On Sun, 24 Jun 2018 16:47:45 -0700, Bob Officer
Post by KordupelPost by KordupelPost by kayePost by KordupelPost by kayeThis group is officially dead. All I see is Chung and the folks that argue
with him.
Well, I posted a brief update on a recent study about breast cancer
and chemo.
I missed that. :-(
Post by KordupelWhat do you think has caused the death of this ng?
Post by KordupelCarole lost interest and Bob is on extended vacation?
Well, I posted a brief update on a recent study about breast cancer
and chemo.
I saw that and watched the reaction to the study. It was interesting
to say the least. However I know of a handful of actual patients for
which this study is contradicted. I would wait for a bit more in depth
Chemo is a load of garbage.
There are better alternative ways that are suppressed by big pharma.
Post by KordupelPost by KordupelWhat do you think has caused the death of this ng?
Carole lost interest and Bob is on extended vacation?
Well I have been working on a museum ship, which is in the process of
restoring radio rooms. I actually been restoring late circa 1950 and 1960
radios, RTTY machines and a few more of the electronics which I worked on
during my military service. I current have 5 UUR35B and CSS which I am
refurbishing to working order. This are the radios which were ship to ship
and ship to shore short range.
Working on and restoring 60 year old radios is fun. Integrating them into a
display is interesting work. Current plans are to have a milliwatt 220 ham
AM transmitter being fed MP3 files from a Raspberry pi3 of actual ship to
ship transmissions.
I am happy for you bob, that you have something to fill in your time
now that you are retired.
I heard from a friend that Carole has been busy relocating. She sold
her house and has moved interstate, something about wanting a bit of
space away from the built up suburban areas.
"Consensus is not a scientific term. It is a political term." (Ed. The
Climate Skeptics (TCS) Blog)
"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There
are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we
don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we
don't know we don't know." -- Donald Rumsfeld
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