<>< Holy Spirit-guided exegesis of Luke 9:23 ...
(too old to reply)
2013-03-22 21:35:22 UTC
Andrew B. Chung is a destroyer of Usenet. I hope that
someday, the extremely arrogant Mr. Andrew B Chung
pays for the destruction he has wrought upon Usenet,
especially, the all-Chung-spam, sci.med.cardiology, a
formerly very helpful Usenet site for people with serious
heart problems, now totally destroyed by an egomaniac.
Chung's total arrogance has also destroyed
alt.christnet.christianlife, alt.support.diabetes, and
misc.health.alternative. Chung is an supremely arrogant
person, totally egocentric. Pure ego. All ego, and
nothing but ego. There is NO CURE for this condition.
There is a long-term dietary cure, but the patient is
always far too arrogant to follow it. They KNOW the
answer to EVERY question, and they are "always right".
In the most extreme cases, they even KNOW how "God"
and "Jesus" want the rest of us to live. (A. B. Chung)
A small percentage of the population is like this, one
percent or less. Such people are usually unable to get
along with others, and have no real friends. They know
something is not right, but keep quiet about it, and try
to behave "normally".
Many of them pursue fame with extreme determination.
An example is Anna Nicole Smith.
Chung's goal is to someday sit to the left of "God" with
"Jesus" on the right, in "God's" "Heavenly Palace".
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


WARNING: Chung is a "dongdan" (cross-dresser, drag-queen) serial
cyberstalker, particularly of gay, and especially, trans-gender males.


WARNING: Chung posts links to his website in order to sell the Chung
"2PD-OMER" diet, a diet that combines "religious" extremism with
dietary extremism. The origin of this quack diet is Chung's
interpretation of biblical scripture in which he reveals that both
"Jesus" and "God" carried around scales and religiously weighed
everything they ate, never consuming more than a biblical "OMER",
todays equivalent of 2 pounds according to Chung's "calculations".
Chung further claims that WHAT you eat is not important, eat roadkill
if you like. Just don't get carried away and consume more than 2
pounds. Chung adds in the strongest terms, that going over 2 pounds
even once is a "perishing soul" offense, and warns that his Messiah,
"LORD" Jesus Christ, teacher of love and forgiveness, will personally
roast alive all offenders.

The dietary insane blather of Andrew B. Chung:

"Moreover, the fact that babies are born hungry with empty stomachs
**and** functioning brains is absolute scientific proof that hunger
does not destroy brain cells but rather promotes their rapid growth as
evident by what happens in utero."

GSI response: Babies are nourished by the mothers blood through the
umbilical cord and placenta, as anyone who has taken first year biology
in High School knows. Chung shows almost NO real medical knowledge. No
medically trained person would EVER write the bullshit sentence above.

"Actually, hunger for real food is simply a desire to eat real food
that is verified by the ability to eat real food and may be accompanied
by stomach sounds that allow others to verify the desire to eat real
food even **before** the eating happens." -Andrew B. Chung

( We are so lucky here on UseNet to have free access to the hard earned
wisdom of brilliant medical professionals like Dr. Chung - "Hunger for
real food is simply a desire to eat real food that is verified by the
ability to eat real food." Wow!, who would have guessed? )

"Hunger for real food does not indicate a need for real food as evident
by this desire often increasing when the food is especially palatable
in the middle of eating the "right" daily amount (32 oz, one "OMER")
when any real need would be decreasing." -Andrew B. Chung

GSI response: here Chung, in his determination to be "right", hopes
that you won't notice that "need" and "desire" don't mean the same
Chung, take your 2 digit IQ, moronic, "diet" bullshit to the
appropriate newsgroups. "alt.christnet.christianlife,
alt.bible.prophecy" etc. are not the place for arrogant hourly "status"
updates on how many ounces of food an arrogant spamming
asshole-"religious" hustler has consumed. What you are doing here is
PURE ARROGANCE. There is NOTHING "holy" or "righteous" about it. You
and your sock-puppets are ARROGANT. The rigid "diet" you promote leads
to making you even more arrogant, i.e. bigger ASSHOLES. Though it
hardly seems possible, you will become even more egocentric, rigid, and

No medical professional would EVER endorse your QUACK diet. Just as no
real scientist would ever endorse Creationism. Both are what happens
when stupid people attempt to force their stupid, LITERAL
interpretation of the Bible into the fields of science and medicine, to
"PROVE" that THEY are the "smart" ones. Food is primarily fuel. There
is NO ONE RIGHT AMOUNT for all people in all climates and all daily
activities, any more than there is one "right" amount of gas for your
car. A lumberjack cannot do a days work on 32 oz. of food, while for
instance, an arrogant, INSANE, internet spammer like Chung probably
could. And it DOES matter WHAT you eat.
The 2IQ-MRON diet is pure 2 digit IQ Evangelical BULLSHIT, and an
attempt to extend Christian Evangelicalism into a highly profitable,
low risk, field of medicine. The suggestion that REAL medical
professionals at Emory University are supporting this BS is laughable.
The janitorial staff at Emory is smarter than that. Supply the phone
number of ONE medical professional who supports the idea that "God",
via INSANE Usenet spammer, Andrew B. Chung, has instructed all humans
to consume exactly 2 pounds of food daily, regardless of sex, age,
weight, activity, body-type/metabolism, climate, etc. to back up these
claims. Any medical professional supporting this diet should lose his
medical license immediately, and that includes Dr. Chung himself.

The Egomaniac "HeartDoc" explains why it doesn't matter that he has
lost his medical board-certification: (short answer-
"GOD-sanctification is infinitely greater than board-certification" -

"This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is known
by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy Spirit (
http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark 16:18) heart
disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD equivalent, while
giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD as
the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him to
hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:
http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):
GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians 2:9)
without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)"

GSI response: I guess it's OK to practice medicine without a license,
as long as you have "GOD-sanctification", like the INSANE egomaniac,
Andrew B Chung.

Chung placed under arrest:

Chung terminated:

Chung banned by real Christians:

Chung implicated in wrongful death:

Chung medical certification expired:

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-03-25 01:07:22 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of follow-
up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des femmes
de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European Prospective
Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset.

Indeed, only the truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
2013-03-25 02:16:27 UTC
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-03-25 04:19:01 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of follow-
up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des femmes
de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European Prospective
Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset.

Indeed, only the truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-03-26 04:27:29 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-03-27 06:30:21 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-03-28 05:31:12 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-03-29 05:30:23 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-03-30 04:36:35 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-03-31 04:53:55 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-01 07:15:00 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
John H. Gohde
2013-04-01 12:10:58 UTC
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of
Do NOT look now, but YOUR slip is showing.
Happy Oyster
2013-04-01 15:07:52 UTC
On Mon, 1 Apr 2013 05:10:58 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of
Do NOT look now, but YOUR slip is showing.
John H. Gohde just slipped?
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

John H. Gohde
2013-04-01 15:24:42 UTC
Post by Happy Oyster
On Mon, 1 Apr 2013 05:10:58 -0700 (PDT), "John H. Gohde"
Post by John H. Gohde
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of
Do NOT look now, but YOUR slip is showing.
The message is in the subject.
James R.
2013-04-01 21:26:55 UTC
Chung, this newsgroup is as dead or even MORE dead than your god.
Good luck!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-02 05:04:10 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-03 05:21:05 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Freedom Man
2013-04-03 14:22:12 UTC
"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <***@T3WiJ.com> wrote in message news:5d29a55f-0ba3-49f5-860e-***@f5g2000yqp.googlegroups.com...
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


See what RELIGION does to peoples' minds?

Adults no longer believe in the Tooth Fairy - but they still torture and
kill each other over ancient myths and superstitions.

"We all remember how many religious wars were fought for a religion of love
and gentleness; how many bodies were burned alive with the genuinely kind
intention of saving souls from the eternal fire of hell." --- Karl Popper

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion."
--- Robert M. Pirsig

Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot, or he can but does not want to.
If he wants to but cannot he is impotent. If he can but does not want to, he
is wicked. If he neither can nor wants to, then he is both powerless and
--- Epicurus, Greek philosopher, circa 300 B.C.

"Act of God" disasters like the Japanese earthquake expose the myth. Either
God can do nothing to stop catastrophes like this, or he doesn't care to, or
he doesn't exist. He is thus either impotent, evil, or imaginary.
--- CNN Belief Blog, 3-20-11

"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and
evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that
takes religion."
--- Steven Weinberg, quoted in The New York Times, April 20, 1999

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from
religious conviction." --- Blaise Pascal.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false,
and by rulers as useful."
--- Seneca the Younger (4? BC - 65 AD)

"Religion once ruled the world. It was called the Dark Ages." --- Ruth

"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." ---
Victor Stenger.

"I don't believe in God because I don't believe in Mother Goose." ---
Clarence Darrow

"As my ancestors are free from slavery, I am free from the slavery of
religion." --- Butterfly McQueen

"Religion was invented when the first con-man met the first fool." - Mark

"Faith is believing what you know ain't so." --- Mark Twain

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in
all fiction." --- Richard Dawkins

"Cult today, religion tomorrow."

The Freedom From Religion Foundation: http://ffrf.org/
The Secular Coalition for America: www.secular.org
Secular Student Alliance: www.secularstudents.org
2013-04-05 14:59:37 UTC
"Freedom Man" wrote in message news:kjhdq5$avp$***@dont-email.me...

"Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD" <***@T3WiJ.com> wrote in message news:5d29a55f-0ba3-49f5-860e-***@f5g2000yqp.googlegroups.com...
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


See what RELIGION does to peoples' minds?

Adults no longer believe in the Tooth Fairy - but they still torture and
kill each other over ancient myths and superstitions.

"We all remember how many religious wars were fought for a religion of love
and gentleness; how many bodies were burned alive with the genuinely kind
intention of saving souls from the eternal fire of hell." --- Karl Popper

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion."
--- Robert M. Pirsig

Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot, or he can but does not want to.
If he wants to but cannot he is impotent. If he can but does not want to, he
is wicked. If he neither can nor wants to, then he is both powerless and
--- Epicurus, Greek philosopher, circa 300 B.C.

"Act of God" disasters like the Japanese earthquake expose the myth. Either
God can do nothing to stop catastrophes like this, or he doesn't care to, or
he doesn't exist. He is thus either impotent, evil, or imaginary.
--- CNN Belief Blog, 3-20-11

"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and
evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that
takes religion."
--- Steven Weinberg, quoted in The New York Times, April 20, 1999

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from
religious conviction." --- Blaise Pascal.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false,
and by rulers as useful."
--- Seneca the Younger (4? BC - 65 AD)

"Religion once ruled the world. It was called the Dark Ages." --- Ruth

"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." ---
Victor Stenger.

"I don't believe in God because I don't believe in Mother Goose." ---
Clarence Darrow

"As my ancestors are free from slavery, I am free from the slavery of
religion." --- Butterfly McQueen

"Religion was invented when the first con-man met the first fool." - Mark

"Faith is believing what you know ain't so." --- Mark Twain

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in
all fiction." --- Richard Dawkins

"Cult today, religion tomorrow."

The Freedom From Religion Foundation: http://ffrf.org/
The Secular Coalition for America: www.secular.org
Secular Student Alliance: www.secularstudents.org

Presumably, you know this a newsgroup for diabetics, and not for atheist, or
religious people of any ilk to spout off and try to force their belief on

Get lost!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-04 05:37:45 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-05 05:28:18 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-06 04:49:17 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-07 05:00:49 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-08 04:40:48 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-09 07:48:02 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-10 05:13:17 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-11 06:55:55 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-12 05:27:17 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-13 12:04:13 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-14 06:21:26 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
2013-04-14 06:36:57 UTC

You have NO CREDIBILITY, Chung.
and everyone on Usenet knows it.
You're a loser and a sick, insane, creep with no friends,
here or anywhere.

Chung placed under arrest:

Chung terminated:

Chung banned by real Christians:

Chung implicated in wrongful death:

Chung medical certification expired:

Andrew B. Chung is a destroyer of Usenet. I hope that
someday, the extremely arrogant Mr. Andrew B Chung
pays for the destruction he has wrought upon Usenet,
especially, the all-Chung-spam, sci.med.cardiology, a
formerly very helpful Usenet site for people with serious
heart problems, now totally destroyed by an egomaniac.
Chung's total arrogance has also destroyed
alt.christnet.christianlife, alt.support.diabetes, and
misc.health.alternative. Chung is an supremely arrogant
person, totally egocentric. Pure ego. All ego, and
nothing but ego. There is NO CURE for this condition.
There is a long-term dietary cure, but the patient is
always far too arrogant to follow it. They KNOW the
answer to EVERY question, and they are "always right".
In the most extreme cases, they even KNOW how "God"
and "Jesus" want the rest of us to live. (A. B. Chung)
A small percentage of the population is like this, one
percent or less. Such people are usually unable to get
along with others, and have no real friends. They know
something is not right, but keep quiet about it, and try
to behave "normally".
Many of them pursue fame with extreme determination.
An example is Anna Nicole Smith.
Chung's goal is to someday sit to the left of "God" with
"Jesus" on the right, in "God's" "Heavenly Palace".
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


WARNING: Chung is a "dongdan" (cross-dresser, drag-queen) serial
cyberstalker, particularly of gay, and especially, trans-gender males.


WARNING: Chung posts links to his website in order to sell the Chung
"2PD-OMER" diet, a diet that combines "religious" extremism with
dietary extremism. The origin of this quack diet is Chung's
interpretation of biblical scripture in which he reveals that both
"Jesus" and "God" carried around scales and religiously weighed
everything they ate, never consuming more than a biblical "OMER",
todays equivalent of 2 pounds according to Chung's "calculations".
Chung further claims that WHAT you eat is not important, eat roadkill
if you like. Just don't get carried away and consume more than 2
pounds. Chung adds in the strongest terms, that going over 2 pounds
even once is a "perishing soul" offense, and warns that his Messiah,
"LORD" Jesus Christ, teacher of love and forgiveness, will personally
roast alive all offenders.

The dietary insane blather of Andrew B. Chung:

"Moreover, the fact that babies are born hungry with empty stomachs
**and** functioning brains is absolute scientific proof that hunger
does not destroy brain cells but rather promotes their rapid growth as
evident by what happens in utero."

GSI response: Babies are nourished by the mothers blood through the
umbilical cord and placenta, as anyone who has taken first year biology
in High School knows. Chung shows almost NO real medical knowledge. No
medically trained person would EVER write the bullshit sentence above.

"Actually, hunger for real food is simply a desire to eat real food
that is verified by the ability to eat real food and may be accompanied
by stomach sounds that allow others to verify the desire to eat real
food even **before** the eating happens." -Andrew B. Chung

( We are so lucky here on UseNet to have free access to the hard earned
wisdom of brilliant medical professionals like Dr. Chung - "Hunger for
real food is simply a desire to eat real food that is verified by the
ability to eat real food." Wow!, who would have guessed? )

"Hunger for real food does not indicate a need for real food as evident
by this desire often increasing when the food is especially palatable
in the middle of eating the "right" daily amount (32 oz, one "OMER")
when any real need would be decreasing." -Andrew B. Chung

GSI response: here Chung, in his determination to be "right", hopes
that you won't notice that "need" and "desire" don't mean the same
Chung, take your 2 digit IQ, moronic, "diet" bullshit to the
appropriate newsgroups. "alt.christnet.christianlife,
alt.bible.prophecy" etc. are not the place for arrogant hourly "status"
updates on how many ounces of food an arrogant spamming
asshole-"religious" hustler has consumed. What you are doing here is
PURE ARROGANCE. There is NOTHING "holy" or "righteous" about it. You
and your sock-puppets are ARROGANT. The rigid "diet" you promote leads
to making you even more arrogant, i.e. bigger ASSHOLES. Though it
hardly seems possible, you will become even more egocentric, rigid, and

No medical professional would EVER endorse your QUACK diet. Just as no
real scientist would ever endorse Creationism. Both are what happens
when stupid people attempt to force their stupid, LITERAL
interpretation of the Bible into the fields of science and medicine, to
"PROVE" that THEY are the "smart" ones. Food is primarily fuel. There
is NO ONE RIGHT AMOUNT for all people in all climates and all daily
activities, any more than there is one "right" amount of gas for your
car. A lumberjack cannot do a days work on 32 oz. of food, while for
instance, an arrogant, INSANE, internet spammer like Chung probably
could. And it DOES matter WHAT you eat.
The 2IQ-MRON diet is pure 2 digit IQ Evangelical BULLSHIT, and an
attempt to extend Christian Evangelicalism into a highly profitable,
low risk, field of medicine. The suggestion that REAL medical
professionals at Emory University are supporting this BS is laughable.
The janitorial staff at Emory is smarter than that. Supply the phone
number of ONE medical professional who supports the idea that "God",
via INSANE Usenet spammer, Andrew B. Chung, has instructed all humans
to consume exactly 2 pounds of food daily, regardless of sex, age,
weight, activity, body-type/metabolism, climate, etc. to back up these
claims. Any medical professional supporting this diet should lose his
medical license immediately, and that includes Dr. Chung himself.

The Egomaniac "HeartDoc" explains why it doesn't matter that he has
lost his medical board-certification: (short answer-
"GOD-sanctification is infinitely greater than board-certification" -

"This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is known
by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy Spirit (
http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark 16:18) heart
disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD equivalent, while
giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD as
the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him to
hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:
http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):
GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians 2:9)
without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)"

GSI response: I guess it's OK to practice medicine without a license,
as long as you have "GOD-sanctification", like the INSANE egomaniac,
Andrew B Chung.

2013-04-14 06:38:32 UTC

You have NO CREDIBILITY, Chung.
and everyone on Usenet knows it.
You're a loser and a sick, insane, creep with no friends,
here or anywhere.

Chung placed under arrest:

Chung terminated:

Chung banned by real Christians:

Chung implicated in wrongful death:

Chung medical certification expired:

Andrew B. Chung is a destroyer of Usenet. I hope that
someday, the extremely arrogant Mr. Andrew B Chung
pays for the destruction he has wrought upon Usenet,
especially, the all-Chung-spam, sci.med.cardiology, a
formerly very helpful Usenet site for people with serious
heart problems, now totally destroyed by an egomaniac.
Chung's total arrogance has also destroyed
alt.christnet.christianlife, alt.support.diabetes, and
misc.health.alternative. Chung is an supremely arrogant
person, totally egocentric. Pure ego. All ego, and
nothing but ego. There is NO CURE for this condition.
There is a long-term dietary cure, but the patient is
always far too arrogant to follow it. They KNOW the
answer to EVERY question, and they are "always right".
In the most extreme cases, they even KNOW how "God"
and "Jesus" want the rest of us to live. (A. B. Chung)
A small percentage of the population is like this, one
percent or less. Such people are usually unable to get
along with others, and have no real friends. They know
something is not right, but keep quiet about it, and try
to behave "normally".
Many of them pursue fame with extreme determination.
An example is Anna Nicole Smith.
Chung's goal is to someday sit to the left of "God" with
"Jesus" on the right, in "God's" "Heavenly Palace".
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


WARNING: Chung is a "dongdan" (cross-dresser, drag-queen) serial
cyberstalker, particularly of gay, and especially, trans-gender males.


WARNING: Chung posts links to his website in order to sell the Chung
"2PD-OMER" diet, a diet that combines "religious" extremism with
dietary extremism. The origin of this quack diet is Chung's
interpretation of biblical scripture in which he reveals that both
"Jesus" and "God" carried around scales and religiously weighed
everything they ate, never consuming more than a biblical "OMER",
todays equivalent of 2 pounds according to Chung's "calculations".
Chung further claims that WHAT you eat is not important, eat roadkill
if you like. Just don't get carried away and consume more than 2
pounds. Chung adds in the strongest terms, that going over 2 pounds
even once is a "perishing soul" offense, and warns that his Messiah,
"LORD" Jesus Christ, teacher of love and forgiveness, will personally
roast alive all offenders.

The dietary insane blather of Andrew B. Chung:

"Moreover, the fact that babies are born hungry with empty stomachs
**and** functioning brains is absolute scientific proof that hunger
does not destroy brain cells but rather promotes their rapid growth as
evident by what happens in utero."

GSI response: Babies are nourished by the mothers blood through the
umbilical cord and placenta, as anyone who has taken first year biology
in High School knows. Chung shows almost NO real medical knowledge. No
medically trained person would EVER write the bullshit sentence above.

"Actually, hunger for real food is simply a desire to eat real food
that is verified by the ability to eat real food and may be accompanied
by stomach sounds that allow others to verify the desire to eat real
food even **before** the eating happens." -Andrew B. Chung

( We are so lucky here on UseNet to have free access to the hard earned
wisdom of brilliant medical professionals like Dr. Chung - "Hunger for
real food is simply a desire to eat real food that is verified by the
ability to eat real food." Wow!, who would have guessed? )

"Hunger for real food does not indicate a need for real food as evident
by this desire often increasing when the food is especially palatable
in the middle of eating the "right" daily amount (32 oz, one "OMER")
when any real need would be decreasing." -Andrew B. Chung

GSI response: here Chung, in his determination to be "right", hopes
that you won't notice that "need" and "desire" don't mean the same
Chung, take your 2 digit IQ, moronic, "diet" bullshit to the
appropriate newsgroups. "alt.christnet.christianlife,
alt.bible.prophecy" etc. are not the place for arrogant hourly "status"
updates on how many ounces of food an arrogant spamming
asshole-"religious" hustler has consumed. What you are doing here is
PURE ARROGANCE. There is NOTHING "holy" or "righteous" about it. You
and your sock-puppets are ARROGANT. The rigid "diet" you promote leads
to making you even more arrogant, i.e. bigger ASSHOLES. Though it
hardly seems possible, you will become even more egocentric, rigid, and

No medical professional would EVER endorse your QUACK diet. Just as no
real scientist would ever endorse Creationism. Both are what happens
when stupid people attempt to force their stupid, LITERAL
interpretation of the Bible into the fields of science and medicine, to
"PROVE" that THEY are the "smart" ones. Food is primarily fuel. There
is NO ONE RIGHT AMOUNT for all people in all climates and all daily
activities, any more than there is one "right" amount of gas for your
car. A lumberjack cannot do a days work on 32 oz. of food, while for
instance, an arrogant, INSANE, internet spammer like Chung probably
could. And it DOES matter WHAT you eat.
The 2IQ-MRON diet is pure 2 digit IQ Evangelical BULLSHIT, and an
attempt to extend Christian Evangelicalism into a highly profitable,
low risk, field of medicine. The suggestion that REAL medical
professionals at Emory University are supporting this BS is laughable.
The janitorial staff at Emory is smarter than that. Supply the phone
number of ONE medical professional who supports the idea that "God",
via INSANE Usenet spammer, Andrew B. Chung, has instructed all humans
to consume exactly 2 pounds of food daily, regardless of sex, age,
weight, activity, body-type/metabolism, climate, etc. to back up these
claims. Any medical professional supporting this diet should lose his
medical license immediately, and that includes Dr. Chung himself.

The Egomaniac "HeartDoc" explains why it doesn't matter that he has
lost his medical board-certification: (short answer-
"GOD-sanctification is infinitely greater than board-certification" -

"This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is known
by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy Spirit (
http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark 16:18) heart
disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD equivalent, while
giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD as
the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him to
hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:
http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):
GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians 2:9)
without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)"

GSI response: I guess it's OK to practice medicine without a license,
as long as you have "GOD-sanctification", like the INSANE egomaniac,
Andrew B Chung.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-15 06:36:33 UTC
"It would be far more reasonable to state what is plainly the
Scriptural position - that there is one Book of Life, belonging to the
Lamb, and that it is indeed possible to have one's name blotted out of


Indeed, behold ...
one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Mary Tyler Moore has always had diabetes

No one is born with diabetes.


The youngest type-2 diabetic on record is 5 years old:


Moreover, Mary Tyler Moore, acquired her diabetes at age 33 as a
consequence of overconsuming alcohol (liquid food) which does cause
liver visceral adipose tissue (VAT):

"Moore, 74, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, formerly called
juvenile diabetes, when (she) was 33..."


Truth is simply reality, which the accursed (Galatians 1:8-9) like you
and satan really hate.
But remember that Satan also quoted Scripture (Psalm 91:11) in Matthew
This physician ( http://WDJW.net/Healer ) remembers Jesus Christ of
Nazareth pointing out that satan cannot call Him LORD (Matthew 4:7)
for if he could, he would have prefaced with "LORD, if You are the Son
of GOD ..." in Matthew 4:6.
and that one of his servants can just as easily quote 1
Corinthians 12:3b.
Actually, you cannot just as your master (satan) cannot for "no one
can say 'Jesus is LORD' except by the Holy Spirit." (1 Corinthians

May GOD continue to ever so severely curse (Galatians 1:8-9) you and
all around you to the Nth generation, in the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. Amen.

Bottom line concerning you:

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other
than the one we preached to you, let them be under GOD’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under GOD’s
curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9)

"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared
for the devil and his angels" -- Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Matthew

And clearly you are accursed:

one whose name's been blotted(Mt25:41&Ps69:28) from His Book(Rev20:15)
Andy, what have you been doing for income since your clinic closed
down and your cardiology certification expired?
This actively practicing physician ( http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc )
continues to be very well-compensated as a cardiologist b/c he is
known by all to be one of a chosen few to have the power of the Holy
Spirit ( http://WDJW.net/HolySpirit ) to heal/cure/reverse (Mark
16:18) heart disease including type-2 diabetes, which is a CAD
equivalent, while giving all the glory to GOD as seen on network TV:

Behold as http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew gives all the glory to GOD
as the http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes (Deuteronomy 8:3) him
to hunger so that he can thrive as he enjoys his meals more than ever:

http://WDJW.net/LausDeo :-)

Bottom line concerning http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew being perfect
(Matthew 5:48):

GOD-sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23) is infinitely greater than
board-certification for He makes the latter eternal (1 Corinthians
2:9) without need for eternal fee payments to ABIM :-)


Behold, we, who are Jesus' http://WDJW.net/Disciples (John 8:31) are
able (Philippians 4:13) to overcome all things just as the LORD, Whom
we are following (Luke 9:23) has overcome all trouble from this


http://WDJW.net/LausDeo for His using the eternally accursed like you
to unwittingly prove that http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew is more than
a conqueror (Romans 8:37) as an immortal (John 3:16) overcomer :-)

Yes, this annointed (2 Timothy 1:7) http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger
(Luke 6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger
(Deuteronomy 8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby
removing the http://WDJW.net/VAT

Laus Deo !!!
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-16 19:42:46 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:






Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
2013-04-16 19:44:19 UTC
2013-04-16 19:55:24 UTC
best thing you ever said
2013-04-16 20:21:55 UTC
On Apr 16, 12:55 pm, "%" <***@gmail.com> wrote nothing worth

Do I give a shit what you think?
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-17 06:45:05 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-18 06:15:47 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-19 07:46:05 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-20 05:53:26 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-21 04:39:15 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-22 04:23:04 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-23 04:14:25 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-24 05:02:47 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-25 06:56:04 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-26 06:42:05 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-27 04:48:36 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-28 05:51:37 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-29 06:12:45 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-04-30 07:46:00 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-01 07:05:16 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-02 05:55:49 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-03 08:24:21 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-10 23:12:34 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-21 02:49:58 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-23 01:39:24 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-25 01:18:53 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
2013-05-25 01:20:45 UTC
Only a Mentally Unbalanced Obsessive Compulsive Quack like Chung da
Chink would
spend several hours
EVERY DAY endlessly repeating his same worthless, mindless,
pointless, useless BULLSHIT that everyone ignores
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-25 23:01:13 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-27 00:40:38 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
2013-05-27 01:47:28 UTC
Only a Mentally Unbalanced Obsessive Compulsive Quack like Chung da
Chink would spend several hours
EVERY DAY endlessly repeating his same worthless, mindless,
pointless, useless religious BULLSHIT that everyone ignores
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-27 23:34:41 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-29 03:04:10 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-30 01:24:49 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-05-31 01:32:05 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Happy Oyster
2013-05-31 01:36:22 UTC
On Thu, 30 May 2013 18:32:05 -0700 (PDT), "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
No. Satan Andrew Ben Hua Chung wants people dead. THAT is the plain
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-01 00:48:25 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-01 23:46:53 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Happy Oyster
2013-06-02 00:01:35 UTC
On Sat, 1 Jun 2013 16:46:53 -0700 (PDT), "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
No license anymore, but still he claims to be a medical doctor. How many
persons did he harm?

Markea Berry is one of his victims. She is dead.
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-02 23:17:11 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-04 02:22:57 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Happy Oyster
2013-06-04 23:22:52 UTC
On Mon, 3 Jun 2013 19:22:57 -0700 (PDT), "Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD"
Yes, right amount ( ....... ) control as
These claims are insane. Hunger leads to brain damage.
Crowd-funding is for money, crowd-publishing is for mankind.

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-05 02:54:37 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-06 00:01:30 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-07 03:30:06 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-08 00:33:01 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-09 02:51:37 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-10 01:44:37 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-10 22:51:54 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-11 22:58:37 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
2013-06-11 23:07:00 UTC
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart
... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,
Andrew <><
hi chung
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-12 23:44:38 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Jimmy Alpha GeD
2013-06-12 23:57:43 UTC
Post by Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
Rod Eastman testified here he doesn't following the two pound crap of
you're marketing making you a liar sightwalker. Have him update or be
known as a liar.
Jimmy Alpha GeD
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-14 01:23:26 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Jimmy Alpha GeD
2013-06-14 03:39:07 UTC
Yes, right amount ( http://WWJD.net/2PD-OMER Diet ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
It has been pointed out to you (sightwalker) how Rod Eastman found your
diet not fit, hence your using his name as an endorsement after he
testified here he doesn't practice your diet makes you a charlatan, and
a liar.
Jimmy Alpha GeD
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-15 00:04:24 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter than being forced to eat less down closer to
around the right amount, which is 32 oz of daily food:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org Cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and Author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-25 04:33:05 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman (along with countless others
globally --> http://GHHS2013.org ) are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-26 08:51:41 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman (along with countless others
globally --> http://GHHS2013.org ) are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-27 08:45:13 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset.

Indeed, only the truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-28 12:03:31 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset.

Indeed, only the truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-29 13:04:08 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset.

Indeed, only the truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-30 10:38:43 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset.

Indeed, only the truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-01 11:49:10 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset.

Indeed, only the truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-02 11:04:53 UTC
Hunger = Healthy


Background: It has been extensively shown, mainly in US populations,
that sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are associated with increased
risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but less is known about the effects of
artificially sweetened beverages (ASBs).

Objective: We evaluated the association between self-reported SSB,
ASB, and 100% fruit juice consumption and T2D risk over 14 y of
follow-up in the French prospective Etude Epidémiologique auprès des
femmes de la Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale–European
Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition cohort.

Design: A total of 66,118 women were followed from 1993, and 1369
incident cases of T2D were diagnosed during the follow-up. Cox
regression models were used to estimate HRs and 95% CIs for T2D risk.

Results: The average consumption of sweetened beverages in consumers
was 328 and 568 mL/wk for SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Compared with
nonconsumers, women in the highest quartiles of SSB and ASB consumers
were at increased risk of T2D with HRs (95% CIs) of 1.34 (1.05, 1.71)
and 2.21 (1.56, 3.14) for women who consumed >359 and >603 mL/wk of
SSBs and ASBs, respectively. Strong positive trends in T2D risk were
also observed across quartiles of consumption for both types of
beverage (P = 0.0088 and P < 0.0001, respectively). In sensitivity
analyses, associations were partly mediated by BMI, although there was
still a strong significant independent effect. No association was
observed for 100% fruit juice consumption.

Conclusions: Both SSB consumption and ASB consumption were associated
with increased T2D risk. We cannot rule out that factors other than
ASB consumption that we did not control for are responsible for the
association with diabetes, and randomized trials are required to prove
a causal link between ASB consumption and T2D.



Because 100% fruit juice is perceived to be liquid food, folks
drinking it are not doing it to kill their hunger (i.e. they do not
suffer from the "hunger is starvation" delusion).

Otoh, the reason why folks are drinking SSBs and ASBs is to kill their
hunger (i.e. these folks are suffering from the "hunger is starvation"

Bottom line: The "hunger is starvation" delusion is what is actually
causing type-2 diabetes because it compels people to mindlessly
acquire visceral adipose tissue (VAT --> http://WDJW.net/VAT ) by

Behold in amazement the following example...
"I'm starving!"
I don't know why. Had my usual whole wheat toast for breakfast. BG was not
so good then. 181 before and 258 after. But it had dropped to 121 before
dinner. Had a brown rice casserole with ground beef and tons of veggies in
it. BG was 134 after. So slightly higher than it should be but not a
concern. This was on the lower dose of insulin. Will lower the breakfast
insulin tomorrow. But...
I am starving!
No you are not.
Because starving people are dying from **weeks** of not eating and
dying people can't eat (i.e. are not hungry) much less type and post
on Usenet.
Could it be that I am now digesting my food?
Being hungry means being able to digest food.
I just don't know.
You are suffering terribly from the "hunger is starvation" (Genesis
25:32) delusion which scrambles the mind:

"I'm starving! I think I'm gonna die!" -- Julie Bove

Ate a handful of peanuts. Didn't quell the hunger.
That which kills the hunger would be killing you.

If you were to increase the amount of peanuts to 100 lbs, it would
likely kill the hunger and you.
So I ate a bowl of little dill pickles and a few black olives. Still hungry. Grrr...
Yes, your "hunger is starvation" delusion is what caused you to have
type-2 diabetes from the outset.

Indeed, only the truth (John 14:6) can cure you:


Being hungrier really is wonderfully healthier and is not starvation:


So don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

...because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-28 00:53:51 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman (along with countless others
globally --> http://GHHS2013.org ) are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-29 02:46:58 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman (along with countless others
globally --> http://GHHS2013.org ) are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-06-30 01:57:47 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman (along with countless others
globally --> http://GHHS2013.org ) are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-01 01:08:55 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman (along with countless others
globally --> http://GHHS2013.org ) are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
2013-07-02 02:36:51 UTC
http://WDJW.net/HeartDoc Andrew, with all due (Romans 13:8) love (1
Corinthians 13) advises all here to http://WDJW.net/BeSmart and read:


Yes, right amount ( http://WDJW.net/2PD-OMER Approach ) control as
Chris Malcolm, MU, **and** Rod Eastman (along with countless others
globally --> http://GHHS2013.org ) are doing is much more
sophisticated and smarter:







Don't be an Ayoob or you will most certainly die a horrible (Mark
9:42) death:


Be hungrier, which really is wonderfully healthier especially for
diabetics and other heart disease patients:

http://www.11alive.com/news/article/251415/3/Doctor-Touts-Hunger (Luke
6:21a) with all glory to GOD, Who causes us to hunger (Deuteronomy
8:3) when He blesses us right now (Luke 6:21a) thereby removing the
http://WDJW.net/VAT from around the heart

... because we mindfully choose to openly care with our heart,

Andrew <><
Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Emory's IMVC.org cardiologist (GA Lic#040347)
and author of the 2PD-OMER Approach:
which is the only **healthy** way to cure obesity
Continue reading on narkive: