On Mon, 7 Aug 2017 12:02:38 -0700, Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanOn Fri, 4 Aug 2017 23:38:20 -0700, Bob Officer
Post by Bob OfficerPost by kayeI thought this was an interesting video about Myers-Briggs personality
testing. Especially since someone here keeps bragging about her so call
personality type. This video goes into the history behind the test. Who
crafted it and who refined it to the test we see today.
Bragging? I guess after years of being told I'm different and don't
fit in with the majority, it is good to understand why.
The INTJ is an independent thinker, unlike the majority who go along
with mainstream or peer thinking.
The INTJ has no meaning, nitwit. That what many people have tried to
explain to you many times. There is Zero science, no evidence and no
statistics. every company, school or governmental body that has used the
test to deny or promote a person is subject to lawsuits and force
repression of money.
It has totally discontinued as anything other than a parlor game.
Whatever bob.
But who says myer-briggs has no meaning?
Who says astrology does't work, who says homeopathy is a load of crap?
Furthermore, who says Assad has to go?
Who says that pharmaceutical drugs are safe and efficacious?
What you're talking about here is "expert opinion" bought and paid for
by corporations.
The world is run by corporations who make money from pharmaceutical
drugs, war, electricity, gas etc.
There are alternatives, but they are all suppressed.
So guess who is the nitwit here bob?
That's right, it is the ESTJ who sucks up to the establishment and
goes along with mainstream misinformation.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanIt is ok to think for yourself, nothing wrong with it.
It isn't thinking for yourself, Carole. You are following a false belief in
something which was shown to be false.
Shown to be false by who or whom?
The world run by corporations who also run the government - they pay
big money to get politicians into power who are then beholden to the
Is that democracy?
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanRather than going along with mainstream or peer group pressure.
That is however, you own confusion of what is mainstream or peer pressure
and what is following a fad. Myers-Briggs was never anything more than a
Says who bob?
Mainstream aka that which corporations support?
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanI recall when I was younger there was this big debate on over the
Lindy Chamberlain case. This was where the chamberlains went camping
with their children and a dingo took the baby out of their tent.
There was a lot of controversy over whether a dingo would do such a
thing or whether in fact Lindy had killed the baby herself and blamed
it on a dingo.
I remember at the time not knowing what to think - first listening to
one side or the argument then another. Plus there were various rumours
that she dressed the baby in black and that it was a sacrifice to god
(the chamberlains were seventh day adventists and he was a chaplain).
Seventh Day Adventist? How does that enter into the picture. Red Herring
fallacies don't seem to bother you do they.
What it means bob, is that people need to think for themselves, and
not be subject to prevailing news stories which influence opinion.
The mass media likes to sell lots of newspapers and so they make up
stuff that sounds sensational and fascinating, but not necessarily
Its all entertainment not news.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanAlso people said Lindy had evil eyes. Well she was tried and sent to
prison, released after serving time. But in the end she was pardoned
because it came out that nobody wanted to talk about how dingos would
eat babies because it would hurt the tourism industry.
Or in the US we have Bear and Mountian Lion attacks. Enough so they were a
worry at the youth summer camp I was a director of for 20 years.
But the point is the dingo being dangerous was suppressed, in order to
support the tourism industry. Since then there have been other
accounts of dingos stalking children.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanThis is how rumour and innuendo, and all sorts of silliness influence
public opinion. These days I think things through for myself rather
than listen to all the differing rumours, and I have my reasons why I
hold a view rather than merely listening to others.
Nothing wrong with being an independent thinker, except if you are
into groupthink..
And that has what to do with the falsity of Myers-Briggs and video? You did
watch the video didn't you?
I am happy with the myer-briggs type testing.
No doubt there are people who dismiss it and call it rubbish but it
works for me.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanPost by Bob OfficerAdam spoils everything is accurate.
Jung was a believer in astrology. You can't get much more phony than that.
Astrology works to a point.
No Carole either is works and works all the time or it is false. Take a
rock and drop it. It always falls at a rate of 32ft/second^2. That works
all the time here on Earth.
Maybe it works all the time, but some cases are more complicated than
others. If you get an astrology sign that is extroverted for example,
it can be moderated by one that is is introverted and people have more
than one star sign impacting on the final reading.
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanI have picked people who are Leos for example.
And when I lived in Darwin I rang into a lot of Geminis, which I have
never done in any other place I lived.
The Leos, Saggitarians and Aries are the fire signs and these people
are usually pretty outgoing and can be wild and daring more than
others. Whereas the water signs are generally more placid.
A person's zodiac sign can be varied by the time of day and the
chinese year they are born. The chinese zodiac also has 12 characters
which relate to the 12 western zodiac signs - eg Aries is the Dragon
in chinese zodiac, Taurus is the snake, gemini is the horse and so on.
But each one is given a personity similar to western zodiac. Chinese
signs are repeated every 12 years but each 12-year cycle has a
different element such as water, fire, wood, water and earth. So each
sign only repeats every 60 years (12 x 5).
How well astrology works depends on the skill of the person who does
the reading. There are positive aspects as well as negative ones for
each sign.
Gibberish. Those lines and names are arbitrary. They have no real meaning
and those traits are just as arbitrarily assigned.
Tell that to a chinese astrologer.
Post by Bob OfficerThere is no skill to do astrology. It is based on a patter and set of cold
reading techniques. The traits are something which all people tend to self
identify as being themselves.
There is no skill in medicine - it is just which drug can be used for
which condition - the newer drugs are supposedly better although more
Post by Bob OfficerPost by DuncanI don't think its phony - just not accepted by mainstream science.
Anything not accepted by mainstream science is written off as phony or
It isn't just not accepted by mainstream science, it has been shown to be
false and without meaning, time and time again.
By who or whom bob?
There are people who would disagree with you on that.
Post by Bob OfficerFortune telling, palmistry, astrology, psychic healing, radionics and a
long list of other types of fakery have all been at one time or another
parts of a confidence game or scam, used to take money from the rubes.
Just like pharmaceutical medicine.
Post by Bob OfficerTo defend scams, lies and cheats means either you have been scammed
yourself and are in denial, or you are one of those scammers. Carole, which
is it? Are you in denial or are you a scammer, Carole?
Who is in denial bob ... you or me?
You can't prove that mainstream medicine is better than alternative -
except for the fact that mainstream is said to be better to "experts"
which are those chosen and promoted, but not impartially.
"Consensus is not a scientific term. It is a political term." (Ed. The
Climate Skeptics (TCS) Blog)
"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There
are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we
don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we
don't know we don't know." -- Donald Rumsfeld
Post by Bob Officer[BOB] "Beliefs are not opinions."
I think you will find that "belief" is a synonym for "opinion".
So WTF are you trying to say idiot?
[BOB] "I stand by what I said in context. A belief is
something held true with or without supporting
evidence or in the face of contradictory evidence.
An opinion is based on what one thinks and not what
one believes. Ones religion is what one believes.
Religion requires no thinking and in many cases
Religion forbids thinking.
While you might believe their are interchangeable
synonyms, I think if you asked an expert in the
English Language they might agree with me. The
words have different meanings and uses."
">I didn't know there was a requirement to generate topics. Where did
Post by Bob Officeryou get that idiotic idea from. " -- Bob Officer
DK: Bob Officer is a member of the group I
DK; accurately describe as...
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