On Tue, 29 Nov 2016 23:20:09 +0000 (UTC), Bob Officer
Post by Bob Officerhttp://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2016/11/Resource-False-Misleading-Clickbait-y-and-Satirical-%E2%80%9CNews%E2%80%9D-Sources-1.pdf
If you take a look you will find Zero Hedge as well as Natural News and
many of the other sources Carole seems to drink the collard from on a
regular basis.
This document was created by a teacher to help her students understand how
the media can trap unsuspecting people.
Too many people grew up with a trust in the news services at the time. With
the internet age, they need to become far more skeptical and untrusting.
With blogs one can blog just about anything and get by with it.
With photoshop a picture can be totally fake and become an instance media
hit, passed and shared by thousands of overly trusting people.
One last time everything on Facebook, utube, a blog or news site, or the
internet in general is not always true.
We know the US government uses fake news -- the dossier that said
Saddam had WMD. The censored reported on 911.
The US government has been at it for a long time creating fake news,
propaganda, cover stories and spin.
"George Orwell understood the whistleblowers dilemma well when he
said: The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will
hate those that speak it. And that is where the concept of cognitive
dissonance comes in, being willfully blind or ignorant when being
confronted by new truths."
Upton Sinclair once said: "It is difficult to get a man to understand
something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
Propaganda - nobody does it better than America
"Over the years, I have had the privilege of meeting and having
discussions with people who came to America from countries known for
their adherence to totalitarianism: China, Russia, and former east
European satellites of the Soviet Union. When we discussed how the
state managed to control public opinion under totalitarianism, these
people would usually produce a weary, knowledgeable, cynical smile and
point out that propaganda in those countries was really done quite
If you really want to know propaganda, they said, you need to study
American propaganda technique. According to them, it is, undeniably,
the best in the world."
"The expatriates explained that bad propaganda uses obvious
terminology that anyone can see through. ...American propaganda,
however, is much cleverer. American propaganda, they patiently
explained, relies entirely on emotional appeals. It doesnt depend on
a rational theory that can be disproved: it appeals to things no one
can object to."
Big Pharma Big Money : Documentary on the Money and Corruption of Big
Pharmaceutical Companies
"I saw hundreds of patients in my practice who were totally unaware
that their drug could cause permanent tardive dyskinesia, dementia,
brain damage, permanent drug-induced disabilities, temporary or
permanent sexual dysfunction, akathisia, violence, aggression,
homicidality, suicidality, Parkinsonism, depression, mania, psychotic
reactions, atrophy (shrinkage) of the brain, diabetes, obesity,
insomnia, hyperlipidemia, loss of IQ points, loss of memory, etc, etc,
all of which they or their physicians could have read about in the
pharmacys prescription handouts or in the PDR (Physicians Desk
"Feel Good Hoax: How US Propaganda Works in the Syrian War
September 29, 2016 By 21wire 1 Comment
21st Century Wire says
One thing is certain about the War on Syria: the propaganda war being
waged by the west and all of its agencies, from government to
corporate media, to charities and third sector NGOs is much larger
and more pernicious than anything seen in modern history."