopaths, who break their own
homeopathic rules that homeopathic arzneimittel are to be given according to the
symptoms listed in the Repertorium AFTER the proving is made - BUT for many,
many homeopathic arzneimittel there is not even a single proving!!!!!!!!!!!
AHA  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!!!!
So that's is it, huh?!!!!!   Well (slaps forehead in belated
realization), FINALLY you are beginning to make some sense.
The old PROVING's NOT DONE SWINDLE!!!!! !!!!! !!!!
Post by Happy Oyster
That is fraud. Not some minute stuff, but a large-scale fraud committed by THE
WHOLE of the homeopathic arzneimittel producers AND the homeopaths.
Allright!!!   Look, you're obviously onto something here - we had
better form a committee
to look into this GIGANTIC deception.   Thank goodness we have you
watching out for these
AND... the Homeopaths, are in on this too???!!!!  INCREDIBLE, and it
was going on right out in the open!!!
The brazen deceivers had the gall to be pulling this stunt for TWO
CENTURIES and it is  YOU who have caught on to this!!!!!
Post by Happy Oyster
NO ONE complains about this fraud, ALL of the scene are responsible for this
Indeed, until your incredible alertness, nobody know of it.
Post by Happy Oyster
How can a patient trust a person whoch even breaks the most important of his
basis rules!?
Post by Happy Oyster
Homeopathy is fraud, and the homeopathic scene is a criminal scene through and
OH! The Duplicity and cleverness of them, it is simply overwhelming.
It is so subtle!  How did you know???
Thanks Oyst!
This is a typical Scientologist way to duck out if caught in flagranti.
MANY homeopathic arzneimittel do not have even a single proving. This is without
any doubt a clear breach of the base of homeopathy.
The producers of these homeopathic arzneimittel commit a fraud.
The homeopathic organizations worldwide support this fraud.
It IS a mafia. A pharma mafia. The sales are in the region of hundreds of
million Euros per year.
It is a crime.
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören,     Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören,    http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Happy Oyster
2009-07-18 11:41:51 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
Nazi Loon,
Read my original 'The Homeopathic Diet' thread.
Better read the Organon ORIGINAL at http://www.ariplex.com/ama/ama_org6.htm

Hahnemann wrote a strange brew...
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören, Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören, http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
2009-07-18 15:23:33 UTC
You're a bad little jealous nazi!
Post by rpautrey2
Nazi Loon,
Read my original 'The Homeopathic Diet' thread.
Better read the Organon ORIGINAL athttp://www.ariplex.com/ama/ama_org6.htm
Hahnemann wrote a strange brew...
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören,     Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören,    http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
Happy Oyster
2009-07-18 21:01:43 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
You're a bad little jealous nazi!
Aha, the "jealousy" stuff again... That is one of the main pseudo-arguments of
the naturopathic mafia scene.
Post by rpautrey2
Post by rpautrey2
Nazi Loon,
Read my original 'The Homeopathic Diet' thread.
Better read the Organon ORIGINAL athttp://www.ariplex.com/ama/ama_org6.htm
Hahnemann wrote a strange brew...
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören,     Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören,    http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören, Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören, http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
2009-08-03 01:49:21 UTC
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
You're a bad little jealous nazi!
Aha, the "jealousy" stuff again... That is one of the main pseudo-arguments of
the naturopathic mafia scene.
Post by rpautrey2
Post by rpautrey2
Nazi Loon,
Read my original 'The Homeopathic Diet' thread.
Better read the Organon ORIGINAL athttp://www.ariplex.com/ama/ama_org6.htm
Hahnemann wrote a strange brew...
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören,     Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören,    http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören,     Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören,    http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
Nazi HO,

You're Jealous!
Happy Oyster
2009-08-03 05:00:26 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
Post by Happy Oyster
Post by rpautrey2
You're a bad little jealous nazi!
Aha, the "jealousy" stuff again... That is one of the main pseudo-arguments of
the naturopathic mafia scene.
Post by rpautrey2
Post by rpautrey2
Nazi Loon,
Read my original 'The Homeopathic Diet' thread.
Better read the Organon ORIGINAL athttp://www.ariplex.com/ama/ama_org6.htm
Hahnemann wrote a strange brew...
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören,     Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören,    http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören,     Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören,    http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
Nazi HO,
You're Jealous!
That is a typical pseudoargument of the naturopathic mafiosi: that one is
jealous of them.

Why the hell should one be jealous of a notorious liar who is as dumb as straw?
Of couse no one is. BUT - and that is the point here - the naturopathic mafiosi
use that to praise their own intelligence, their wisdome, their superiority.
This way even the greatest bloke on earth considers himself king of the world.

The naturopathic mafia is based on stupidity and lies.
Herausforderung an die Universität Leipzig

2014-04-11 22:01:37 UTC
ORGANON OF MEDICINE, 6th Edition by Samuel Hahnemann (Text & PDF) - Homeopathy


ORGANON OF MEDICINE by Hahnemann Samuel


PDF(Best Translation)




2009-07-17 06:07:34 UTC

Chronic Disease
Drug Disease

§ 260 Sixth Edition

Hence the careful investigation into such obstacles to cure is so much
the more necessary in the case of patients affected by chronic
diseases, as their diseases are usually aggravated by such noxious
influences and other disease-causing errors in the diet and regimen,
which often pass unnoticed.1

1 Coffee; fine Chinese and other herb teas; beer prepared with
medicinal vegetable substances unsuitable for the patient's state; so-
called fine liquors made with medicinal spices; all kinds of punch;
spiced chocolate; odorous waters and perfumes of many kinds; strong-
scented flowers in the apartment; tooth powders and essences and
perfumed sachets compounded of drugs; highly spiced dishes and sauces;
spiced cakes and ices; crude medicinal vegetables for soups; dishes of
herbs, roots and stalks of plants possessing medicinal qualities;
asparagus with long green tips, hops, and all vegetables possessing
medicinal properties, celery, onions; old cheese, and meats that are
in a state of decomposition, or that passes medicinal properties (as
the flesh and fat of pork, ducks and geese, or veal that is too young
and sour viands), ought just as certainly to be kept from patients as
they should avoid all excesses in food, and in the use of sugar and
salt, as also spirituous drinks, undiluted with water, heated rooms,
woollen clothing next the skin, a sedentary life in close apartments,
or the frequent indulgence in mere passive exercise (such as riding,
driving or swinging), prolonged suckling, taking a long siesta in a
recumbent posture in bed, sitting up long at night, uncleanliness,
unnatural debauchery, enervation by reading obscene books, reading
while lying down, Onanism or imperfect or suppressed intercourse in
order to prevent conception, subjects of anger, grief or vexation, a
passion for play, over-exertion of the mind or body, especially after
meals, dwelling in marshy districts, damp rooms, penurious living,
etc. All these things must be as far as possible avoided or removed,
in order that the cure may not be obstructed or rendered impossible.
Some of my disciples seem needlessly to increase the difficulties of
the patient's dietary by forbidding the use of many more, tolerably
indifferent things, which is not to be commended.

§ 261

The most appropriate regimen during the employment of medicine in
chronic diseases consists in the removal of such obstacles to
recovery, and in supplying where necessary the reverse: innocent moral
and intellectual recreation, active exercise in the open air in almost
all kinds of weather (daily walks, slight manual labor), suitable,
nutritious, unmedicinal food and drink, etc.

§ 262

In acute diseases, on the other hand - except in cases of mental
alienation - the subtle, unerring internal sense of the awakened life-
preserving faculty determines so clearly and precisely, that the
physician only requires to counsel the friends and attendants to put
no obstacles in the way of this voice of nature by refusing anything
the patient urgently desires in the way of food, or by trying to
persuade him to partake of anything injurious.

§ 263

The desire of the patient affected by an acute disease with regard to
food and drink is certainly chiefly for things that give palliative
relief: they are, however, not strictly speaking of a medicinal
character, and merely supply a sort of want. The slight hindrances
that the gratification of this desire, within moderate bounds, could
oppose to the radical removal of the disease1 will be amply
counteracted and overcome by the power of the homoeopathically suited
medicine and the vital force set free by it, as also by the
refreshment that follows from taking what has been so ardently longed
for. In like manner, in acute diseases the temperature of the room and
the heat or coolness of the bed-coverings must also be arranged
entirely in conformity with the patients' wish. He must be kept free
from all over-exertion of mind and exciting emotions.

1 This is, however, rare. Thus, for instance, in pure inflammatory
diseases, where aconite is so indispensable, whose action would be
destroyed by partaking of vegetable acids, the desire of the patient
is almost always for pure cold water only.
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
Happy Oyster
2009-07-17 19:11:42 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
Chronic Disease
Drug Disease
§ 260 Sixth Edition
The 6th. edition is great, but one really should read the original:

Anything else is blasphemy. ;O)
"Und wieder ist Gott inhuman,
lässt metzeln in und um Basan.
Sie schlagen Og und dessen Leute,
und machen sich das Land zur Beute." http://www.reimbibel.de
2009-07-17 18:54:38 UTC

Your "side" is scared & jealous!

What next?


Post by rpautrey2
Chronic Disease
Drug Disease
§ 260 Sixth Edition
The 6th. edition is great, but one really should read the original:http://www.ariplex.com/ama/ama_org6.htm
Anything else is blasphemy. ;O)
"Und wieder ist Gott inhuman,
lässt metzeln in und um Basan.
Sie schlagen Og und dessen Leute,
und machen sich das Land zur Beute."    http://www.reimbibel.de
Happy Oyster
2009-07-17 21:40:38 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
Your "side" is scared & jealous!
What next?
Going through the streets brings incidents, ... like seeing dogs, small and
ugly, which bark and snap all the time.

Now, why does this posting remind me of that...?
Post by rpautrey2
Post by rpautrey2
Chronic Disease
Drug Disease
§ 260 Sixth Edition
The 6th. edition is great, but one really should read the original:http://www.ariplex.com/ama/ama_org6.htm
Anything else is blasphemy. ;O)
"Und wieder ist Gott inhuman,
lässt metzeln in und um Basan.
Sie schlagen Og und dessen Leute,
und machen sich das Land zur Beute."    http://www.reimbibel.de
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören, Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören, http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
2009-07-17 19:01:55 UTC

What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
Happy Oyster
2009-07-17 21:45:34 UTC
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
Dobble-bobble-wobble... still does not sense make...
"Für den Herrscher war es gut zu hören, Brief des Paulus an Titus
'Wir werden nicht beim Herrschen stören, http://www.reimbibel.de
und weil wir nicht den Kaiser hassen,
kann dieser uns in Ruhe lassen.'"
2014-04-11 22:06:00 UTC


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2014-04-11 22:06:52 UTC
ORGANON OF MEDICINE, 6th Edition by Samuel Hahnemann (Text & PDF) - Homeopathy


ORGANON OF MEDICINE by Hahnemann Samuel


PDF(Best Translation)




Oliver Crangle
2014-08-08 09:52:19 UTC

Post by rpautrey2
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan?
Dr. AR Wingnutte
2014-10-18 22:46:51 UTC
What role does the homeopathic diet/guidelines (Organon,Chronic
Diseases,Lesser Writings:Hahnemann,Lesser Writings:Boenninghausen,etc)
play in a homeopathic treatment plan??
2017-04-12 03:24:45 UTC