or www.mantra.com/jai (Dr. Jai Maharaj)
18 years ago
Drop cholesterol by 30 pts in 30 days w/o pharms/statin drugs
Five ways to drop your cholesterol by 30 points in 30
days without pharmaceuticals or statin drugs
By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Interested in dropping your cholesterol by 30 points (or
60, or even 100!) but want to avoid the dangerous side
effects of statin drugs? My name is Mike Adams. I'm a
holistic nutritionist and author of over 1,500 articles
on health and nutrition. My total cholesterol used to be
265, and I was prediabetic and nearly obese. But through
the simple, natural and completely safe strategies I'll
share with you here, I was able to drop my cholesterol to
the following numbers, as verified in my published lab
LDL Cholesterol (the "bad" kind): 67
HDL Cholesterol (the "good" kind): 62
(You can see the proof in my lab report that I'll reveal
at the end of this Five Step Solution.)
Since discovering the simple secrets to lowering
cholesterol naturally -- without pharmaceuticals -- I've
shared these secrets with literally thousands of people,
including close friends and family members who have
dropped as much as 100 points off their cholesterol in a
mere 30 days, drastically reducing their risk of heart
disease and stroke.
These strategies are more powerful than any medication,
and they don't have any negative side effects like
cholesterol drugs do, such as memory loss, muscle
fatigue, CoQ10 deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, sex
hormone depletion and adrenal depletion. These strategies
are 100 percent natural and freely available to everyone.
I do not sell any nutritional products whatsoever, and I
do not earn any commissions on products suggestions
mentioned here. You just get the straight facts on how to
slash your cholesterol by at least 30 points in 30 days
without using dangerous pharmaceuticals.
Ready to get started? Click the button below to begin
with step one.
[Button - Next Step]
Step 1
Switch from animal fats to plant fats
Conventional medical experts keep telling people to limit
their fat intake in order to lower their cholesterol. But
their advice is at least ten years behind the times. What
we now know, based on cutting edge nutritional research,
is that it is the kind of fat that determines the health
And the simple rule to follow for lowering cholesterol
is: avoid animal fats, but consume plant fats.
What are animal fats? Any fatty food or beverage that
comes from an animal source, including milk, ice cream,
cheese and other dairy products. It also includes
hamburger, red meat, lunchmeats, bacon and sausage.
Nearly all animal fats are saturated fats that will raise
your cholesterol and substantially boost your risk of
dying from a heart attack.
Plant fats, on the other hand will lower your
cholesterol, even if you eat a very high proportion of
fats. My own diet is sometimes as much as 40 percent fat,
but my fats are all from plant sources. Those include:
Avocados, almonds, pecans, peanuts, chia seeds, olive
oil, coconut oil, macadamia nut oil, and so on. If it's
from the plant world, the fat is good for you.
But always eat your plant fats raw if possible. Raw nuts
are healthier than cooked nuts. Raw avocados are
healthier than cooked avocados. Extra virgin olive oil is
healthier than high-temperature processed olive oil.
Remember: High temperatures alter fats and make them
unhealthy, so source your fats from plants and eat 'em
raw or in a minimally processed state.
Just one serving of raw almonds per day can slash your
risk of heart attacks or stroke by 53 percent, according
to the research. And raw nuts and seeds offer plenty of
calcium, by the way, to replace your dairy products. Chia
seeds and almonds are both good sources of calcium.
Next: How to make your own fresh, raw almond milk,
avocado smoothies and more...
[Button - Next Step]
Step 2
Eat and drink raw nuts, especially almonds
One easy way to replace animal fats with plant fats is to
make your own almond milk. It's a simple recipe, and all
you need is almonds, water, a blender (a VitaMix is
recommended) and a nut milk bag or cheesecloth to strain
out the nut pulp.
Just soak two cups of almonds for 8 hours, toss into a
VitaMix, blend with six cups of water, add some stevia
sweetener and natural vanilla flavoring, then strain
through a nut milk bag (or cheesecloth). Voila! You've
got your own super healthy almond milk. It's delicious,
easy to make, and far healthier than homogenized cow's
Almond milk is not only far better for you than cow's
milk, it also has anti-cancer properties, brain-boosting
nutrients and cardiovascular protectors.
You can also buy unsweetened almond milk in cartons. Just
ask for the Blue Diamond brand at your health food store.
Not into almonds? Try this amazing avocado smoothie
recipe (which is detailed in my book, below): Blend a
raw, fresh avocado with raw cacao powder (that's real
chocolate), stevia, agave nectar (a natural sweetener),
chia seeds and some milk (your choice of milk, you can
use almond milk, soy milk, rice milk or just plain
The result? A delicious chocolate mint ice cream smoothie
that REALLY tastes like ice cream due to the rich avocado
fats. You have to try it to believe it. Every person I've
made this drink for was astonished at how good it tastes.
It's almost sinfully delicious. It's one way to have a
chocolate ice cream shake without all the guilt (and
without any refined sugars, animal fats or other harmful
To see even more ideas on using raw nuts, seeds and
avocados in delicious smoothies, read my book "Superfood
Smoothies" at
Get raw cacao powder at www.NavitasNaturals.com or
A recommended source for raw chia seeds (which are very
high in omega-3 oils) is: www.GoodCauseWellness.com (a
company that donates 10% of sales revenues to health
freedom causes).
By drinking some raw nuts, seeds or avocados daily, your
cholesterol will drop rapidly. Expect to see MORE than a
30 point drop in 30 days if you follow this step (unless,
of course, your LDL cholesterol is already under 130, in
which case you have less room for improvement).
Next: Discover two superfoods that contain natural
cholesterol-lowering medicines, and they're found right
in your grocery store...
[Button - Next Step]
Step 3
Eat more berries and garlic
Did you know that blueberries contain natural
cholesterol-lowering medicines? Just like pharmaceutical
companies synthesize medicines in a lab, the blueberry
plant synthesizes natural phytochemicals in the blueberry
and stores them in the skin. The blue pigment that gives
the berry its color, in fact, is made of a class of
medicinal chemicals called anthocyanins, and they have
well documented medicinal properties.
Eating a pint of blueberries each day (fresh is best, but
frozen or freeze-dried also works) typically lowers total
cholesterol by at least 25 points in 30 days. And that's
just from blueberries alone. Plus, you receive all the
other antioxidant benefits, including nervous system
protection, skin protection from UV light, and many other
benefits. (And you don't need a prescription to buy this
natural medicine!)
Blueberries are also delicious, and they don't cost a
fortune like medications do. Plus, there are no negative
side effects. But don't expect your doctor to know about
these medicinal properties -- I've yet to meet a single
doctor who was aware of the healing power of blueberries.
It's not because doctors aren't intelligent, it's just
because they were never taught this information in
medical school. (Med schools don't teach nutrition.)
In fact, when people go to visit their doctors after
eating blueberries for a month, their doctor is often
astonished at their improved cholesterol numbers, and
they automatically assume the person has been taking
statin drugs. But no! The improvement is due to the
blueberries. Don't let your doctor talk you out of it,
either. Mother Nature knows more than any M.D.
Garlic is another miraculous cholesterol-balancing food.
It contains powerful anti-cancer medicine as well, making
it one of the most well-documented natural medicines in
the history of medical science. To experience a
cholesterol-lowering effect from garlic, you'll need to
eat a lot. Baked garlic is delicious, and you can use it
in stir-fry dishes. Just don't blend it up into a
smoothie unless you have an adventurous taste. (Raw
garlic juice can be quite nauseating.)
If you don't want to eat the garlic, try taking garlic
supplements. The top brand I recommend is Kyolic, which
offers Aged Garlic Extract. You can find these
supplements at any vitamin store or health food retailer.
Add blueberries and garlic to your diet, and you'll not
only see an impressive balancing of cholesterol, you'll
also help prevent cancer, heart attacks, nervous system
disorders and many other health problems.
Next: Three foods you absolutely must avoid if you want
healthy cholesterol...
[Button - Next Step]
Step 4
Avoid hydrogenated oils, trans fats and homogenized milk
Now that you've got the "good stuff" in you, it's time to
stop poisoning your body with unhealthy foods that
actually cause high cholesterol. These foods, all of
which directly promote atherosclerosis, heart attacks and
stroke are:
Hydrogenated oils / trans fatty acids
Fried foods
Homogenized dairy products
Hydrogenated oils are getting a lot of attention in the
press lately. The science is not in doubt: These oils
cause great harm to the human body. They're found in
margarines, fried snack foods, chips, cookies, crackers,
tortillas and many other products. Look for the word
"hydrogenated" on the ingredients label and do not buy or
consume any product made with hydrogenated or partially-
hydrogenated oils.
Learn more from my book, "Poison In the Food" at
Fried foods are also extremely dangerous to human health.
This includes french fries, egg rolls, fried onions and
anything that's been cooked in oil at high temperatures.
In addition to the chemical alterations of the oils that
happen at high temperatures, the frying process creates
acrylamides, which are deadly, cancer-causing chemicals
that are now widely recognized as a serious danger to
human health. Fast food restaurants that fry foods use
the same frying oil over and over again, concentrating
the acrylamide content so that each successive batch of
french fries or egg rolls is slightly more toxic than the
previous batch. If you want healthy cholesterol, you must
avoid all fried foods for the rest of your life. This is
not optional. Eating fried foods is simply incompatible
with being healthy.
Homogenized dairy products are not only made of animal
fats (which we talked about in step one), they are also
artificially modified fats that are physically broken
down into microscopic molecules that can enter the blood
supply and clog up your arteries. It's one reason why the
consumption of cow's milk is so strongly correlated with
heart disease. If you must drink milk, the only milk I
recommend is raw, unpasteurized, unprocessed milk that's
delivered fresh from the farm.
So eliminate all hydrogenated oils, trans fatty acids,
fried foods and homogenized dairy products from your
diet. This will further accelerate your cholesterol
Next: The final secret that multiplies the effectiveness
of everything you've learned so far...
[Button - Next Step]
Step 5
Commit to a daily exercise activity
You knew this was coming: Exercise really matters when it
comes to cholesterol. The more you exercise, the higher
your HDL will be and the lower your LDL will be. And
that's good!
You can't just eat your way to perfect health, you also
have to move your body. But the good news is that you
don't have to go crazy with intense exercise to
experience astounding benefits. Just a 30 minute walk
five days a week will help considerably, and if you do a
short 3-minute sprint in the middle of those walks, you
can nearly double your cardiovascular benefit.
It's true! The best exercise combines steady, low-impact
cardiovascular repetition with a short burst of high-
intensity exertion. The benefits to your heart, arteries,
lungs and cholesterol numbers are quite astonishing.
So pick up the exercise habit and make it part of your
life. I exercise at least one hour each day in one form
or another, but I mix it up to keep it interesting.
Pursue walking, swimming, hiking, cycling, dancing,
martial arts or whatever interests you. Just make it a
habit, not an afterthought.
Remember: High cholesterol is all about what's in your
blood, and if you want healthy blood, you've got to
nourish your blood and move your blood. The only way to
do that is through nutrition and exercise.
But it's easier than you think! Just get started and
you'll notice results very quickly. The dietary changes
will give you more energy in just a few days, and that
will make exercise easier. Work into the exercise slowly,
gradually, so that you don't overexert yourself or run
the risk of injury. After 30 days, you'll notice a world
of difference, and if you've been following the dietary
advice give here, too, you'll almost assuredly see your
total cholesterol drop 30 points or more. (Drops of 100
points in 30 days are not uncommon.)
Safety note: Do not abandon cholesterol medications
without consulting with your doctor first. Be sure to
inform your doctor of changes in your nutrition and
exercise, and work within the practical guidelines of
what is safe for you. What typically happens here is that
the doctor removes the patient from cholesterol drugs
once the numbers settle into a healthy range. So by
achieving healthy cholesterol numbers naturally, your
doctor will almost certainly take you off the
prescription. You can then use nutrition and exercise to
maintain healthy cholesterol numbers for life, and you'll
never need cholesterol drugs again.
By the way, did you ever wonder why this simple
cholesterol solution isn't promoted by the medical
industry or the mainstream media? It's because treating
high cholesterol with drugs is a multi billion dollar
business. Drug companies don't want people to know they
can lower their cholesterol on their own. And the
mainstream media is addicted to drug company advertising
money, so it never reports the real story on disease
treatments or prevention.
And the FDA? It's in bed with the drug companies. Read my
articles on the FDA to learn the truth:
When it comes to your health, don't believe the official
sources. They're all corrupted by corporate influence.
Believe in your body's innate ability to heal itself with
the help of foods, herbs, supplements and physical
exercise. Try these five steps for 30 days yourself, and
you'll see just how powerful natural medicine can really
# # #
Learn more: Cholesterol page on NewsTarget.com
About the author
Mike Adams is the creator of NewsTarget, Truth Publishing
and the Five Step Solution you're reading now. A former
pre-diabetic suffering from chronic back pain and
depression, Adams cured his own health problems by
learning and applying the secrets of natural medicine
found throughout nature: through foods, herbs,
nutritional supplements, sunlight, exercise and a variety
of natural treatments.
Adams is the creator of the free downloadable Honest Food
Guide at www.HonestFoodGuide.org and the author of more
than twelve books and reports on nutrition found at
www.TruthPublishing.com. Adams has authored more than
1,500 articles on health and interviewed many of the
industry's top doctors, researchers and writers. Many of
his interviews are available at
www.NaturalHealthLibrary.com .
Known as, "The Health Ranger," Adams has dedicated his
life to enhancing the health, happiness and abundance of
his fellow human beings, using the Internet as a medium
of community healing. He is a progressive thinker who
supports renewable energy, sustainable agriculture,
environmental protection, animal rights and
vegetarianism. Learn more about Mike's philosophy and
mission statement at www.HealthRanger.org
More at:
Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti
Hindu Holocaust Museum
Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy
The truth about Islam and Muslims
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Five ways to drop your cholesterol by 30 points in 30
days without pharmaceuticals or statin drugs
By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Interested in dropping your cholesterol by 30 points (or
60, or even 100!) but want to avoid the dangerous side
effects of statin drugs? My name is Mike Adams. I'm a
holistic nutritionist and author of over 1,500 articles
on health and nutrition. My total cholesterol used to be
265, and I was prediabetic and nearly obese. But through
the simple, natural and completely safe strategies I'll
share with you here, I was able to drop my cholesterol to
the following numbers, as verified in my published lab
LDL Cholesterol (the "bad" kind): 67
HDL Cholesterol (the "good" kind): 62
(You can see the proof in my lab report that I'll reveal
at the end of this Five Step Solution.)
Since discovering the simple secrets to lowering
cholesterol naturally -- without pharmaceuticals -- I've
shared these secrets with literally thousands of people,
including close friends and family members who have
dropped as much as 100 points off their cholesterol in a
mere 30 days, drastically reducing their risk of heart
disease and stroke.
These strategies are more powerful than any medication,
and they don't have any negative side effects like
cholesterol drugs do, such as memory loss, muscle
fatigue, CoQ10 deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, sex
hormone depletion and adrenal depletion. These strategies
are 100 percent natural and freely available to everyone.
I do not sell any nutritional products whatsoever, and I
do not earn any commissions on products suggestions
mentioned here. You just get the straight facts on how to
slash your cholesterol by at least 30 points in 30 days
without using dangerous pharmaceuticals.
Ready to get started? Click the button below to begin
with step one.
[Button - Next Step]
Step 1
Switch from animal fats to plant fats
Conventional medical experts keep telling people to limit
their fat intake in order to lower their cholesterol. But
their advice is at least ten years behind the times. What
we now know, based on cutting edge nutritional research,
is that it is the kind of fat that determines the health
And the simple rule to follow for lowering cholesterol
is: avoid animal fats, but consume plant fats.
What are animal fats? Any fatty food or beverage that
comes from an animal source, including milk, ice cream,
cheese and other dairy products. It also includes
hamburger, red meat, lunchmeats, bacon and sausage.
Nearly all animal fats are saturated fats that will raise
your cholesterol and substantially boost your risk of
dying from a heart attack.
Plant fats, on the other hand will lower your
cholesterol, even if you eat a very high proportion of
fats. My own diet is sometimes as much as 40 percent fat,
but my fats are all from plant sources. Those include:
Avocados, almonds, pecans, peanuts, chia seeds, olive
oil, coconut oil, macadamia nut oil, and so on. If it's
from the plant world, the fat is good for you.
But always eat your plant fats raw if possible. Raw nuts
are healthier than cooked nuts. Raw avocados are
healthier than cooked avocados. Extra virgin olive oil is
healthier than high-temperature processed olive oil.
Remember: High temperatures alter fats and make them
unhealthy, so source your fats from plants and eat 'em
raw or in a minimally processed state.
Just one serving of raw almonds per day can slash your
risk of heart attacks or stroke by 53 percent, according
to the research. And raw nuts and seeds offer plenty of
calcium, by the way, to replace your dairy products. Chia
seeds and almonds are both good sources of calcium.
Next: How to make your own fresh, raw almond milk,
avocado smoothies and more...
[Button - Next Step]
Step 2
Eat and drink raw nuts, especially almonds
One easy way to replace animal fats with plant fats is to
make your own almond milk. It's a simple recipe, and all
you need is almonds, water, a blender (a VitaMix is
recommended) and a nut milk bag or cheesecloth to strain
out the nut pulp.
Just soak two cups of almonds for 8 hours, toss into a
VitaMix, blend with six cups of water, add some stevia
sweetener and natural vanilla flavoring, then strain
through a nut milk bag (or cheesecloth). Voila! You've
got your own super healthy almond milk. It's delicious,
easy to make, and far healthier than homogenized cow's
Almond milk is not only far better for you than cow's
milk, it also has anti-cancer properties, brain-boosting
nutrients and cardiovascular protectors.
You can also buy unsweetened almond milk in cartons. Just
ask for the Blue Diamond brand at your health food store.
Not into almonds? Try this amazing avocado smoothie
recipe (which is detailed in my book, below): Blend a
raw, fresh avocado with raw cacao powder (that's real
chocolate), stevia, agave nectar (a natural sweetener),
chia seeds and some milk (your choice of milk, you can
use almond milk, soy milk, rice milk or just plain
The result? A delicious chocolate mint ice cream smoothie
that REALLY tastes like ice cream due to the rich avocado
fats. You have to try it to believe it. Every person I've
made this drink for was astonished at how good it tastes.
It's almost sinfully delicious. It's one way to have a
chocolate ice cream shake without all the guilt (and
without any refined sugars, animal fats or other harmful
To see even more ideas on using raw nuts, seeds and
avocados in delicious smoothies, read my book "Superfood
Smoothies" at
Get raw cacao powder at www.NavitasNaturals.com or
A recommended source for raw chia seeds (which are very
high in omega-3 oils) is: www.GoodCauseWellness.com (a
company that donates 10% of sales revenues to health
freedom causes).
By drinking some raw nuts, seeds or avocados daily, your
cholesterol will drop rapidly. Expect to see MORE than a
30 point drop in 30 days if you follow this step (unless,
of course, your LDL cholesterol is already under 130, in
which case you have less room for improvement).
Next: Discover two superfoods that contain natural
cholesterol-lowering medicines, and they're found right
in your grocery store...
[Button - Next Step]
Step 3
Eat more berries and garlic
Did you know that blueberries contain natural
cholesterol-lowering medicines? Just like pharmaceutical
companies synthesize medicines in a lab, the blueberry
plant synthesizes natural phytochemicals in the blueberry
and stores them in the skin. The blue pigment that gives
the berry its color, in fact, is made of a class of
medicinal chemicals called anthocyanins, and they have
well documented medicinal properties.
Eating a pint of blueberries each day (fresh is best, but
frozen or freeze-dried also works) typically lowers total
cholesterol by at least 25 points in 30 days. And that's
just from blueberries alone. Plus, you receive all the
other antioxidant benefits, including nervous system
protection, skin protection from UV light, and many other
benefits. (And you don't need a prescription to buy this
natural medicine!)
Blueberries are also delicious, and they don't cost a
fortune like medications do. Plus, there are no negative
side effects. But don't expect your doctor to know about
these medicinal properties -- I've yet to meet a single
doctor who was aware of the healing power of blueberries.
It's not because doctors aren't intelligent, it's just
because they were never taught this information in
medical school. (Med schools don't teach nutrition.)
In fact, when people go to visit their doctors after
eating blueberries for a month, their doctor is often
astonished at their improved cholesterol numbers, and
they automatically assume the person has been taking
statin drugs. But no! The improvement is due to the
blueberries. Don't let your doctor talk you out of it,
either. Mother Nature knows more than any M.D.
Garlic is another miraculous cholesterol-balancing food.
It contains powerful anti-cancer medicine as well, making
it one of the most well-documented natural medicines in
the history of medical science. To experience a
cholesterol-lowering effect from garlic, you'll need to
eat a lot. Baked garlic is delicious, and you can use it
in stir-fry dishes. Just don't blend it up into a
smoothie unless you have an adventurous taste. (Raw
garlic juice can be quite nauseating.)
If you don't want to eat the garlic, try taking garlic
supplements. The top brand I recommend is Kyolic, which
offers Aged Garlic Extract. You can find these
supplements at any vitamin store or health food retailer.
Add blueberries and garlic to your diet, and you'll not
only see an impressive balancing of cholesterol, you'll
also help prevent cancer, heart attacks, nervous system
disorders and many other health problems.
Next: Three foods you absolutely must avoid if you want
healthy cholesterol...
[Button - Next Step]
Step 4
Avoid hydrogenated oils, trans fats and homogenized milk
Now that you've got the "good stuff" in you, it's time to
stop poisoning your body with unhealthy foods that
actually cause high cholesterol. These foods, all of
which directly promote atherosclerosis, heart attacks and
stroke are:
Hydrogenated oils / trans fatty acids
Fried foods
Homogenized dairy products
Hydrogenated oils are getting a lot of attention in the
press lately. The science is not in doubt: These oils
cause great harm to the human body. They're found in
margarines, fried snack foods, chips, cookies, crackers,
tortillas and many other products. Look for the word
"hydrogenated" on the ingredients label and do not buy or
consume any product made with hydrogenated or partially-
hydrogenated oils.
Learn more from my book, "Poison In the Food" at
Fried foods are also extremely dangerous to human health.
This includes french fries, egg rolls, fried onions and
anything that's been cooked in oil at high temperatures.
In addition to the chemical alterations of the oils that
happen at high temperatures, the frying process creates
acrylamides, which are deadly, cancer-causing chemicals
that are now widely recognized as a serious danger to
human health. Fast food restaurants that fry foods use
the same frying oil over and over again, concentrating
the acrylamide content so that each successive batch of
french fries or egg rolls is slightly more toxic than the
previous batch. If you want healthy cholesterol, you must
avoid all fried foods for the rest of your life. This is
not optional. Eating fried foods is simply incompatible
with being healthy.
Homogenized dairy products are not only made of animal
fats (which we talked about in step one), they are also
artificially modified fats that are physically broken
down into microscopic molecules that can enter the blood
supply and clog up your arteries. It's one reason why the
consumption of cow's milk is so strongly correlated with
heart disease. If you must drink milk, the only milk I
recommend is raw, unpasteurized, unprocessed milk that's
delivered fresh from the farm.
So eliminate all hydrogenated oils, trans fatty acids,
fried foods and homogenized dairy products from your
diet. This will further accelerate your cholesterol
Next: The final secret that multiplies the effectiveness
of everything you've learned so far...
[Button - Next Step]
Step 5
Commit to a daily exercise activity
You knew this was coming: Exercise really matters when it
comes to cholesterol. The more you exercise, the higher
your HDL will be and the lower your LDL will be. And
that's good!
You can't just eat your way to perfect health, you also
have to move your body. But the good news is that you
don't have to go crazy with intense exercise to
experience astounding benefits. Just a 30 minute walk
five days a week will help considerably, and if you do a
short 3-minute sprint in the middle of those walks, you
can nearly double your cardiovascular benefit.
It's true! The best exercise combines steady, low-impact
cardiovascular repetition with a short burst of high-
intensity exertion. The benefits to your heart, arteries,
lungs and cholesterol numbers are quite astonishing.
So pick up the exercise habit and make it part of your
life. I exercise at least one hour each day in one form
or another, but I mix it up to keep it interesting.
Pursue walking, swimming, hiking, cycling, dancing,
martial arts or whatever interests you. Just make it a
habit, not an afterthought.
Remember: High cholesterol is all about what's in your
blood, and if you want healthy blood, you've got to
nourish your blood and move your blood. The only way to
do that is through nutrition and exercise.
But it's easier than you think! Just get started and
you'll notice results very quickly. The dietary changes
will give you more energy in just a few days, and that
will make exercise easier. Work into the exercise slowly,
gradually, so that you don't overexert yourself or run
the risk of injury. After 30 days, you'll notice a world
of difference, and if you've been following the dietary
advice give here, too, you'll almost assuredly see your
total cholesterol drop 30 points or more. (Drops of 100
points in 30 days are not uncommon.)
Safety note: Do not abandon cholesterol medications
without consulting with your doctor first. Be sure to
inform your doctor of changes in your nutrition and
exercise, and work within the practical guidelines of
what is safe for you. What typically happens here is that
the doctor removes the patient from cholesterol drugs
once the numbers settle into a healthy range. So by
achieving healthy cholesterol numbers naturally, your
doctor will almost certainly take you off the
prescription. You can then use nutrition and exercise to
maintain healthy cholesterol numbers for life, and you'll
never need cholesterol drugs again.
By the way, did you ever wonder why this simple
cholesterol solution isn't promoted by the medical
industry or the mainstream media? It's because treating
high cholesterol with drugs is a multi billion dollar
business. Drug companies don't want people to know they
can lower their cholesterol on their own. And the
mainstream media is addicted to drug company advertising
money, so it never reports the real story on disease
treatments or prevention.
And the FDA? It's in bed with the drug companies. Read my
articles on the FDA to learn the truth:
When it comes to your health, don't believe the official
sources. They're all corrupted by corporate influence.
Believe in your body's innate ability to heal itself with
the help of foods, herbs, supplements and physical
exercise. Try these five steps for 30 days yourself, and
you'll see just how powerful natural medicine can really
# # #
Learn more: Cholesterol page on NewsTarget.com
About the author
Mike Adams is the creator of NewsTarget, Truth Publishing
and the Five Step Solution you're reading now. A former
pre-diabetic suffering from chronic back pain and
depression, Adams cured his own health problems by
learning and applying the secrets of natural medicine
found throughout nature: through foods, herbs,
nutritional supplements, sunlight, exercise and a variety
of natural treatments.
Adams is the creator of the free downloadable Honest Food
Guide at www.HonestFoodGuide.org and the author of more
than twelve books and reports on nutrition found at
www.TruthPublishing.com. Adams has authored more than
1,500 articles on health and interviewed many of the
industry's top doctors, researchers and writers. Many of
his interviews are available at
www.NaturalHealthLibrary.com .
Known as, "The Health Ranger," Adams has dedicated his
life to enhancing the health, happiness and abundance of
his fellow human beings, using the Internet as a medium
of community healing. He is a progressive thinker who
supports renewable energy, sustainable agriculture,
environmental protection, animal rights and
vegetarianism. Learn more about Mike's philosophy and
mission statement at www.HealthRanger.org
More at:
Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti
Hindu Holocaust Museum
Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy
The truth about Islam and Muslims
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