Post by mattOn Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:58:58 -0700, Don Roberto
Waterloo, Randy's Waterloo, bayt, Randy's Waterloo,,Clay, Sentient
So how do taxpayers in the USA who subsidize universal single-payer
drug coverages through Medicare and Medicaid do the same for universal
single-payer drug coverages in other countries?
Medicare and Medicaid are legally Prohibited from negotiating with
drug companies for better pricing. Not so for many other countries
that import drugs manufactured in the US.
Margins for US manufactured pharmaceuticals are much higher in the US
and allow for other countries to Demand lowered pricing because,
unlike the US, these countries Do negotiate with big pharma.
Because the US Congress *legally sanctions* US based drug to charge
whatever they want in the US,other countries can demand lower pricing
and get away with it
1. Other countries might pay more.
Probably not. For most drugs threre are several drugs in the class,
and while Big Pharma would like you to think that they are very
different, the reality is that most are pretty much interchangeable
within a class. As a result negotiate prices either leads to price
fixing (illegal in the USA), or substantially lower prices.
The reason there is so much chronic degenerative disease is due to
pharmaceutical drugs which are are bandaid effect rather than a cure.
Big pharma hates alt med because alt med can do what it can't, ie cure
rather than treat.
People would on the whole, be better off giving up the pharmaceutical
drugs and going alternative with natural remedies and other health
preventative measures such as diet and exercise.
It is a fools paradise thinking that drugs are good for anything.
Get out in the fresh air, do some exercise, eat healthy and research
your own health issues rather than depending on mainstream quacks.
with pharmaceutical drugs its all about corporate profits. The longer
they can keep their customers the better. They don't want anybody
healthy, but chronically ill and dependent on drugs.
Wake up and smell the roses.
Science psycho
Debunking the Placebo Effect
Chemotherapy - none-evidence-based experimental drug
Oncologists routinely tell two lies:
1. "You'll be dead in x months if you don't take chemotherapy"
2. "Chemotherapy is the only option" - when there are a dozen options,
the worst of which is chemotherapy.
How scientific are orthodox cancer treatments?
Western medicine is Rockefeller medicine - all the way.
Most Scientific Research of Western Medicine Untrustable & Fraudulent,
Say Insiders and Experts
Academic oligarchy: Majority of science publishing is controlled by
just six companies
Gotzsche wrote a book published back in 2013 entitled Deadly Medicine
and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare that
exposes the drug industry for engaging in massive fraud and deception
to push deadly drugs like psych meds on the public. The system has
been so corrupted by this influence that millions of people are now
taking drugs that don't work and are extremely deadly.
How Bogus Scientific Studies Are Created
"How Bogus Scientific Studies Are Created
The pharmaceutical industry, with their total control over the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI),
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), etc. have also funded many, many
millions of dollars of bogus scientific studies. In fact, their budget
is in the billions of dollars every year!! Couple this with their
control of the media and you have the situation we are in today.
It is the Prime Directive of medical research to do two things: First,
make it appear there is "scientific evidence" for orthodox cancer
treatments, orthodox heart disease prevention treatments, etc., and
Second, make it appear there is "no scientific evidence" for
alternative cancer treatments, alternative heart disease prevention
treatments, and so on."
The Massive Flaw with the Scientific Hierarchy of Evidence
Calling the FDA, AMA and Big Pharma: What the Term Medical Mafia
The History of the Pharma-Cartel
7 Drugs Whose Dangerous Risks Emerged Only After Big Pharma ...